


Related Doc: package Trees


abstract class TreeCopierOps extends AnyRef

The API of a tree copier.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
TreeCopier, TreeCopier
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TreeCopierOps
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TreeCopierOps()


Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def Alternative(tree: Universe.Tree, trees: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.Alternative


    Creates a Alternative node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Alternative node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  2. abstract def Annotated(tree: Universe.Tree, annot: Universe.Tree, arg: Universe.Tree): Universe.Annotated


    Creates a Annotated node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Annotated node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  3. abstract def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree, tpt: Universe.Tree, args: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.AppliedTypeTree


    Creates a AppliedTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a AppliedTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  4. abstract def Apply(tree: Universe.Tree, fun: Universe.Tree, args: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.Apply


    Creates a Apply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Apply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  5. abstract def Assign(tree: Universe.Tree, lhs: Universe.Tree, rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.Assign


    Creates a Assign node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Assign node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  6. abstract def AssignOrNamedArg(tree: Universe.Tree, lhs: Universe.Tree, rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.AssignOrNamedArg


    Creates a AssignOrNamedArg node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a AssignOrNamedArg node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  7. abstract def Bind(tree: Universe.Tree, name: Universe.Name, body: Universe.Tree): Universe.Bind


    Creates a Bind node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Bind node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  8. abstract def Block(tree: Universe.Tree, stats: List[Universe.Tree], expr: Universe.Tree): Universe.Block


    Creates a Block node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Block node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  9. abstract def CaseDef(tree: Universe.Tree, pat: Universe.Tree, guard: Universe.Tree, body: Universe.Tree): Universe.CaseDef


    Creates a CaseDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a CaseDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  10. abstract def ClassDef(tree: Universe.Tree, mods: Universe.Modifiers, name: Universe.Name, tparams: List[Universe.TypeDef], impl: Universe.Template): Universe.ClassDef


    Creates a ClassDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a ClassDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  11. abstract def CompoundTypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree, templ: Universe.Template): Universe.CompoundTypeTree


    Creates a CompoundTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a CompoundTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  12. abstract def DefDef(tree: Universe.Tree, mods: Universe.Modifiers, name: Universe.Name, tparams: List[Universe.TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[Universe.ValDef]], tpt: Universe.Tree, rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.DefDef


    Creates a DefDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a DefDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  13. abstract def ExistentialTypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree, tpt: Universe.Tree, whereClauses: List[Universe.MemberDef]): Universe.ExistentialTypeTree


    Creates a ExistentialTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a ExistentialTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  14. abstract def Function(tree: Universe.Tree, vparams: List[Universe.ValDef], body: Universe.Tree): Universe.Function


    Creates a Function node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Function node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  15. abstract def Ident(tree: Universe.Tree, name: Universe.Name): Universe.Ident


    Creates a Ident node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Ident node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  16. abstract def If(tree: Universe.Tree, cond: Universe.Tree, thenp: Universe.Tree, elsep: Universe.Tree): Universe.If


    Creates a If node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a If node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  17. abstract def Import(tree: Universe.Tree, expr: Universe.Tree, selectors: List[Universe.ImportSelector]): Universe.Import


    Creates a Import node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Import node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  18. abstract def LabelDef(tree: Universe.Tree, name: Universe.Name, params: List[Universe.Ident], rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.LabelDef


    Creates a LabelDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a LabelDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  19. abstract def Literal(tree: Universe.Tree, value: Universe.Constant): Universe.Literal


    Creates a Literal node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Literal node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  20. abstract def Match(tree: Universe.Tree, selector: Universe.Tree, cases: List[Universe.CaseDef]): Universe.Match


    Creates a Match node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Match node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  21. abstract def ModuleDef(tree: Universe.Tree, mods: Universe.Modifiers, name: Universe.Name, impl: Universe.Template): Universe.ModuleDef


    Creates a ModuleDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a ModuleDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  22. abstract def New(tree: Universe.Tree, tpt: Universe.Tree): Universe.New


    Creates a New node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a New node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  23. abstract def PackageDef(tree: Universe.Tree, pid: Universe.RefTree, stats: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.PackageDef


    Creates a PackageDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a PackageDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  24. abstract def RefTree(tree: Universe.Tree, qualifier: Universe.Tree, selector: Universe.Name): Universe.RefTree


    Creates a RefTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a RefTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  25. abstract def ReferenceToBoxed(tree: Universe.Tree, idt: Universe.Ident): Universe.ReferenceToBoxed


    Creates a ReferenceToBoxed node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a ReferenceToBoxed node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  26. abstract def Return(tree: Universe.Tree, expr: Universe.Tree): Universe.Return


    Creates a Return node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Return node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  27. abstract def Select(tree: Universe.Tree, qualifier: Universe.Tree, selector: Universe.Name): Universe.Select


    Creates a Select node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Select node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  28. abstract def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree, qualifier: Universe.Tree, selector: Universe.Name): Universe.SelectFromTypeTree


    Creates a SelectFromTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a SelectFromTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  29. abstract def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree, ref: Universe.Tree): Universe.SingletonTypeTree


    Creates a SingletonTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a SingletonTypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  30. abstract def Star(tree: Universe.Tree, elem: Universe.Tree): Universe.Star


    Creates a Star node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Star node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  31. abstract def Super(tree: Universe.Tree, qual: Universe.Tree, mix: Universe.TypeName): Universe.Super


    Creates a Super node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Super node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  32. abstract def Template(tree: Universe.Tree, parents: List[Universe.Tree], self: Universe.ValDef, body: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.Template


    Creates a Template node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Template node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  33. abstract def This(tree: Universe.Tree, qual: Universe.Name): Universe.This


    Creates a This node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a This node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  34. abstract def Throw(tree: Universe.Tree, expr: Universe.Tree): Universe.Throw


    Creates a Throw node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Throw node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  35. abstract def Try(tree: Universe.Tree, block: Universe.Tree, catches: List[Universe.CaseDef], finalizer: Universe.Tree): Universe.Try


    Creates a Try node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Try node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  36. abstract def TypeApply(tree: Universe.Tree, fun: Universe.Tree, args: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.TypeApply


    Creates a TypeApply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a TypeApply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  37. abstract def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Universe.Tree, lo: Universe.Tree, hi: Universe.Tree): Universe.TypeBoundsTree


    Creates a TypeBoundsTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a TypeBoundsTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  38. abstract def TypeDef(tree: Universe.Tree, mods: Universe.Modifiers, name: Universe.Name, tparams: List[Universe.TypeDef], rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.TypeDef


    Creates a TypeDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a TypeDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  39. abstract def TypeTree(tree: Universe.Tree): Universe.TypeTree


    Creates a TypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a TypeTree node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  40. abstract def Typed(tree: Universe.Tree, expr: Universe.Tree, tpt: Universe.Tree): Universe.Typed


    Creates a Typed node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a Typed node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  41. abstract def UnApply(tree: Universe.Tree, fun: Universe.Tree, args: List[Universe.Tree]): Universe.UnApply


    Creates a UnApply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a UnApply node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.

  42. abstract def ValDef(tree: Universe.Tree, mods: Universe.Modifiers, name: Universe.Name, tpt: Universe.Tree, rhs: Universe.Tree): Universe.ValDef


    Creates a ValDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype.

    Creates a ValDef node from the given components, having a given tree as a prototype. Having a tree as a prototype means that the tree's attachments, type and symbol will be copied into the result.