
scipy.linalg.lapack.cgees = <fortran object>
cgees - Function signature:
t,sdim,w,vs,work,info = cgees(cselect,a,[compute_v,sort_t,lwork,cselect_extra_args,overwrite_a])
Required arguments:
cselect : call-back function a : input rank-2 array(‘F’) with bounds (n,n)
Optional arguments:
compute_v := 1 input int sort_t := 0 input int cselect_extra_args := () input tuple overwrite_a := 0 input int lwork := 3*n input int
Return objects:
t : rank-2 array(‘F’) with bounds (n,n) and a storage sdim : int w : rank-1 array(‘F’) with bounds (n) vs : rank-2 array(‘F’) with bounds (ldvs,n) work : rank-1 array(‘F’) with bounds (MAX(lwork,1)) info : int
Call-back functions:

def cselect(arg): return cselect Required arguments:

arg : input complex
Return objects:
cselect : int