/** * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.device.contacts.Abstract', { mixins: ['Ext.mixin.Observable'], config: { /** * @cfg {Boolean} includeImages * True to include images when you get the contacts store. Please beware that this can be very slow. */ includeImages: false }, /** * Returns an Array of contact objects. * @return {Object[]} An array of contact objects. */ getContacts: function(config) { if (!this._store) { this._store = [ { first: 'Robert', last: 'Dougan', emails: { work: 'rob@sencha.com' } }, { first: 'Jamie', last: 'Avins', emails: { work: 'jamie@sencha.com' } } ]; } config.success.call(config.scope || this, this._store); }, /** * Returns base64 encoded image thumbnail for a contact specified in config.id * **This method is for Sencha Native Packager only** * * @return {String} base64 string */ getThumbnail: function(config) { config.callback.call(config.scope || this, ""); }, /** * Returns localized, user readable label for a contact field (i.e. "Mobile", "Home") * **This method is for Sencha Native Packager only** * * @return {String} user readable string */ getLocalizedLabel: function(config) { config.callback.call(config.scope || this, config.label.toUpperCase(), config.label); } });