 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.device.geolocation.Abstract', {
    config: {
         * @cfg {Number} maximumAge
         * This option indicates that the application is willing to accept cached location information whose age
         * is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds. If maximumAge is set to 0, an attempt to retrieve
         * new location information is made immediately.
        maximumAge: 0,

         * @cfg {Number} frequency The default frequency to get the current position when using {@link Ext.device.Geolocation#watchPosition}.
        frequency: 10000,

         * @cfg {Boolean} allowHighAccuracy True to allow high accuracy when getting the current position.
        allowHighAccuracy: false,

         * @cfg {Number} timeout
         * The maximum number of milliseconds allowed to elapse between a location update operation.
        timeout: Infinity

     * Attempts to get the current position of this device.
     *     Ext.device.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition({
     *         success: function(position) {
     *             console.log(position);
     *         },
     *         failure: function() {
     *             Ext.Msg.alert('Geolocation', 'Something went wrong!');
     *         }
     *     });
     * *Note:* If you want to watch the current position, you could use {@link Ext.device.Geolocation#watchPosition} instead.
     * @param {Object} config An object which contains the following config options:
     * @param {Function} config.success
     * The function to call when the location of the current device has been received.
     * @param {Object} config.success.position
     * @param {Function} config.failure
     * The function that is called when something goes wrong.
     * @param {Object} config.scope
     * The scope of the `success` and `failure` functions.
     * @param {Number} config.maximumAge
     * The maximum age of a cached location. If you do not enter a value for this, the value of {@link #maximumAge}
     * will be used.
     * @param {Number} config.timeout
     * The timeout for this request. If you do not specify a value, it will default to {@link #timeout}.
     * @param {Boolean} config.allowHighAccuracy
     * True to enable allow accuracy detection of the location of the current device. If you do not specify a value, it will
     * default to {@link #allowHighAccuracy}.
    getCurrentPosition: function(config) {
        var defaultConfig = Ext.device.geolocation.Abstract.prototype.config;

        config = Ext.applyIf(config, {
            maximumAge: defaultConfig.maximumAge,
            frequency: defaultConfig.frequency,
            allowHighAccuracy: defaultConfig.allowHighAccuracy,
            timeout: defaultConfig.timeout

        // <debug>
        if (!config.success) {
            Ext.Logger.warn('You need to specify a `success` function for #getCurrentPosition');
        // </debug>

        return config;

     * Watches for the current position and calls the callback when successful depending on the specified {@link #frequency}.
     *     Ext.device.Geolocation.watchPosition({
     *         callback: function(position) {
     *             console.log(position);
     *         },
     *         failure: function() {
     *             Ext.Msg.alert('Geolocation', 'Something went wrong!');
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config An object which contains the following config options:
     * @param {Function} config.callback
     * The function to be called when the position has been updated.
     * @param {Function} config.failure
     * The function that is called when something goes wrong.
     * @param {Object} config.scope
     * The scope of the `success` and `failure` functions.
     * @param {Boolean} config.frequency
     * The frequency in which to call the supplied callback. Defaults to {@link #frequency} if you do not specify a value.
     * @param {Boolean} config.allowHighAccuracy
     * True to enable allow accuracy detection of the location of the current device. If you do not specify a value, it will
     * default to {@link #allowHighAccuracy}.
    watchPosition: function(config) {
        var defaultConfig = Ext.device.geolocation.Abstract.prototype.config;

        config = Ext.applyIf(config, {
            maximumAge: defaultConfig.maximumAge,
            frequency: defaultConfig.frequency,
            allowHighAccuracy: defaultConfig.allowHighAccuracy,
            timeout: defaultConfig.timeout

        // <debug>
        if (!config.callback) {
            Ext.Logger.warn('You need to specify a `callback` function for #watchPosition');
        // </debug>

        return config;

     * If you are currently watching for the current position, this will stop that task.
    clearWatch: function() {}