 * @class Ext.chart.series.CandleStick
 * @extends Ext.chart.series.Cartesian
 * Creates a candlestick or OHLC Chart.
 *     @example preview
 *     var chart = new Ext.chart.CartesianChart({
 *         animate: true,
 *         store: {
 *           fields: ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close'],
 *           data: [
 *             {'time':new Date('Jan 1 2010').getTime(), 'open':600, 'high':614, 'low':578, 'close':590},
 *             {'time':new Date('Jan 2 2010').getTime(), 'open':590, 'high':609, 'low':580, 'close':580},
 *             {'time':new Date('Jan 3 2010').getTime(), 'open':580, 'high':602, 'low':578, 'close':602},
 *             {'time':new Date('Jan 4 2010').getTime(), 'open':602, 'high':614, 'low':586, 'close':586},
 *             {'time':new Date('Jan 5 2010').getTime(), 'open':586, 'high':602, 'low':565, 'close':565}
 *           ]
 *         },
 *         axes: [{
 *             type: 'numeric',
 *             position: 'left',
 *             fields: ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'],
 *             title: {
 *                 text: 'Sample Values',
 *                 fontSize: 15
 *             },
 *             grid: true,
 *             minimum: 560,
 *             maximum: 640
 *         }, {
 *             type: 'time',
 *             position: 'bottom',
 *             fields: ['time'],
 *             fromDate: new Date('Dec 31 2009'),
 *             toDate: new Date('Jan 6 2010'),
 *             title: {
 *                 text: 'Sample Values',
 *                 fontSize: 15
 *             },
 *             style: {
 *               axisLine: false
 *             }
 *         }],
 *         series: [{
 *             type: 'candlestick',
 *             xField: 'time',
 *             openField: 'open',
 *             highField: 'high',
 *             lowField: 'low',
 *             closeField: 'close',
 *             style: {
 *               dropStyle: {
 *                 fill: 'rgb(237, 123, 43)',
 *                 stroke: 'rgb(237, 123, 43)'
 *               },
 *               raiseStyle: {
 *                 fill: 'rgb(55, 153, 19)',
 *                 stroke: 'rgb(55, 153, 19)'
 *               }
 *             },
 *             aggregator: {
 *               strategy: 'time'
 *             }
 *         }]
 *     });
 *     Ext.Viewport.setLayout('fit');
 *     Ext.Viewport.add(chart);
Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.CandleStick', {
    extend: 'Ext.chart.series.Cartesian',
    requires: ['Ext.chart.series.sprite.CandleStick'],
    alias: 'series.candlestick',
    type: 'candlestick',
    seriesType: 'candlestickSeries',
    config: {
         * @cfg {String} openField
         * The store record field name that represents the opening value of the given period.
        openField: null,
         * @cfg {String} highField
         * The store record field name that represents the highest value of the time interval represented.
        highField: null,
         * @cfg {String} lowField
         * The store record field name that represents the lowest value of the time interval represented.
        lowField: null,
         * @cfg {String} closeField
         * The store record field name that represents the closing value of the given period.
        closeField: null

    fieldCategoryY: ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']