/** * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.fx.layout.Card', { requires: [ 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Slide', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Cover', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Reveal', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Fade', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Flip', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Pop', // 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Cube', 'Ext.fx.layout.card.Scroll' ], constructor: function(config) { var defaultClass = Ext.fx.layout.card.Abstract, type; if (!config) { return null; } if (typeof config == 'string') { type = config; config = {}; } else if (config.type) { type = config.type; } config.elementBox = false; if (type) { if (Ext.browser.is.AndroidStock2) { // In Android 2 we only support scroll and fade. Otherwise force it to slide. if (type != 'fade') { type = 'scroll'; } } defaultClass = Ext.ClassManager.getByAlias('fx.layout.card.' + type); //<debug error> if (!defaultClass) { Ext.Logger.error("Unknown card animation type: '" + type + "'"); } //</debug> } return Ext.factory(config, defaultClass); } });