/** * @class Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian * @extends Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite * * Cartesian sprite. */ Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.sprite.Cartesian', { extend: 'Ext.draw.sprite.Sprite', mixins: { markerHolder: 'Ext.chart.MarkerHolder' }, homogeneous: true, ascending: true, inheritableStatics: { def: { processors: { /** * @cfg {Number} [dataMinX=0] Data minimum on the x-axis. */ dataMinX: 'number', /** * @cfg {Number} [dataMaxX=1] Data maximum on the x-axis. */ dataMaxX: 'number', /** * @cfg {Number} [dataMinY=0] Data minimum on the y-axis. */ dataMinY: 'number', /** * @cfg {Number} [dataMaxY=2] Data maximum on the y-axis. */ dataMaxY: 'number', /** * @cfg {Array} Data range derived from all the series bound to the x-axis. */ rangeX: 'data', /** * @cfg {Array} Data range derived from all the series bound to the y-axis. */ rangeY: 'data', /** * @cfg {Object} [dataY=null] Data items on the y-axis. */ dataY: 'data', /** * @cfg {Object} [dataX=null] Data items on the x-axis. */ dataX: 'data', /** * @cfg {Object} [labels=null] Labels used in the series. */ labels: 'default', /** * @cfg {Number} [labelOverflowPadding=10] Padding around labels to determine overlap. */ labelOverflowPadding: 'number', /** * @cfg {Number} [selectionTolerance=20] * The distance from the event position to the sprite's data points to trigger interactions (used for 'iteminfo', etc). */ selectionTolerance: 'number', /** * @cfg {Boolean} If flipXY is 'true', the series is flipped. */ flipXY: 'bool', renderer: 'default', // PanZoom information visibleMinX: 'number', visibleMinY: 'number', visibleMaxX: 'number', visibleMaxY: 'number', innerWidth: 'number', innerHeight: 'number' }, defaults: { dataY: null, dataX: null, dataMinX: 0, dataMaxX: 1, dataMinY: 0, dataMaxY: 1, labels: null, labelOverflowPadding: 10, selectionTolerance: 20, flipXY: false, renderer: null, transformFillStroke: false, visibleMinX: 0, visibleMinY: 0, visibleMaxX: 1, visibleMaxY: 1, innerWidth: 1, innerHeight: 1 }, dirtyTriggers: { dataX: 'dataX,bbox', dataY: 'dataY,bbox', dataMinX: 'bbox', dataMaxX: 'bbox', dataMinY: 'bbox', dataMaxY: 'bbox', visibleMinX: 'panzoom', visibleMinY: 'panzoom', visibleMaxX: 'panzoom', visibleMaxY: 'panzoom', innerWidth: 'panzoom', innerHeight: 'panzoom' }, updaters: { dataX: function (attrs) { this.processDataX(); if (!attrs.dirtyFlags.dataY) { attrs.dirtyFlags.dataY = []; } attrs.dirtyFlags.dataY.push('dataY'); }, dataY: function () { this.processDataY(); }, panzoom: function (attrs) { var dx = attrs.visibleMaxX - attrs.visibleMinX, dy = attrs.visibleMaxY - attrs.visibleMinY, innerWidth = attrs.flipXY ? attrs.innerHeight : attrs.innerWidth, innerHeight = !attrs.flipXY ? attrs.innerHeight : attrs.innerWidth; attrs.translationX = -attrs.visibleMinX * innerWidth / dx; attrs.translationY = -attrs.visibleMinY * innerHeight / dy; attrs.scalingX = innerWidth / dx; attrs.scalingY = innerHeight / dy; attrs.scalingCenterX = 0; attrs.scalingCenterY = 0; this.applyTransformations(true); } } } }, config: { /** * @private * @cfg {Object} store The store that is passed to the renderer. */ store: null, /** * @cfg {String} field The store field used by the series. */ field: null }, processDataY: Ext.emptyFn, processDataX: Ext.emptyFn, updatePlainBBox: function (plain) { var attr = this.attr; plain.x = attr.dataMinX; plain.y = attr.dataMinY; plain.width = attr.dataMaxX - attr.dataMinX; plain.height = attr.dataMaxY - attr.dataMinY; }, /** * Does a binary search of the data on the x-axis using the given key. * @param {String} key * @return {*} */ binarySearch: function (key) { var dx = this.attr.dataX, start = 0, end = dx.length; if (key <= dx[0]) { return start; } if (key >= dx[end - 1]) { return end - 1; } while (start + 1 < end) { var mid = (start + end) >> 1, val = dx[mid]; if (val === key) { return mid; } else if (val < key) { start = mid; } else { end = mid; } } return start; }, render: function (surface, ctx, region) { var me = this, attr = me.attr, flipXY = attr.flipXY, inverseMatrix = attr.inverseMatrix.clone(); inverseMatrix.appendMatrix(surface.inverseMatrix); if (attr.dataX === null) { return; } if (attr.dataY === null) { return; } if (inverseMatrix.getXX() * inverseMatrix.getYX() || inverseMatrix.getXY() * inverseMatrix.getYY()) { console.log('Cartesian Series sprite does not support rotation/sheering'); return; } var clip = inverseMatrix.transformList([ [region[0] - 1, region[3] + 1], [region[0] + region[2] + 1, -1] ]); clip = clip[0].concat(clip[1]); if (clip[2] < clip[0]) { console.log('Cartesian Series sprite does not supports flipped X.'); // TODO: support it return; } me.renderClipped(surface, ctx, clip, region); }, /** * Render the given visible clip range. * @param {Ext.draw.Surface} surface * @param {Ext.draw.engine.Canvas/Ext.draw.engine.SvgContext} ctx * @param {Array} clip * @param {Arrary} region */ renderClipped: Ext.emptyFn, /** * Get the nearest item index from point (x, y). -1 as not found. * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @return {Number} The index */ getIndexNearPoint: function (x, y) { var sprite = this, mat = sprite.attr.matrix, dataX = sprite.attr.dataX, dataY = sprite.attr.dataY, selectionTolerance = sprite.attr.selectionTolerance, minX, minY, index = -1, imat = mat.clone().prependMatrix(this.surfaceMatrix).inverse(), center = imat.transformPoint([x, y]), positionLB = imat.transformPoint([x - selectionTolerance, y - selectionTolerance]), positionTR = imat.transformPoint([x + selectionTolerance, y + selectionTolerance]), left = Math.min(positionLB[0], positionTR[0]), right = Math.max(positionLB[0], positionTR[0]), top = Math.min(positionLB[1], positionTR[1]), bottom = Math.max(positionLB[1], positionTR[1]); for (var i = 0; i < dataX.length; i++) { if (left < dataX[i] && dataX[i] < right && top < dataY[i] && dataY[i] < bottom) { if (index === -1 || (Math.abs(dataX[i] - center[0]) < minX) && (Math.abs(dataY[i] - center[1]) < minY)) { minX = Math.abs(dataX[i] - center[0]); minY = Math.abs(dataY[i] - center[1]); index = i; } } } return index; } });