 * The Connection class encapsulates a connection to the page's originating domain, allowing requests to be made either
 * to a configured URL, or to a URL specified at request time.
 * Requests made by this class are asynchronous, and will return immediately. No data from the server will be available
 * to the statement immediately following the {@link #request} call. To process returned data, use a success callback
 * in the request options object, or an {@link #requestcomplete event listener}.
 * # File Uploads
 * File uploads are not performed using normal "Ajax" techniques, that is they are not performed using XMLHttpRequests.
 * Instead the form is submitted in the standard manner with the DOM `<form>` element temporarily modified to have its
 * target set to refer to a dynamically generated, hidden `<iframe>` which is inserted into the document but removed
 * after the return data has been gathered.
 * The server response is parsed by the browser to create the document for the IFRAME. If the server is using JSON to
 * send the return object, then the Content-Type header must be set to "text/html" in order to tell the browser to
 * insert the text unchanged into the document body.
 * Characters which are significant to an HTML parser must be sent as HTML entities, so encode `<` as `&lt;`, `&` as
 * `&amp;` etc.
 * The response text is retrieved from the document, and a fake XMLHttpRequest object is created containing a
 * responseText property in order to conform to the requirements of event handlers and callbacks.
 * Be aware that file upload packets are sent with the content type multipart/form and some server technologies
 * (notably JEE) may require some custom processing in order to retrieve parameter names and parameter values from the
 * packet content.
 * __Note:__ It is not possible to check the response code of the hidden iframe, so the success handler will _always_ fire.
Ext.define('Ext.data.Connection', {
    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.mixin.Observable'

    statics: {
        requestId: 0

    config: {
         * @cfg {String} url
         * The default URL to be used for requests to the server.
         * @accessor
        url: null,

        async: true,

         * @cfg {String} [method=undefined]
         * The default HTTP method to be used for requests.
         * __Note:__ This is case-sensitive and should be all caps.
         * Defaults to `undefined`; if not set but params are present will use "POST", otherwise "GET".
        method: null,

        username: '',
        password: '',

         * @cfg {Boolean} disableCaching
         * `true` to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests.
         * @accessor
        disableCaching: true,

         * @cfg {String} disableCachingParam
         * Change the parameter which is sent went disabling caching through a cache buster.
         * @accessor
        disableCachingParam: '_dc',

         * @cfg {Number} timeout
         * The timeout in milliseconds to be used for requests.
         * @accessor
        timeout : 30000,

         * @cfg {Object} extraParams
         * Any parameters to be appended to the request.
         * @accessor
        extraParams: null,

         * @cfg {Object} defaultHeaders
         * An object containing request headers which are added to each request made by this object.
         * @accessor
        defaultHeaders: null,

        useDefaultHeader : true,
        defaultPostHeader : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',

         * @cfg {Boolean} useDefaultXhrHeader
         * Set this to false to not send the default Xhr header (X-Requested-With) with every request.
         * This should be set to false when making CORS (cross-domain) requests.
         * @accessor
        useDefaultXhrHeader : true,

         * @cfg {String} defaultXhrHeader
         * The value of the default Xhr header (X-Requested-With). This is only used when {@link #useDefaultXhrHeader}
         * is set to `true`.
        defaultXhrHeader : 'XMLHttpRequest',

        autoAbort: false

    textAreaRe: /textarea/i,
    multiPartRe: /multipart\/form-data/i,
    lineBreakRe: /\r\n/g,

    constructor : function(config) {

         * @event beforerequest
         * Fires before a network request is made to retrieve a data object.
         * @param {Ext.data.Connection} conn This Connection object.
         * @param {Object} options The options config object passed to the {@link #request} method.
         * @event requestcomplete
         * Fires if the request was successfully completed.
         * @param {Ext.data.Connection} conn This Connection object.
         * @param {Object} response The XHR object containing the response data.
         * See [The XMLHttpRequest Object](http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/) for details.
         * @param {Object} options The options config object passed to the {@link #request} method.
         * @event requestexception
         * Fires if an error HTTP status was returned from the server.
         * See [HTTP Status Code Definitions](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html)
         * for details of HTTP status codes.
         * @param {Ext.data.Connection} conn This Connection object.
         * @param {Object} response The XHR object containing the response data.
         * See [The XMLHttpRequest Object](http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/) for details.
         * @param {Object} options The options config object passed to the {@link #request} method.
        this.requests = {};

     * Sends an HTTP request to a remote server.
     * **Important:** Ajax server requests are asynchronous, and this call will
     * return before the response has been received. Process any returned data
     * in a callback function.
     *     Ext.Ajax.request({
     *         url: 'ajax_demo/sample.json',
     *         success: function(response, opts) {
     *             var obj = Ext.decode(response.responseText);
     *             console.dir(obj);
     *         },
     *         failure: function(response, opts) {
     *             console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);
     *         }
     *     });
     * To execute a callback function in the correct scope, use the `scope` option.
     * @param {Object} options An object which may contain the following properties:
     * (The options object may also contain any other property which might be needed to perform
     * post-processing in a callback because it is passed to callback functions.)
     * @param {String/Function} options.url The URL to which to send the request, or a function
     * to call which returns a URL string. The scope of the function is specified by the `scope` option.
     * Defaults to the configured `url`.
     * @param {Object/String/Function} options.params An object containing properties which are
     * used as parameters to the request, a url encoded string or a function to call to get either. The scope
     * of the function is specified by the `scope` option.
     * @param {String} options.method The HTTP method to use
     * for the request. Defaults to the configured method, or if no method was configured,
     * "GET" if no parameters are being sent, and "POST" if parameters are being sent.
     * __Note:__ The method name is case-sensitive and should be all caps.
     * @param {Function} options.callback The function to be called upon receipt of the HTTP response.
     * The callback is called regardless of success or failure and is passed the following parameters:
     * @param {Object} options.callback.options The parameter to the request call.
     * @param {Boolean} options.callback.success `true` if the request succeeded.
     * @param {Object} options.callback.response The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.
     * See [www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/](http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/) for details about
     * accessing elements of the response.
     * @param {Function} options.success The function to be called upon success of the request.
     * The callback is passed the following parameters:
     * @param {Object} options.success.response The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.
     * @param {Object} options.success.options The parameter to the request call.
     * @param {Function} options.failure The function to be called upon failure of the request.
     * The callback is passed the following parameters:
     * @param {Object} options.failure.response The XMLHttpRequest object containing the response data.
     * @param {Object} options.failure.options The parameter to the request call.
     * @param {Object} options.scope The scope in which to execute the callbacks: The "this" object for
     * the callback function. If the `url`, or `params` options were specified as functions from which to
     * draw values, then this also serves as the scope for those function calls. Defaults to the browser
     * window.
     * @param {Boolean} options.xhr2 Determines is this request should use XHR2 features like FormData,
     * UploadStatus, etc if they are avaiable.
     * @param {Number} [options.timeout=30000] The timeout in milliseconds to be used for this request.
     * @param {HTMLElement/HTMLElement/String} options.form The `<form>` Element or the id of the `<form>`
     * to pull parameters from.
     * @param {Boolean} options.isUpload **Only meaningful when used with the `form` option.**
     * True if the form object is a file upload (will be set automatically if the form was configured
     * with **`enctype`** `"multipart/form-data"`).
     * File uploads are not performed using normal "Ajax" techniques, that is they are **not**
     * performed using XMLHttpRequests. Instead the form is submitted in the standard manner with the
     * DOM `<form>` element temporarily modified to have its [target][] set to refer to a dynamically
     * generated, hidden `<iframe>` which is inserted into the document but removed after the return data
     * has been gathered.
     * The server response is parsed by the browser to create the document for the IFRAME. If the
     * server is using JSON to send the return object, then the [Content-Type][] header must be set to
     * "text/html" in order to tell the browser to insert the text unchanged into the document body.
     * The response text is retrieved from the document, and a fake XMLHttpRequest object is created
     * containing a `responseText` property in order to conform to the requirements of event handlers
     * and callbacks.
     * Be aware that file upload packets are sent with the content type [multipart/form][] and some server
     * technologies (notably JEE) may require some custom processing in order to retrieve parameter names
     * and parameter values from the packet content.
     * [target]: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/frames.html#adef-target
     * [Content-Type]: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.17
     * [multipart/form]: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2388.html
     * @param {Object} options.headers Request headers to set for the request.
     * @param {Object} options.xmlData XML document to use for the post.
     * __Note:__ This will be used instead
     * of params for the post data. Any params will be appended to the URL.
     * @param {Object/String} options.jsonData JSON data to use as the post.
     * __Note:__ This will be used
     * instead of params for the post data. Any params will be appended to the URL.
     * @param {Array} options.binaryData An array of bytes to submit in binary form. Any params will be appended to the URL. Returned data will be assumed to be a byte array or ArrayBuffer and placed in responseBytes. Other response types (e.g. xml / json) will not be provided.
     * __Note:__ This will be used instead
     * of params for the post data. Any params will be appended to the URL.
     * @param {Boolean} options.disableCaching True to add a unique cache-buster param to GET requests.
     * @return {Object/null} The request object. This may be used to cancel the request.
    request: function(options) {
        options = options || {};
        var me = this,
            scope = options.scope || window,
            username = options.username || me.getUsername(),
            password = options.password || me.getPassword() || '',
            useXhr2 = options.xhr2 === true && Ext.feature.has.XHR2,
            async, requestOptions, request, headers, xhr;

        if(!Ext.isEmpty(username) && !Ext.isEmpty(password, true) && Ext.isEmpty(options.withCredentials)){
            options.withCredentials = true;

        if (me.fireEvent('beforerequest', me, options) !== false) {
            requestOptions = me.setOptions(options, scope);

            if (this.isFormUpload(options) === true) {
                this.upload(options.form, requestOptions.url, requestOptions.data, options);
                return null;

            // if autoabort is set, cancel the current transactions
            if (options.autoAbort === true || me.getAutoAbort()) {

            // create a connection object
            xhr = this.getXhrInstance();

            async = options.async !== false ? (options.async || me.getAsync()) : false;

            // open the request
            if (username) {
                xhr.open(requestOptions.method, requestOptions.url, async, username, password);
            } else {
                xhr.open(requestOptions.method, requestOptions.url, async);

            headers = me.setupHeaders(xhr, options, requestOptions.data, requestOptions.params);

            // create the transaction object
            request = {
                id: ++Ext.data.Connection.requestId,
                xhr: xhr,
                headers: headers,
                options: options,
                async: async,
                timeout: setTimeout(function() {
                    request.timedout = true;
                }, options.timeout || me.getTimeout())
            me.requests[request.id] = request;

            // bind our onload/statechange listener
            if (async) {
                xhr[useXhr2 ? 'onload' : 'onreadystatechange'] = Ext.Function.bind(me.onStateChange, me, [request]);

            if(useXhr2) {
                xhr.onerror = Ext.Function.bind(me.onStateChange, me, [request]);

            if(options.progress) {
                xhr.onprogress = function(e) {
                    if(options.progress.isProgressable) {
                        if(e.total === 0 && options.progress.getDynamic()) {
                            Ext.Logger.warn("Server is not configured to properly return Content-Length. Dynamic progress will be disabled");
                            options.progress.setState.call(options.progress, "download");
                            xhr.onprogress = null;

                        Ext.callback(options.progress.updateProgress, options.progress, [(e.loaded / e.total), "download"]);

                        if(e.total > 0 && !options.progress.getDynamic() && options.progress.getInitialConfig().dynamic) {
                    }else if(Ext.isFunction(options.progress)) {
                        Ext.callback(options.progress, options.progressScope || request, [e, "download"])

                if(Ext.feature.has.XHRUploadProgress) {
                        xhr.upload.onprogress = function (e){
                        me.fireEvent('requestuploadprogress', me, request, e);
                        if(options.progress.isProgressable) {
                            Ext.callback(options.progress.updateProgress, options.progress, [(e.loaded / e.total), "upload"]);
                        }else if(Ext.isFunction(options.progress)) {
                            Ext.callback(options.progress, options.progressScope || request, [e, "upload"])

                if(options.progress.isProgressable) {
                    if(!Ext.feature.has.XHRUploadProgress) options.progress.setDynamic(false);
                    Ext.callback(options.progress.startProgress, options.progress);

            // start the request!

            if (!async) {
                return this.onComplete(request);
            return request;
        } else {
            Ext.callback(options.callback, options.scope, [options, undefined, undefined]);
            return null;

     * Uploads a form using a hidden iframe.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} form The form to upload.
     * @param {String} url The url to post to.
     * @param {String} params Any extra parameters to pass.
     * @param {Object} options The initial options.
    upload: function(form, url, params, options) {
        form = Ext.getDom(form);
        options = options || {};

        var id = Ext.id(),
            me = this,
            frame = document.createElement('iframe'),
            hiddens = [],
            encoding = 'multipart/form-data',
            buf = {
                target: form.target,
                method: form.method,
                encoding: form.encoding,
                enctype: form.enctype,
                action: form.action
            }, addField = function(name, value) {
            hiddenItem = document.createElement('input');
                type: 'hidden',
                value: value,
                name: name
        }, hiddenItem;

         * Originally this behavior was modified for Opera 10 to apply the secure URL after
         * the frame had been added to the document. It seems this has since been corrected in
         * Opera so the behavior has been reverted, the URL will be set before being added.
            id: id,
            name: id,
            cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-display',
            src: Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL


        // This is required so that IE doesn't pop the response up in a new window.
        if (document.frames) {
            document.frames[id].name = id;

            target: id,
            method: 'POST',
            enctype: encoding,
            encoding: encoding,
            action: url || buf.action

        // add dynamic params
        if (params) {
            Ext.iterate(Ext.Object.fromQueryString(params), function(name, value) {
                if (Ext.isArray(value)) {
                    Ext.each(value, function(v) {
                        addField(name, v);
                } else {
                    addField(name, value);

            function() {
                Ext.callback(me.onUploadComplete, me, [frame, options, id]);
                frame.removeEventListener('load', arguments.callee)

        Ext.each(hiddens, function(h) {

    onUploadComplete : function(frame, options, id) {
        // bogus response object
        var response = {
                responseText: '',
                responseXML: null,
                request: {
                    options: options
            doc, body, firstChild;

        try {
            doc = (frame.contentWindow && frame.contentWindow.document) || frame.contentDocument || window.frames[id].document;

            if (doc) {
                if (doc.hasOwnProperty('body') && doc.body) {
                    body = doc.body;

                if (body) {
                    firstChild = body.firstChild || {};

                    if (this.textAreaRe.test(firstChild.tagName)) { // json response wrapped in textarea
                        response.responseText = firstChild.value;
                    } else {
                        response.responseText = firstChild.innerHTML;

                    //in IE the document may still have a body even if returns XML.
                    response.responseXML = body.XMLDocument;
        } catch (e) {
            response.success = false;
            response.message = 'Cross-Domain access is not permitted between frames. XHR2 is recommended for this type of request.';
            response.error = e;

        this.onAfterUploadComplete(response, frame, options);

    onAfterUploadComplete: function(response, frame, options) {
        var me = this;

        me.fireEvent('requestcomplete', me, response, options);

        Ext.callback(options.callback, options.scope, [options, true, response]);

        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 100);

     * Detects whether the form is intended to be used for an upload.
     * @private
    isFormUpload: function(options) {
        var form = this.getForm(options);
        if (form) {
            return (options.isUpload || (this.multiPartRe).test(form.getAttribute('enctype')));
        return false;

     * Gets the form object from options.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} options The request options.
     * @return {HTMLElement/null} The form, `null` if not passed.
    getForm: function(options) {
        return Ext.getDom(options.form) || null;

     * Sets various options such as the url, params for the request.
     * @param {Object} options The initial options.
     * @param {Object} scope The scope to execute in.
     * @return {Object} The params for the request.
    setOptions: function(options, scope) {
        var me = this,
            params = options.params || {},
            extraParams = me.getExtraParams(),
            urlParams = options.urlParams,
            url = options.url || me.getUrl(),
            jsonData = options.jsonData,

        // allow params to be a method that returns the params object
        if (Ext.isFunction(params)) {
            params = params.call(scope, options);

        // allow url to be a method that returns the actual url
        if (Ext.isFunction(url)) {
            url = url.call(scope, options);

        url = this.setupUrl(options, url);

        if (!url) {
            Ext.Logger.error('No URL specified');

        // check for xml or json data, and make sure json data is encoded
        data = options.data || options.rawData || options.binaryData || options.xmlData || jsonData || null;
        if (jsonData && !Ext.isPrimitive(jsonData)) {
            data = Ext.encode(data);

        // Check for binary data. Transform if needed
        if (options.binaryData) {
            if (!Ext.isArray(options.binaryData) && !(options.binaryData instanceof Blob)) {
                Ext.Logger.warn("Binary submission data must be an array of byte values or a Blob! Instead got " + typeof(options.binaryData));
            if (data instanceof Array) {
                data = (new Uint8Array(options.binaryData));
            if (data instanceof Uint8Array) {
                // Note: Newer chrome version (v22 and up) warn that it is deprecated to send the ArrayBuffer and to send the ArrayBufferView instead. For FF this fails so for now send the ArrayBuffer.
                data = data.buffer; //  send the underlying buffer, not the view, since that's not supported on versions of chrome older than 22

        // make sure params are a url encoded string and include any extraParams if specified
        if (Ext.isObject(params)) {
            params = Ext.Object.toQueryString(params);

        if (Ext.isObject(extraParams)) {
            extraParams = Ext.Object.toQueryString(extraParams);

        params = params + ((extraParams) ? ((params) ? '&' : '') + extraParams : '');

        urlParams = Ext.isObject(urlParams) ? Ext.Object.toQueryString(urlParams) : urlParams;

        params = this.setupParams(options, params);

        // decide the proper method for this request
        method = (options.method || me.getMethod() || ((params || data) ? 'POST' : 'GET')).toUpperCase();
        this.setupMethod(options, method);

        disableCache = options.disableCaching !== false ? (options.disableCaching || me.getDisableCaching()) : false;

        // append date to prevent caching
        if (disableCache) {
            url = Ext.urlAppend(url, (options.disableCachingParam || me.getDisableCachingParam()) + '=' + (new Date().getTime()));

        // if the method is get or there is json/xml data append the params to the url
        if ((method == 'GET' || data) && params) {
            url = Ext.urlAppend(url, params);
            params = null;

        // allow params to be forced into the url
        if (urlParams) {
            url = Ext.urlAppend(url, urlParams);

        return {
            url: url,
            method: method,
            data: data || params || null

     * Template method for overriding url.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {String} url
     * @return {String} The modified url
    setupUrl: function(options, url) {
        var form = this.getForm(options);
        if (form) {
            url = url || form.action;
        return url;

     * Template method for overriding params.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {String} params
     * @return {String} The modified params.
    setupParams: function(options, params) {
        var form = this.getForm(options),
        if (form && !this.isFormUpload(options)) {
            serializedForm = Ext.Element.serializeForm(form);
            params = params ? (params + '&' + serializedForm) : serializedForm;
        return params;

     * Template method for overriding method.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {String} method
     * @return {String} The modified method.
    setupMethod: function(options, method) {
        if (this.isFormUpload(options)) {
            return 'POST';
        return method;

     * Setup all the headers for the request.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} xhr The xhr object.
     * @param {Object} options The options for the request.
     * @param {Object} data The data for the request.
     * @param {Object} params The params for the request.
    setupHeaders: function(xhr, options, data, params) {
        var me = this,
            headers = Ext.apply({}, options.headers || {}, me.getDefaultHeaders() || {}),
            contentType = me.getDefaultPostHeader(),
            jsonData = options.jsonData,
            xmlData = options.xmlData,

        if (!headers['Content-Type'] && (data || params)) {
            if (data) {
                if (options.rawData) {
                    contentType = 'text/plain';
                } else {
                    if (xmlData && Ext.isDefined(xmlData)) {
                        contentType = 'text/xml';
                    } else if (jsonData && Ext.isDefined(jsonData)) {
                        contentType = 'application/json';
            if (!(Ext.feature.has.XHR2 && data instanceof FormData)) {
                headers['Content-Type'] = contentType;

        if (((me.getUseDefaultXhrHeader() && options.useDefaultXhrHeader !== false) || options.useDefaultXhrHeader) && !headers['X-Requested-With']) {
            headers['X-Requested-With'] = me.getDefaultXhrHeader();

        if(!Ext.isEmpty(options.username) && !Ext.isEmpty(options.password)) {
            headers['Authorization'] = "Basic " + btoa(options.username+":"+options.password);

        // set up all the request headers on the xhr object
        try {
            for (key in headers) {
                if (headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    header = headers[key];
                    xhr.setRequestHeader(key, header);

        } catch(e) {
            me.fireEvent('exception', key, header);

        if(options.responseType) {
            try {
                xhr.responseType = options.responseType === "blob" && Ext.browser.is.Safari ? "arraybuffer" : options.responseType;
            } catch (e) {
                // nothing to do. We're still continuing with the request.

        if (options.withCredentials) {
            xhr.withCredentials = options.withCredentials;

        return headers;

     * Creates the appropriate XHR transport for the browser.
     * @private
    getXhrInstance: (function() {
        var options = [function() {
            return new XMLHttpRequest();
        }, function() {
            return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');
        }, function() {
            return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
        }, function() {
            return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
        }], i = 0,
            len = options.length,

        for (; i < len; ++i) {
            try {
                xhr = options[i];
            } catch(e) {
        return xhr;

     * Determines whether this object has a request outstanding.
     * @param {Object} request The request to check.
     * @return {Boolean} True if there is an outstanding request.
    isLoading : function(request) {
        if (!(request && request.xhr)) {
            return false;
        // if there is a connection and readyState is not 0 or 4
        var state = request.xhr.readyState;
        return !(state === 0 || state == 4);

     * Aborts any outstanding request.
     * @param {Object} request (Optional) Defaults to the last request.
    abort : function(request) {
        var me = this,
            requests = me.requests,

        if (request && me.isLoading(request)) {
             * Clear out the onreadystatechange here, this allows us
             * greater control, the browser may/may not fire the function
             * depending on a series of conditions.
            request.xhr.onreadystatechange = null;
            if (!request.timedout) {
                request.aborted = true;
        } else if (!request) {
            for (id in requests) {
                if (requests.hasOwnProperty(id)) {

     * Aborts all outstanding requests.
    abortAll: function() {

     * Fires when the state of the XHR changes.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} request The request
    onStateChange : function(request) {
        if (request.xhr.readyState == 4) {

     * Clears the timeout on the request.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} The request
    clearTimeout: function(request) {
        delete request.timeout;

     * Cleans up any left over information from the request.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} The request.
    cleanup: function(request) {
        request.xhr = null;
        delete request.xhr;

     * To be called when the request has come back from the server.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} request
     * @return {Object} The response.
    onComplete : function(request) {
        var me = this,
            options = request.options,

        try {
            result = me.parseStatus(request.xhr.status, request.xhr);

            if (request.timedout) {
                result.success = false;
        } catch (e) {
            // in some browsers we can't access the status if the readyState is not 4, so the request has failed
            result = {
                success : false,
                isException : false
        success = result.success;

        if (success) {
            response = me.createResponse(request);
            me.fireEvent('requestcomplete', me, response, options);
            Ext.callback(options.success, options.scope, [response, options]);
        } else {
            if (result.isException || request.aborted || request.timedout) {
                response = me.createException(request);
            } else {
                response = me.createResponse(request);
            me.fireEvent('requestexception', me, response, options);
            Ext.callback(options.failure, options.scope, [response, options]);
        Ext.callback(options.callback, options.scope, [options, success, response]);

        if(options.progress && options.progress.isProgressable) {
            Ext.callback(options.progress.endProgress, options.progress, [result]);

        delete me.requests[request.id];
        return response;

     * Checks if the response status was successful.
     * @param {Number} status The status code.
     * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
     * @return {Object} An object containing success/status state.
    parseStatus: function(status, xhr) {
        // see: https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886/tickets/129-ie-mangles-http-response-status-code-204-to-1223
        status = status == 1223 ? 204 : status;

        var success = (status >= 200 && status < 300) || status == 304 || (status == 0 && xhr.responseText && xhr.responseText.length > 0),
            isException = false;

        if (!success) {
            switch (status) {
                case 12002:
                case 12029:
                case 12030:
                case 12031:
                case 12152:
                case 13030:
                    isException = true;
        return {
            success: success,
            isException: isException

     * Creates the response object.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} request
    createResponse : function(request) {
        var xhr = request.xhr,
            headers = {},
            lines, count, line, index, key, response,

            binaryResponse = xhr.responseType === "blob" || xhr.responseType === "arraybuffer",
            textResponse = xhr.responseType === "text",
            documentResponse = xhr.responseType === "document";

        //we need to make this check here because if a request times out an exception is thrown
        //when calling getAllResponseHeaders() because the response never came back to populate it
        if (request.timedout || request.aborted) {
            request.success = false;
            lines = [];
        } else {
            lines = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().replace(this.lineBreakRe, '\n').split('\n');

        count = lines.length;

        while (count--) {
            line = lines[count];
            index = line.indexOf(':');
            if (index >= 0) {
                key = line.substr(0, index).toLowerCase();
                if (line.charAt(index + 1) == ' ') {
                headers[key] = line.substr(index + 1);

        request.xhr = null;
        delete request.xhr;
        response = {
            request: request,
            requestId : request.id,
            status : xhr.status,
            statusText : xhr.statusText,
            getResponseHeader : function(header) {
                return headers[header.toLowerCase()];
            getAllResponseHeaders : function() {
                return headers;
            responseText : binaryResponse ? null : documentResponse ? null : xhr.responseText,
            responseXML : binaryResponse ? null : textResponse ? null : xhr.responseXML,
            responseBytes : binaryResponse ? xhr.response : null

        if(request.options.responseType === "blob" && xhr.responseType === "arraybuffer") {
            response.responseBytes = new Blob([response.responseBytes], {type:xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")})

        // If we don't explicitly tear down the xhr reference, IE6/IE7 will hold this in the closure of the
        // functions created with getResponseHeader/getAllResponseHeaders
        xhr = null;
        return response;

     * Creates the exception object.
     * @private
     * @param {Object} request
    createException : function(request) {
        return {
            request : request,
            requestId : request.id,
            status : request.aborted ? -1 : 0,
            statusText : request.aborted ? 'transaction aborted' : 'communication failure',
            aborted: request.aborted,
            timedout: request.timedout