Ext.define('Ext.util.Droppable', {
    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.mixin.Observable'

    config: {
         * The base CSS class to apply to this component's element.
         * This will also be prepended to other elements within this component.
        baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'droppable'

     * @cfg {String} activeCls
     * The CSS added to a Droppable when a Draggable in the same group is being
     * dragged.
    activeCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'drop-active',

     * @cfg {String} invalidCls
     * The CSS class to add to the droppable when dragging a draggable that is
     * not in the same group.
    invalidCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'drop-invalid',

     * @cfg {String} hoverCls
     * The CSS class to add to the droppable when hovering over a valid drop.
    hoverCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'drop-hover',

     * @cfg {String} validDropMode
     * Determines when a drop is considered 'valid' whether it simply need to
     * intersect the region or if it needs to be contained within the region.
     * Valid values are: 'intersects' or 'contains'
    validDropMode: 'intersect',

     * @cfg {Boolean} disabled
    disabled: false,

     * @cfg {String} group
     * Draggable and Droppable objects can participate in a group which are
     * capable of interacting.
    group: 'base',

    // not yet implemented
    tolerance: null,

    // @private
    monitoring: false,

     * Creates new Droppable.
     * @param {Mixed} el String, HtmlElement or Ext.Element representing an
     * element on the page.
     * @param {Object} config Configuration options for this class.
    constructor: function(el, config) {
        var me = this;

        config = config || {};
        Ext.apply(me, config);

         * @event dropactivate
         * @param {Ext.util.Droppable} this
         * @param {Ext.util.Draggable} draggable
         * @param {Ext.event.Event} e

         * @event dropdeactivate
         * @param {Ext.util.Droppable} this
         * @param {Ext.util.Draggable} draggable
         * @param {Ext.event.Event} e

         * @event dropenter
         * @param {Ext.util.Droppable} this
         * @param {Ext.util.Draggable} draggable
         * @param {Ext.event.Event} e

         * @event dropleave
         * @param {Ext.util.Droppable} this
         * @param {Ext.util.Draggable} draggable
         * @param {Ext.event.Event} e

         * @event drop
         * @param {Ext.util.Droppable} this
         * @param {Ext.util.Draggable} draggable
         * @param {Ext.event.Event} e

        me.el = Ext.get(el);


        if (!me.disabled) {


    // @private
    onDragStart: function(draggable, e) {
        if (draggable.group === this.group) {
            this.monitoring = true;
            this.region = this.el.getPageBox(true);

                drag: this.onDrag,
                beforedragend: this.onBeforeDragEnd,
                dragend: this.onDragEnd,
                scope: this

            if (this.isDragOver(draggable)) {
                this.setCanDrop(true, draggable, e);

            this.fireEvent('dropactivate', this, draggable, e);
        else {
                dragend: function() {
                scope: this,
                single: true

    // @private
    isDragOver: function(draggable, region) {
        return this.region[this.validDropMode](draggable.region);

    // @private
    onDrag: function(draggable, e) {
        this.setCanDrop(this.isDragOver(draggable), draggable, e);

    // @private
    setCanDrop: function(canDrop, draggable, e) {
        if (canDrop && !this.canDrop) {
            this.canDrop = true;
            this.fireEvent('dropenter', this, draggable, e);
        else if (!canDrop && this.canDrop) {
            this.canDrop = false;
            this.fireEvent('dropleave', this, draggable, e);

    // @private
    onBeforeDragEnd: function(draggable, e) {
        draggable.cancelRevert = this.canDrop;

    // @private
    onDragEnd: function(draggable, e) {
        this.monitoring = false;

            drag: this.onDrag,
            beforedragend: this.onBeforeDragEnd,
            dragend: this.onDragEnd,
            scope: this

        if (this.canDrop) {
            this.canDrop = false;
            this.fireEvent('drop', this, draggable, e);

        this.fireEvent('dropdeactivate', this, draggable, e);

     * Enable the Droppable target.
     * This is invoked immediately after constructing a Droppable if the
     * disabled parameter is NOT set to true.
    enable: function() {
        if (!this.mgr) {
            this.mgr = Ext.util.Observable.observe(Ext.util.Draggable);
            dragstart: this.onDragStart,
            scope: this
        this.disabled = false;

     * Disable the Droppable target.
    disable: function() {
            dragstart: this.onDragStart,
            scope: this
        this.disabled = true;

     * Method to determine whether this Component is currently disabled.
     * @return {Boolean} the disabled state of this Component.
    isDisabled: function() {
        return this.disabled;

     * Method to determine whether this Droppable is currently monitoring drag operations of Draggables.
     * @return {Boolean} the monitoring state of this Droppable
    isMonitoring: function() {
        return this.monitoring;