//@tag dom,core
//@define Ext-more
//@require Ext.EventManager

 * @class Ext
 * Ext is the global namespace for the whole Sencha Touch framework. Every class, function and configuration for the
 * whole framework exists under this single global variable. The Ext singleton itself contains a set of useful helper
 * functions (like {@link #apply}, {@link #min} and others), but most of the framework that you use day to day exists
 * in specialized classes (for example {@link Ext.Panel}, {@link Ext.Carousel} and others).
 * If you are new to Sencha Touch we recommend starting with the [Getting Started Guide][getting_started] to
 * get a feel for how the framework operates. After that, use the more focused guides on subjects like panels, forms and data
 * to broaden your understanding. The MVC guides take you through the process of building full applications using the
 * framework, and detail how to deploy them to production.
 * The functions listed below are mostly utility functions used internally by many of the classes shipped in the
 * framework, but also often useful in your own apps.
 * A method that is crucial to beginning your application is {@link #setup Ext.setup}. Please refer to it's documentation, or the
 * [Getting Started Guide][getting_started] as a reference on beginning your application.
 *     Ext.setup({
 *         onReady: function() {
 *             Ext.Viewport.add({
 *                 xtype: 'component',
 *                 html: 'Hello world!'
 *             });
 *         }
 *     });
 * [getting_started]: #!/guide/getting_started
Ext.setVersion('touch', '2.3.2');

Ext.apply(Ext, {
     * The version of the framework
     * @type String
    version: Ext.getVersion('touch'),

     * @private
    idSeed: 0,

     * Repaints the whole page. This fixes frequently encountered painting issues in mobile Safari.
    repaint: function() {
        var mask = Ext.getBody().createChild({
            cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'mask ' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'mask-transparent'
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 0);

     * Generates unique ids. If the element is passes and it already has an `id`, it is unchanged.
     * @param {Mixed} el (optional) The element to generate an id for.
     * @param {String} [prefix=ext-gen] (optional) The `id` prefix.
     * @return {String} The generated `id`.
    id: function(el, prefix) {
        if (el && el.id) {
            return el.id;

        el = Ext.getDom(el) || {};

        if (el === document || el === document.documentElement) {
            el.id = 'ext-app';
        else if (el === document.body) {
            el.id = 'ext-body';
        else if (el === window) {
            el.id = 'ext-window';

        el.id = el.id || ((prefix || 'ext-') + (++Ext.idSeed));

        return el.id;

     * Returns the current document body as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document body.
    getBody: function() {
        if (!Ext.documentBodyElement) {
            if (!document.body) {
                throw new Error("[Ext.getBody] document.body does not exist at this point");

            Ext.documentBodyElement = Ext.get(document.body);

        return Ext.documentBodyElement;

     * Returns the current document head as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document head.
    getHead: function() {
        if (!Ext.documentHeadElement) {
            Ext.documentHeadElement = Ext.get(document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]);

        return Ext.documentHeadElement;

     * Returns the current HTML document object as an {@link Ext.Element}.
     * @return {Ext.Element} The document.
    getDoc: function() {
        if (!Ext.documentElement) {
            Ext.documentElement = Ext.get(document);

        return Ext.documentElement;

     * This is shorthand reference to {@link Ext.ComponentMgr#get}.
     * Looks up an existing {@link Ext.Component Component} by {@link Ext.Component#getId id}
     * @param {String} id The component {@link Ext.Component#getId id}
     * @return {Ext.Component} The Component, `undefined` if not found, or `null` if a
     * Class was found.
    getCmp: function(id) {
        return Ext.ComponentMgr.get(id);

     * Copies a set of named properties from the source object to the destination object.
     * Example:
     *     ImageComponent = Ext.extend(Ext.Component, {
     *         initComponent: function() {
     *             this.autoEl = { tag: 'img' };
     *             MyComponent.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
     *             this.initialBox = Ext.copyTo({}, this.initialConfig, 'x,y,width,height');
     *         }
     *     });
     * Important note: To borrow class prototype methods, use {@link Ext.Base#borrow} instead.
     * @param {Object} dest The destination object.
     * @param {Object} source The source object.
     * @param {String/String[]} names Either an Array of property names, or a comma-delimited list
     * of property names to copy.
     * @param {Boolean} [usePrototypeKeys=false] (optional) Pass `true` to copy keys off of the prototype as well as the instance.
     * @return {Object} The modified object.
    copyTo : function(dest, source, names, usePrototypeKeys) {
        if (typeof names == 'string') {
            names = names.split(/[,;\s]/);
        Ext.each (names, function(name) {
            if (usePrototypeKeys || source.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
                dest[name] = source[name];
        }, this);
        return dest;

     * Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the
     * DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if available).  This method is primarily
     * intended for arguments of type {@link Ext.Element} and {@link Ext.Component}.
     * Any number of elements and/or components can be passed into this function in a single
     * call as separate arguments.
     * @param {Mixed...} args An {@link Ext.Element}, {@link Ext.Component}, or an Array of either of these to destroy.
    destroy: function() {
        var args = arguments,
            ln = args.length,
            i, item;

        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            item = args[i];

            if (item) {
                if (Ext.isArray(item)) {
                    this.destroy.apply(this, item);
                else if (Ext.isFunction(item.destroy)) {

     * Return the dom node for the passed String (id), dom node, or Ext.Element.
     * Here are some examples:
     *     // gets dom node based on id
     *     var elDom = Ext.getDom('elId');
     *     // gets dom node based on the dom node
     *     var elDom1 = Ext.getDom(elDom);
     *     // If we don't know if we are working with an
     *     // Ext.Element or a dom node use Ext.getDom
     *     function(el){
     *         var dom = Ext.getDom(el);
     *         // do something with the dom node
     *     }
     * __Note:__ the dom node to be found actually needs to exist (be rendered, etc)
     * when this method is called to be successful.
     * @param {Mixed} el
     * @return {HTMLElement}
    getDom: function(el) {
        if (!el || !document) {
            return null;

        return el.dom ? el.dom : (typeof el == 'string' ? document.getElementById(el) : el);

     * Removes this element from the document, removes all DOM event listeners, and deletes the cache reference.
     * All DOM event listeners are removed from this element.
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The node to remove.
    removeNode: function(node) {
        if (node && node.parentNode && node.tagName != 'BODY') {
            delete Ext.cache[node.id];

     * @private
    defaultSetupConfig: {
        eventPublishers: {
            dom: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.Dom'
            touchGesture: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.TouchGesture',
                recognizers: {
                    drag: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Drag'
                    tap: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Tap'
                    doubleTap: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.DoubleTap'
                    longPress: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.LongPress'
                    swipe: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Swipe'
                    pinch: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Pinch'
                    rotate: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Rotate'
                    edgeSwipe: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.EdgeSwipe'
            componentDelegation: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.ComponentDelegation'
            componentPaint: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.ComponentPaint'
//            componentSize: {
//                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.ComponentSize'
//            },
            elementPaint: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.ElementPaint'
            elementSize: {
                xclass: 'Ext.event.publisher.ElementSize'
            //<feature charts>
            ,seriesItemEvents: {
                xclass: 'Ext.chart.series.ItemPublisher'

        //<feature logger>
        logger: {
            enabled: true,
            xclass: 'Ext.log.Logger',
            minPriority: 'deprecate',
            writers: {
                console: {
                    xclass: 'Ext.log.writer.Console',
                    throwOnErrors: true,
                    formatter: {
                        xclass: 'Ext.log.formatter.Default'

        animator: {
            xclass: 'Ext.fx.Runner'

        viewport: {
            xclass: 'Ext.viewport.Viewport'

     * @private
    isSetup: false,

     * This indicate the start timestamp of current cycle.
     * It is only reliable during dom-event-initiated cycles and
     * {@link Ext.draw.Animator} initiated cycles.
    frameStartTime: +new Date(),

     * @private
    setupListeners: [],

     * @private
    onSetup: function(fn, scope) {
        if (Ext.isSetup) {
        else {
                fn: fn,
                scope: scope

     * Ext.setup() is the entry-point to initialize a Sencha Touch application. Note that if your application makes
     * use of MVC architecture, use {@link Ext#application} instead.
     * This method accepts one single argument in object format. The most basic use of Ext.setup() is as follows:
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * This sets up the viewport, initializes the event system, instantiates a default animation runner, and a default
     * logger (during development). When all of that is ready, it invokes the callback function given to the `onReady` key.
     * The default scope (`this`) of `onReady` is the main viewport. By default the viewport instance is stored in
     * {@link Ext.Viewport}. For example, this snippet adds a 'Hello World' button that is centered on the screen:
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             this.add({
     *                 xtype: 'button',
     *                 centered: true,
     *                 text: 'Hello world!'
     *             }); // Equivalent to Ext.Viewport.add(...)
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config An object with the following config options:
     * @param {Function} config.onReady
     * A function to be called when the application is ready. Your application logic should be here.
     * @param {Object} config.viewport
     * A custom config object to be used when creating the global {@link Ext.Viewport} instance. Please refer to the
     * {@link Ext.Viewport} documentation for more information.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         viewport: {
     *             width: 500,
     *             height: 500
     *         },
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {String/Object} config.icon
     * Specifies a set of URLs to the application icon for different device form factors. This icon is displayed
     * when the application is added to the device's Home Screen.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         icon: {
     *             57: 'resources/icons/Icon.png',
     *             72: 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad.png',
     *             114: 'resources/icons/Icon@2x.png',
     *             144: 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad@2x.png'
     *         },
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * Each key represents the dimension of the icon as a square shape. For example: '57' is the key for a 57 x 57
     * icon image. Here is the breakdown of each dimension and its device target:
     * - 57: Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
     * - 72: Retina iPhone and iPod touch
     * - 114: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation)
     * - 144: Retina iPad (third generation)
     * Note that the dimensions of the icon images must be exactly 57x57, 72x72, 114x114 and 144x144 respectively.
     * It is highly recommended that you provide all these different sizes to accommodate a full range of
     * devices currently available. However if you only have one icon in one size, make it 57x57 in size and
     * specify it as a string value. This same icon will be used on all supported devices.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         icon: 'resources/icons/Icon.png',
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config.startupImage
     * Specifies a set of URLs to the application startup images for different device form factors. This image is
     * displayed when the application is being launched from the Home Screen icon. Note that this currently only applies
     * to iOS devices.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         startupImage: {
     *             '320x460': 'resources/startup/320x460.jpg',
     *             '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png',
     *             '640x1096': 'resources/startup/640x1096.png',
     *             '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png',
     *             '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png',
     *             '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png',
     *             '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png'
     *         },
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * Each key represents the dimension of the image. For example: '320x460' is the key for a 320px x 460px image.
     * Here is the breakdown of each dimension and its device target:
     * - 320x460: Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
     * - 640x920: Retina iPhone and iPod touch
     * - 640x1096: iPhone 5 and iPod touch (fifth generation)
     * - 768x1004: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in portrait orientation
     * - 748x1024: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in landscape orientation
     * - 1536x2008: Retina iPad (third generation) in portrait orientation
     * - 1496x2048: Retina iPad (third generation) in landscape orientation
     * Please note that there's no automatic fallback mechanism for the startup images. In other words, if you don't specify
     * a valid image for a certain device, nothing will be displayed while the application is being launched on that device.
     * @param {Boolean} config.isIconPrecomposed
     * True to not having a glossy effect added to the icon by the OS, which will preserve its exact look. This currently
     * only applies to iOS devices.
     * @param {String} config.statusBarStyle
     * The style of status bar to be shown on applications added to the iOS home screen. Valid options are:
     * * `default`
     * * `black`
     * * `black-translucent`
     * @param {String[]} config.requires
     * An array of required classes for your application which will be automatically loaded before `onReady` is invoked.
     * Please refer to {@link Ext.Loader} and {@link Ext.Loader#require} for more information.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         requires: ['Ext.Button', 'Ext.tab.Panel'],
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config.eventPublishers
     * Sencha Touch, by default, includes various {@link Ext.event.recognizer.Recognizer} subclasses to recognize events fired
     * in your application. The list of default recognizers can be found in the documentation for
     * {@link Ext.event.recognizer.Recognizer}.
     * To change the default recognizers, you can use the following syntax:
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         eventPublishers: {
     *             touchGesture: {
     *                 recognizers: {
     *                     swipe: {
     *                         // this will include both vertical and horizontal swipe recognizers
     *                         xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Swipe'
     *                     }
     *                 }
     *             }
     *         },
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * You can also disable recognizers using this syntax:
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         eventPublishers: {
     *             touchGesture: {
     *                 recognizers: {
     *                     swipe: null,
     *                     pinch: null,
     *                     rotate: null
     *                 }
     *             }
     *         },
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
    setup: function(config) {
        var defaultSetupConfig = Ext.defaultSetupConfig,
            emptyFn = Ext.emptyFn,
            onReady = config.onReady || emptyFn,
            onUpdated = config.onUpdated || emptyFn,
            scope = config.scope,
            requires = Ext.Array.from(config.requires),
            extOnReady = Ext.onReady,
            head = Ext.getHead(),
            callback, viewport, precomposed;

        Ext.setup = function() {
            throw new Error("Ext.setup has already been called before");

        delete config.requires;
        delete config.onReady;
        delete config.onUpdated;
        delete config.scope;


        callback = function() {
            var listeners = Ext.setupListeners,
                ln = listeners.length,
                i, listener;

            delete Ext.setupListeners;
            Ext.isSetup = true;

            for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
                listener = listeners[i];

            Ext.onReady = extOnReady;
            Ext.onReady(onReady, scope);

        Ext.onUpdated = onUpdated;
        Ext.onReady = function(fn, scope) {
            var origin = onReady;

            onReady = function() {
                Ext.onReady(fn, scope);

        config = Ext.merge({}, defaultSetupConfig, config);

        Ext.onDocumentReady(function() {
            Ext.factoryConfig(config, function(data) {

                if (data.logger) {
                    Ext.Logger = data.logger;

                if (data.animator) {
                    Ext.Animator = data.animator;

                if (data.viewport) {
                    Ext.Viewport = viewport = data.viewport;

                    if (!scope) {
                        scope = viewport;

                    Ext.require(requires, function() {
                        Ext.Viewport.on('ready', callback, null, {single: true});
                else {
                    Ext.require(requires, callback);

            if (!Ext.microloaded && navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile\/10\.0/)) {
                var msViewportStyle = document.createElement("style");
                        "@media screen and (orientation: portrait) {" +
                            "@-ms-viewport {width: 320px !important;}" +
                        "}" +
                        "@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {" +
                            "@-ms-viewport {width: 560px !important;}" +

        function addMeta(name, content) {
            var meta = document.createElement('meta');

            meta.setAttribute('name', name);
            meta.setAttribute('content', content);

        function addIcon(href, sizes, precomposed) {
            var link = document.createElement('link');
            link.setAttribute('rel', 'apple-touch-icon' + (precomposed ? '-precomposed' : ''));
            link.setAttribute('href', href);
            if (sizes) {
                link.setAttribute('sizes', sizes);

        function addStartupImage(href, media) {
            var link = document.createElement('link');
            link.setAttribute('rel', 'apple-touch-startup-image');
            link.setAttribute('href', href);
            if (media) {
                link.setAttribute('media', media);

        var icon = config.icon,
            isIconPrecomposed = Boolean(config.isIconPrecomposed),
            startupImage = config.startupImage || {},
            statusBarStyle = config.statusBarStyle || 'black',
            devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

        if (navigator.standalone) {
            addMeta('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0');
        else {
            addMeta('viewport', 'initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, minimum-ui');
        addMeta('apple-mobile-web-app-capable', 'yes');
        addMeta('apple-touch-fullscreen', 'yes');
        if (Ext.browser.is.ie) {
            addMeta('msapplication-tap-highlight', 'no');

        // status bar style
        if (statusBarStyle) {
            addMeta('apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style', statusBarStyle);

        if (Ext.isString(icon)) {
            icon = {
                57: icon,
                72: icon,
                114: icon,
                144: icon
        else if (!icon) {
            icon = {};

        //<deprecated product=touch since=2.0.1>
        if ('phoneStartupScreen' in config) {
            //<debug warn>
            Ext.Logger.deprecate("[Ext.setup()] 'phoneStartupScreen' config is deprecated, please use 'startupImage' " +
                "config instead. Refer to the latest API docs for more details");
            config['320x460'] = config.phoneStartupScreen;

        if ('tabletStartupScreen' in config) {
            //<debug warn>
            Ext.Logger.deprecate("[Ext.setup()] 'tabletStartupScreen' config is deprecated, please use 'startupImage' " +
                "config instead. Refer to the latest API docs for more details");
            config['768x1004'] = config.tabletStartupScreen;

        if ('glossOnIcon' in config) {
            //<debug warn>
            Ext.Logger.deprecate("[Ext.setup()] 'glossOnIcon' config is deprecated, please use 'isIconPrecomposed' " +
                "config instead. Refer to the latest API docs for more details");
            isIconPrecomposed = Boolean(config.glossOnIcon);

        if (Ext.os.is.iPad) {
            if (devicePixelRatio >= 2) {
                // Retina iPad - Landscape
                if ('1496x2048' in startupImage) {
                    addStartupImage(startupImage['1496x2048'], '(orientation: landscape)');
                // Retina iPad - Portrait
                if ('1536x2008' in startupImage) {
                    addStartupImage(startupImage['1536x2008'], '(orientation: portrait)');

                // Retina iPad
                if ('144' in icon) {
                    addIcon(icon['144'], '144x144', isIconPrecomposed);
            else {
                // Non-Retina iPad - Landscape
                if ('748x1024' in startupImage) {
                    addStartupImage(startupImage['748x1024'], '(orientation: landscape)');
                // Non-Retina iPad - Portrait
                if ('768x1004' in startupImage) {
                    addStartupImage(startupImage['768x1004'], '(orientation: portrait)');

                // Non-Retina iPad
                if ('72' in icon) {
                    addIcon(icon['72'], '72x72', isIconPrecomposed);
        else {
            // Retina iPhone, iPod touch with iOS version >= 4.3
            if (devicePixelRatio >= 2 && Ext.os.version.gtEq('4.3')) {
                if (Ext.os.is.iPhone5) {
                } else {

                // Retina iPhone and iPod touch
                if ('114' in icon) {
                    addIcon(icon['114'], '114x114', isIconPrecomposed);
            else {

                // Non-Retina iPhone, iPod touch, and Android devices
                if ('57' in icon) {
                    addIcon(icon['57'], null, isIconPrecomposed);

     * @member Ext
     * @method application
     * Loads Ext.app.Application class and starts it up with given configuration after the page is ready.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         launch: function() {
     *             alert('Application launched!');
     *         }
     *     });
     * See {@link Ext.app.Application} for details.
     * @param {Object} config An object with the following config options:
     * @param {Function} config.launch
     * A function to be called when the application is ready. Your application logic should be here. Please see {@link Ext.app.Application}
     * for details.
     * @param {Object} config.viewport
     * An object to be used when creating the global {@link Ext.Viewport} instance. Please refer to the {@link Ext.Viewport}
     * documentation for more information.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         viewport: {
     *             layout: 'vbox'
     *         },
     *         launch: function() {
     *             Ext.Viewport.add({
     *                 flex: 1,
     *                 html: 'top (flex: 1)'
     *             });
     *             Ext.Viewport.add({
     *                 flex: 4,
     *                 html: 'bottom (flex: 4)'
     *             });
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {String/Object} config.icon
     * Specifies a set of URLs to the application icon for different device form factors. This icon is displayed
     * when the application is added to the device's Home Screen.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         icon: {
     *             57: 'resources/icons/Icon.png',
     *             72: 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad.png',
     *             114: 'resources/icons/Icon@2x.png',
     *             144: 'resources/icons/Icon~ipad@2x.png'
     *         },
     *         launch: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * Each key represents the dimension of the icon as a square shape. For example: '57' is the key for a 57 x 57
     * icon image. Here is the breakdown of each dimension and its device target:
     * - 57: Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
     * - 72: Retina iPhone and iPod touch
     * - 114: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation)
     * - 144: Retina iPad (third generation)
     * Note that the dimensions of the icon images must be exactly 57x57, 72x72, 114x114 and 144x144 respectively.
     * It is highly recommended that you provide all these different sizes to accommodate a full range of
     * devices currently available. However if you only have one icon in one size, make it 57x57 in size and
     * specify it as a string value. This same icon will be used on all supported devices.
     *     Ext.setup({
     *         icon: 'resources/icons/Icon.png',
     *         onReady: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config.startupImage
     * Specifies a set of URLs to the application startup images for different device form factors. This image is
     * displayed when the application is being launched from the Home Screen icon. Note that this currently only applies
     * to iOS devices.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         startupImage: {
     *             '320x460': 'resources/startup/320x460.jpg',
     *             '640x920': 'resources/startup/640x920.png',
     *             '640x1096': 'resources/startup/640x1096.png',
     *             '768x1004': 'resources/startup/768x1004.png',
     *             '748x1024': 'resources/startup/748x1024.png',
     *             '1536x2008': 'resources/startup/1536x2008.png',
     *             '1496x2048': 'resources/startup/1496x2048.png'
     *         },
     *         launch: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * Each key represents the dimension of the image. For example: '320x460' is the key for a 320px x 460px image.
     * Here is the breakdown of each dimension and its device target:
     * - 320x460: Non-retina iPhone, iPod touch, and all Android devices
     * - 640x920: Retina iPhone and iPod touch
     * - 640x1096: iPhone 5 and iPod touch (fifth generation)
     * - 768x1004: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in portrait orientation
     * - 748x1024: Non-retina iPad (first and second generation) in landscape orientation
     * - 1536x2008: Retina iPad (third generation) in portrait orientation
     * - 1496x2048: Retina iPad (third generation) in landscape orientation
     * Please note that there's no automatic fallback mechanism for the startup images. In other words, if you don't specify
     * a valid image for a certain device, nothing will be displayed while the application is being launched on that device.
     * @param {Boolean} config.isIconPrecomposed
     * True to not having a glossy effect added to the icon by the OS, which will preserve its exact look. This currently
     * only applies to iOS devices.
     * @param {String} config.statusBarStyle
     * The style of status bar to be shown on applications added to the iOS home screen. Valid options are:
     * * `default`
     * * `black`
     * * `black-translucent`
     * @param {String[]} config.requires
     * An array of required classes for your application which will be automatically loaded if {@link Ext.Loader#enabled} is set
     * to `true`. Please refer to {@link Ext.Loader} and {@link Ext.Loader#require} for more information.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         requires: ['Ext.Button', 'Ext.tab.Panel'],
     *         launch: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Object} config.eventPublishers
     * Sencha Touch, by default, includes various {@link Ext.event.recognizer.Recognizer} subclasses to recognize events fired
     * in your application. The list of default recognizers can be found in the documentation for {@link Ext.event.recognizer.Recognizer}.
     * To change the default recognizers, you can use the following syntax:
     *     Ext.application({
     *         eventPublishers: {
     *             touchGesture: {
     *                 recognizers: {
     *                     swipe: {
     *                         // this will include both vertical and horizontal swipe recognizers
     *                         xclass: 'Ext.event.recognizer.Swipe'
     *                     }
     *                 }
     *             }
     *         },
     *         launch: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * You can also disable recognizers using this syntax:
     *     Ext.application({
     *         eventPublishers: {
     *             touchGesture: {
     *                 recognizers: {
     *                     swipe: null,
     *                     pinch: null,
     *                     rotate: null
     *                 }
     *             }
     *         },
     *         launch: function() {
     *             // ...
     *         }
     *     });
     * @param {Function} config.onUpdated
     * This function will execute once the production microloader determines there are updates to the application and has
     * merged the updates into the application. You can then alert the user there was an update and can then reload
     * the application to execute the updated application.
     *     Ext.application({
     *         onUpdated : function() {
     *             Ext.Msg.confirm(
     *                 'Application Update',
     *                 'This application has just successfully been updated to the latest version. Reload now?',
     *                 function(buttonId) {
     *                     if (buttonId === 'yes') {
     *                         window.location.reload();
     *                     }
     *                 }
     *             );
     *         }
     *     });
    application: function(config) {
        var appName = config.name,
            onReady, scope, requires;

        if (!config) {
            config = {};

        if (!Ext.Loader.config.paths[appName]) {
            Ext.Loader.setPath(appName, config.appFolder || 'app');

        requires = Ext.Array.from(config.requires);
        config.requires = ['Ext.app.Application'];

        onReady = config.onReady;
        scope = config.scope;

        config.onReady = function() {
            config.requires = requires;
            new Ext.app.Application(config);

            if (onReady) {


     * @private
     * @param {Object} config
     * @param {Function} callback
     * @member Ext
    factoryConfig: function(config, callback) {
        var isSimpleObject = Ext.isSimpleObject(config);

        if (isSimpleObject && config.xclass) {
            var className = config.xclass;

            delete config.xclass;

            Ext.require(className, function() {
                Ext.factoryConfig(config, function(cfg) {
                    callback(Ext.create(className, cfg));


        var isArray = Ext.isArray(config),
            keys = [],
            key, value, i, ln;

        if (isSimpleObject || isArray) {
            if (isSimpleObject) {
                for (key in config) {
                    if (config.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        value = config[key];
                        if (Ext.isSimpleObject(value) || Ext.isArray(value)) {
            else {
                for (i = 0,ln = config.length; i < ln; i++) {
                    value = config[i];

                    if (Ext.isSimpleObject(value) || Ext.isArray(value)) {

            i = 0;
            ln = keys.length;

            if (ln === 0) {

            function fn(value) {
                config[key] = value;

            function factory() {
                if (i >= ln) {

                key = keys[i];
                value = config[key];

                Ext.factoryConfig(value, fn);



     * A global factory method to instantiate a class from a config object. For example, these two calls are equivalent:
     *     Ext.factory({ text: 'My Button' }, 'Ext.Button');
     *     Ext.create('Ext.Button', { text: 'My Button' });
     * If an existing instance is also specified, it will be updated with the supplied config object. This is useful
     * if you need to either create or update an object, depending on if an instance already exists. For example:
     *     var button;
     *     button = Ext.factory({ text: 'New Button' }, 'Ext.Button', button);     // Button created
     *     button = Ext.factory({ text: 'Updated Button' }, 'Ext.Button', button); // Button updated
     * @param {Object} config  The config object to instantiate or update an instance with.
     * @param {String} classReference  The class to instantiate from.
     * @param {Object} [instance]  The instance to update.
     * @param {String} [aliasNamespace]
     * @member Ext
    factory: function(config, classReference, instance, aliasNamespace) {
        var manager = Ext.ClassManager,

        // If config is falsy or a valid instance, destroy the current instance
        // (if it exists) and replace with the new one
        if (!config || config.isInstance) {
            if (instance && instance !== config) {

            return config;

        if (aliasNamespace) {
             // If config is a string value, treat it as an alias
            if (typeof config == 'string') {
                return manager.instantiateByAlias(aliasNamespace + '.' + config);
            // Same if 'type' is given in config
            else if (Ext.isObject(config) && 'type' in config) {
                return manager.instantiateByAlias(aliasNamespace + '.' + config.type, config);

        if (config === true) {
            return instance || manager.instantiate(classReference);

        //<debug error>
        if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
            Ext.Logger.error("Invalid config, must be a valid config object");

        if ('xtype' in config) {
            newInstance = manager.instantiateByAlias('widget.' + config.xtype, config);
        else if ('xclass' in config) {
            newInstance = manager.instantiate(config.xclass, config);

        if (newInstance) {
            if (instance) {

            return newInstance;

        if (instance) {
            return instance.setConfig(config);

        return manager.instantiate(classReference, config);

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecateClassMember: function(cls, oldName, newName, message) {
        return this.deprecateProperty(cls.prototype, oldName, newName, message);

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecateClassMembers: function(cls, members) {
       var prototype = cls.prototype,
           oldName, newName;

       for (oldName in members) {
           if (members.hasOwnProperty(oldName)) {
               newName = members[oldName];

               this.deprecateProperty(prototype, oldName, newName);

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecateProperty: function(object, oldName, newName, message) {
        if (!message) {
            message = "'" + oldName + "' is deprecated";
        if (newName) {
            message += ", please use '" + newName + "' instead";

        if (newName) {
            Ext.Object.defineProperty(object, oldName, {
                get: function() {
                    //<debug warn>
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, 1);
                    return this[newName];
                set: function(value) {
                    //<debug warn>
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, 1);

                    this[newName] = value;
                configurable: true

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecatePropertyValue: function(object, name, value, message) {
        Ext.Object.defineProperty(object, name, {
            get: function() {
                //<debug warn>
                Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, 1);
                return value;
            configurable: true

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecateMethod: function(object, name, method, message) {
        object[name] = function() {
            //<debug warn>
            Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, 2);
            if (method) {
                return method.apply(this, arguments);

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    deprecateClassMethod: function(cls, name, method, message) {
        if (typeof name != 'string') {
            var from, to;

            for (from in name) {
                if (name.hasOwnProperty(from)) {
                    to = name[from];
                    Ext.deprecateClassMethod(cls, from, to);

        var isLateBinding = typeof method == 'string',

        if (!message) {
            message = "'" + name + "()' is deprecated, please use '" + (isLateBinding ? method : method.name) +
                "()' instead";

        if (isLateBinding) {
            member = function() {
                //<debug warn>
                Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, this);

                return this[method].apply(this, arguments);
        else {
            member = function() {
                //<debug warn>
                Ext.Logger.deprecate(message, this);

                return method.apply(this, arguments);

        if (name in cls.prototype) {
            Ext.Object.defineProperty(cls.prototype, name, {
                value: null,
                writable: true,
                configurable: true

        cls.addMember(name, member);

     * Useful snippet to show an exact, narrowed-down list of top-level Components that are not yet destroyed.
     * @private
    showLeaks: function() {
        var map = Ext.ComponentManager.all.map,
            leaks = [],

        Ext.Object.each(map, function(id, component) {
            while ((parent = component.getParent()) && map.hasOwnProperty(parent.getId())) {
                component = parent;

            if (leaks.indexOf(component) === -1) {


     * True when the document is fully initialized and ready for action
     * @type Boolean
     * @member Ext
     * @private
    isReady : false,

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    readyListeners: [],

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    triggerReady: function() {
        var listeners = Ext.readyListeners,
            i, ln, listener;

        if (!Ext.isReady) {
            Ext.isReady = true;

            for (i = 0,ln = listeners.length; i < ln; i++) {
                listener = listeners[i];
            delete Ext.readyListeners;

     * @private
     * @member Ext
    onDocumentReady: function(fn, scope) {
        if (Ext.isReady) {
        else {
            var triggerFn = Ext.triggerReady;

                fn: fn,
                scope: scope

            if ((Ext.browser.is.WebWorks || Ext.browser.is.PhoneGap) && !Ext.os.is.Desktop) {
                if (!Ext.readyListenerAttached) {
                    Ext.readyListenerAttached = true;
                    document.addEventListener(Ext.browser.is.PhoneGap ? 'deviceready' : 'webworksready', triggerFn, false);
            else {
                var readyStateRe =  (/MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? /complete|loaded/ : /interactive|complete|loaded/;
                if (document.readyState.match(readyStateRe) !== null) {
                else if (!Ext.readyListenerAttached) {
                    Ext.readyListenerAttached = true;
                    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
                        if (navigator.standalone) {
                            // When running from Home Screen, the splash screen will not disappear until all
                            // external resource requests finish.
                            // The first timeout clears the splash screen
                            // The second timeout allows inital HTML content to be displayed
                            setTimeout(function() {
                                setTimeout(function() {
                                }, 1);
                            }, 1);
                        else {
                          setTimeout(function() {
                          }, 1);
                    }, false);

     * Calls function after specified delay, or right away when delay == 0.
     * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute.
     * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope to execute in.
     * @param {Array} args (optional) The arguments to pass to the function.
     * @param {Number} delay (optional) Pass a number to delay the call by a number of milliseconds.
     * @member Ext
    callback: function(callback, scope, args, delay) {
        if (Ext.isFunction(callback)) {
            args = args || [];
            scope = scope || window;
            if (delay) {
                Ext.defer(callback, delay, scope, args);
            } else {
                callback.apply(scope, args);

Ext.Object.defineProperty(Ext, 'Msg', {
    get: function() {
        Ext.Logger.error("Using Ext.Msg without requiring Ext.MessageBox");
        return null;
    set: function(value) {
        Ext.Object.defineProperty(Ext, 'Msg', {
            value: value
        return value;
    configurable: true

//<deprecated product=touch since=2.0>
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'getOrientation', function() {
    return Ext.Viewport.getOrientation();
}, "Ext.getOrientation() is deprecated, use Ext.Viewport.getOrientation() instead");

Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'log', function(message) {
    return Ext.Logger.log(message);
}, "Ext.log() is deprecated, please use Ext.Logger.log() instead");

 * @member Ext.Function
 * @method createDelegate
 * @inheritdoc Ext.Function#bind
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * Please use {@link Ext.Function#bind bind} instead
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext.Function, 'createDelegate', Ext.Function.bind, "Ext.createDelegate() is deprecated, please use Ext.Function.bind() instead");

 * @member Ext
 * @method createInterceptor
 * @inheritdoc Ext.Function#createInterceptor
 * @deprecated 2.0.0
 * Please use {@link Ext.Function#createInterceptor createInterceptor} instead
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'createInterceptor', Ext.Function.createInterceptor, "Ext.createInterceptor() is deprecated, " +
    "please use Ext.Function.createInterceptor() instead");

 * @member Ext
 * @property {Boolean} SSL_SECURE_URL
 * URL to a blank file used by Ext JS when in secure mode for iframe src and onReady
 * src to prevent the IE insecure content warning.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateProperty(Ext, 'SSL_SECURE_URL', null, "Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @property {Boolean} enableGarbageCollector
 * `true` to automatically un-cache orphaned Ext.Elements periodically.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateProperty(Ext, 'enableGarbageCollector', null, "Ext.enableGarbageCollector has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @property {Boolean} enableListenerCollection
 * True to automatically purge event listeners during garbageCollection.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateProperty(Ext, 'enableListenerCollection', null, "Ext.enableListenerCollection has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @property {Boolean} isSecure
 * True if the page is running over SSL.
 * @removed 2.0.0 Please use {@link Ext.env.Browser#isSecure} instead
Ext.deprecateProperty(Ext, 'isSecure', null, "Ext.enableListenerCollection has been removed, please use Ext.env.Browser.isSecure instead");

 * @member Ext
 * @method dispatch
 * Dispatches a request to a controller action.
 * @removed 2.0.0 Please use {@link Ext.app.Application#dispatch} instead
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'dispatch', null, "Ext.dispatch() is deprecated, please use Ext.app.Application.dispatch() instead");

 * @member Ext
 * @method getOrientation
 * Returns the current orientation of the mobile device.
 * @removed 2.0.0
 * Please use {@link Ext.Viewport#getOrientation getOrientation} instead
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'getOrientation', null, "Ext.getOrientation() has been removed, " +
    "please use Ext.Viewport.getOrientation() instead");

 * @member Ext
 * @method reg
 * Registers a new xtype.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'reg', null, "Ext.reg() has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @method preg
 * Registers a new ptype.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'preg', null, "Ext.preg() has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @method redirect
 * Dispatches a request to a controller action, adding to the History stack
 * and updating the page url as necessary.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'redirect', null, "Ext.redirect() has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @method regApplication
 * Creates a new Application class from the specified config object.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'regApplication', null, "Ext.regApplication() has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @method regController
 * Creates a new Controller class from the specified config object.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'regController', null, "Ext.regController() has been removed");

 * @member Ext
 * @method regLayout
 * Registers new layout type.
 * @removed 2.0.0
Ext.deprecateMethod(Ext, 'regLayout', null, "Ext.regLayout() has been removed");
