 * @class Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight
 * @extends Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract
 * The ItemHighlight interaction allows the user to highlight series items in the chart.
Ext.define('Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight', {

    extend: 'Ext.chart.interactions.Abstract',

    type: 'itemhighlight',
    alias: 'interaction.itemhighlight',

    config: {
         * @cfg {String} gesture
         * Defines the gesture type that should trigger item highlighting.
        gesture: 'tap'

    getGestures: function () {
        var gestures = {};
        gestures['item' + this.getGesture()] = 'onGesture';
        gestures[this.getGesture()] = 'onFailedGesture';
        return gestures;

    onGesture: function (series, item, e) {
        e.highlightItem = item;
        return false;

    onFailedGesture: function (e) {
        this.getChart().setHighlightItem(e.highlightItem || null);