 * A simple class used to mask any {@link Ext.Container}.
 * This should rarely be used directly, instead look at the {@link Ext.Container#masked} configuration.
 * ## Example
 *     @example miniphone
 *     Ext.Viewport.add({
 *         masked: {
 *            xtype: 'loadmask'
 *         }
 *     });
 * You can customize the loading {@link #message} and whether or not you want to show the {@link #indicator}:
 *     @example miniphone
 *     Ext.Viewport.add({
 *         masked: {
 *            xtype: 'loadmask',
 *            message: 'A message..',
 *            indicator: false
 *         }
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.LoadMask', {
    extend: 'Ext.Mask',
    xtype: 'loadmask',

    config: {
         * @cfg {String} message
         * The text to display in a centered loading message box.
         * @accessor
        message: 'Loading...',

         * @cfg {String} cls
         * The CSS Class for this component
         * @accessor
        cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'loading-mask',

         * @cfg {String} messageCls
         * The CSS class to apply to the loading message element.
         * @accessor
        messageCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'mask-message',

         * @cfg {Boolean} indicator
         * True to show the loading indicator on this {@link Ext.LoadMask}.
         * @accessor
        indicator: true

    getTemplate: function() {
        var prefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix;

        return [
                //it needs an inner so it can be centered within the mask, and have a background
                reference: 'innerElement',
                cls: prefix + 'mask-inner',
                children: [
                    //the elements required for the CSS loading {@link #indicator}
                        reference: 'indicatorElement',
                        cls: prefix + 'loading-spinner-outer',
                        children: [
                                cls: prefix + 'loading-spinner',
                                children: [
                                    { tag: 'span', cls: prefix + 'loading-top' },
                                    { tag: 'span', cls: prefix + 'loading-right' },
                                    { tag: 'span', cls: prefix + 'loading-bottom' },
                                    { tag: 'span', cls: prefix + 'loading-left' }
                    //the element used to display the {@link #message}
                        reference: 'messageElement'

     * Updates the message element with the new value of the {@link #message} configuration
     * @private
    updateMessage: function(newMessage) {
        var cls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'has-message';

        if (newMessage) {
        } else {


     * Replaces the cls of the message element with the value of the {@link #messageCls} configuration.
     * @private
    updateMessageCls: function(newMessageCls, oldMessageCls) {
        this.messageElement.replaceCls(oldMessageCls, newMessageCls);

     * Shows or hides the loading indicator when the {@link #indicator} configuration is changed.
     * @private
    updateIndicator: function(newIndicator) {
        this[newIndicator ? 'removeCls' : 'addCls'](Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'indicator-hidden');

}, function() {
    //<deprecated product=touch since=2.0>
        constructor: function(config, other) {
            if (typeof other !== "undefined") {
                config = other;

                Ext.Logger.deprecate("You no longer need to pass an element to create a Ext.LoadMask. " +
                    "It is a component and can be shown using the Ext.Container.masked configuration.", this);

            if (config) {
                 * @member Ext.LoadMask
                 * @cfg {String} msg The message to display on the {@link Ext.LoadMask}
                 * @deprecated 2.0.0 Please use the {@link #message} configuration
                if (config.hasOwnProperty('msg')) {
                    config.message = config.msg;
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate("'msg' config is deprecated, please use 'message' config instead", this);
                    delete config.msg;

                 * @member Ext.LoadMask
                 * @cfg {String} msgCls The message cls used on the element which displays the {@link #message}
                 * @deprecated 2.0.0 Please use the {@link #messageCls} configuration
                if (config.hasOwnProperty('msgCls')) {
                    config.messageCls = config.msgCls;
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate("'msgCls' config is deprecated, please use 'messageCls' config instead", this);
                    delete config.msgCls;

                 * @cfg {Ext.data.Store} store
                 * Optional Store to which the mask is bound. The mask is displayed when a load request is issued, and
                 * hidden on either load success, or load fail.
                 * @removed 2.0.0 You can no longer bind a store to a {@link Ext.LoadMask}
                if (config.hasOwnProperty('store')) {
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate("'store' config has been removed. You can no longer bind a store to a Ext.LoadMask", this);
                    delete config.store;


         * Changes the data store bound to this LoadMask.
         * @param {Ext.data.Store} store The store to bind to this LoadMask
         * @removed 2.0.0 You can no longer bind a store to a {@link Ext.LoadMask}.
        bindStore: function() {
            Ext.Logger.deprecate("You can no longer bind a store to a Ext.LoadMask", this);