Ext.define('Ext.ux.parse.Model', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
requires: [
config: {
proxy: "parse"
inheritableStatics: {
getParseClass: function() {
if (!this.$parseClass) {
this.$parseClass = this.getName().split(".").pop();
return this.$parseClass;
isParseModel: true,
$parseObject: null,
getParseObject: function() {
return this.$parseObject;
setParseObject: function(value) {
this.$parseObject = value;
$parseClass: null,
getParseClass: function() {
if (!this.$parseClass) {
var modelClass = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(this.$className);
this.$parseClass = modelClass.getParseClass();
return this.$parseClass;
constructor: function(data, id, raw, convertedData) {
if (data instanceof Parse.Object) {
id = id || data.id || null;
data = data.attributes;
} else {
var _data = raw || data || {};
id = _data.id || id || null;
this.setParseObject(ParseHelper.getObject(this.getParseClass(), _data));
return this.callParent([data, id, raw, convertedData]);
monitorRelations: function(config) {
config = config || {};
var me = this,
promise = new Ext.Promise,
callback = config.callback || Ext.emptyFn,
scope = config.scope || this;
(function run() {
var status = me.getRelationsStatus();
var association = status.loading.shift(),
store = association.getStore(me);
store.on("load", run, me, {single:true})
} else {
return promise;
getRelationsStatus: function() {
var me = this,
status = {relations: {}},
associations = this.getAssociations(),
relationStatus, relationStore;
associations.each(function(association) {
if (association.getType() === "relation" && association.getStatus) {
relationStatus = association.getStatus(me);
relationStore = association.getStore(me);
status[relationStatus] = []
status.relations[association.getName()] = {store:relationStore, status: relationStatus};
return status;
relationsLoaded: function() {
var associations = this.getAssociations(),
loaded = true,
associations.each(function(association) {
if (association.getType() === "relation" && association.getStatus) {
relationStatus = association.getStatus(this);
loaded = status === "loading" || status === "unloaded";
return loaded;
getDataFlat: function() {
var me = this,
data = Ext.merge({}, this.data),
associations = this.getAssociations();
associations.each(function(association) {
if (association.getData) {
data[association.getName()] = association.getData(me);
return data;
load: function(options) {
options = options || {};
var me = this,
id = me.get("id") || options.id || null;
if (id && id.indexOf("ext-record") === -1) {
var modelClass = Ext.ModelManager.getModel(me.$className);
modelClass.load(id, {
success: function(record, operation) {
if (options.success) options.success.apply(options.scope || me, [me, operation]);
failure: function(record, operation) {
if (options.failure) options.failure.apply(options.scope || me, [me, operation]);
} else {
// <debug>
Ext.Logger.warn('You cannot load Parse models without a Parse ID');
// </debug>
syncParse: function(fields) {
var me = this, value;
Ext.Array.forEach(fields, function(field) {
if (field.isField) {
value = me.get(field.getName());
field = field.getName();
} else {
value = me.get(field);
if (value && value.isParseModel) {
value = value.getParseObject();
me.$parseObject.set(field, value);
afterEdit: function(modifiedFieldNames, modified) {
* Sets the given field to the given value, marks the instance as dirty.
* @param {String/Object} fieldName The field to set, or an object containing key/value pairs.
* @param {Object} value The value to set.
set: function(fieldName, value) {
var me = this,
// We are using the fields map since it saves lots of function calls
fieldMap = me.fields.map,
modified = me.modified,
notEditing = !me.editing,
modifiedCount = 0,
modifiedFieldNames = [],
field, key, i, ln, currentValue, convert;
* If we're passed an object, iterate over that object. NOTE: we pull out fields with a convert function and
* set those last so that all other possible data is set before the convert function is called
if (arguments.length == 1) {
for (key in fieldName) {
if (fieldName.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
//here we check for the custom convert function. Note that if a field doesn't have a convert function,
//we default it to its type's convert function, so we have to check that here. This feels rather dirty.
field = fieldMap[key];
if (field && field.hasCustomConvert()) {
if (!modifiedCount && notEditing) {
if (!field) field = this.get(key);
if (field && field.isModel) {
} else {
me.set(key, fieldName[key]);
ln = modifiedFieldNames.length;
if (ln) {
if (!modifiedCount && notEditing) {
modifiedCount += ln;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
field = modifiedFieldNames[i];
me.set(field, fieldName[field]);
me.dirty = true;
if (notEditing && modifiedCount) {
me.endEdit(false, modifiedFieldNames);
} else if (modified) {
field = fieldMap[fieldName];
convert = field && field.getConvert();
if (convert) {
value = convert.call(field, value, me);
currentValue = me.data[fieldName];
if (currentValue && currentValue != value) {
me.fireEvent("fieldupdate", this, value, fieldName);
me.data[fieldName] = value;
if (field && !me.isEqual(currentValue, value)) {
if (modified.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
if (me.isEqual(modified[fieldName], value)) {
// the original value in me.modified equals the new value, so the
// field is no longer modified
delete modified[fieldName];
// we might have removed the last modified field, so check to see if
// there are any modified fields remaining and correct me.dirty:
me.dirty = false;
for (key in modified) {
if (modified.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
me.dirty = true;
} else {
me.dirty = true;
// We only go one level back?
modified[fieldName] = currentValue;
if (notEditing) {
me.afterEdit([fieldName], modified);
if (this.dirty) this.fireEvent("dirty", this);