 * This plugin adds pull to refresh functionality to the List.
 * ## Example
 *     @example
 *     var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
 *         fields: ['name', 'img', 'text'],
 *         data: [
 *             {
 *                 name: 'rdougan',
 *                 img: 'http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1261180556/171265_10150129602722922_727937921_7778997_8387690_o_reasonably_small.jpg',
 *                 text: 'JavaScript development'
 *             }
 *         ]
 *     });
 *     Ext.create('Ext.dataview.List', {
 *         fullscreen: true,
 *         store: store,
 *         plugins: [
 *             {
 *                 xclass: 'Ext.plugin.PullRefresh',
 *                 pullText: 'Pull down for more new Tweets!'
 *             }
 *         ],
 *         itemTpl: [
 *             '<img src="{img}" alt="{name} photo" />',
 *             '<div class="tweet"><b>{name}:</b> {text}</div>'
 *         ]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.plugin.PullRefresh', {
    extend: 'Ext.Component',
    alias: 'plugin.pullrefresh',
    requires: ['Ext.DateExtras'],

    config: {
         * @cfg {Ext.dataview.List} list
         * The list to which this PullRefresh plugin is connected.
         * This will usually by set automatically when configuring the list with this plugin.
         * @accessor
        list: null,

         * @cfg {String} pullText The text that will be shown while you are pulling down.
         * @accessor
        pullText: 'Pull down to refresh...',

         * @cfg {String} releaseText The text that will be shown after you have pulled down enough to show the release message.
         * @accessor
        releaseText: 'Release to refresh...',

         * @cfg {String} loadingText The text that will be shown while the list is refreshing.
         * @accessor
        loadingText: 'Loading...',

         * @cfg {String} loadedText The text that will be when data has been loaded.
         * @accessor
        loadedText: 'Loaded.',

         * @cfg {String} lastUpdatedText The text to be shown in front of the last updated time.
         * @accessor
        lastUpdatedText: 'Last Updated:&nbsp;',

         * @cfg {Boolean} scrollerAutoRefresh Determines whether the attached scroller should automatically track size changes of its container.
         * Enabling this will have performance impacts but will be necessary if your list size changes dynamically. For example if your list contains images
         * that will be loading and have unspecified heights.
        scrollerAutoRefresh: false,

         * @cfg {Boolean} autoSnapBack Determines whether the pulldown should automatically snap back after data has been loaded.
         * If false call {@link #snapBack}() to manually snap the pulldown back.
        autoSnapBack: true,

         * @cfg {Number} snappingAnimationDuration The duration for snapping back animation after the data has been refreshed
         * @accessor
        snappingAnimationDuration: 300,
         * @cfg {String} lastUpdatedDateFormat The format to be used on the last updated date.
        lastUpdatedDateFormat: 'm/d/Y h:iA',

         * @cfg {Number} overpullSnapBackDuration The duration for snapping back when pulldown has been lowered further then its height.
        overpullSnapBackDuration: 300,

         * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/String/Array} pullTpl The template being used for the pull to refresh markup.
         * Will be passed a config object with properties state, message and updated
         * @accessor
        pullTpl: [
            '<div class="x-list-pullrefresh-arrow"></div>',
            '<div class="x-loading-spinner">',
                '<span class="x-loading-top"></span>',
                '<span class="x-loading-right"></span>',
                '<span class="x-loading-bottom"></span>',
                '<span class="x-loading-left"></span>',
            '<div class="x-list-pullrefresh-wrap">',
                '<h3 class="x-list-pullrefresh-message">{message}</h3>',
                '<div class="x-list-pullrefresh-updated">{updated}</div>',

        translatable: true

    // @private
    $state: "pull",
    // @private
    getState: function() {
        return this.$state
    // @private
    setState: function(value) {
        this.$state = value;
    // @private
    $isSnappingBack: false,
    // @private
    getIsSnappingBack: function() {
        return this.$isSnappingBack;
    // @private
    setIsSnappingBack: function(value) {
        this.$isSnappingBack = value;

    // @private
    init: function(list) {
        var me = this;


    getElementConfig: function() {
        return {
            reference: 'element',
            classList: ['x-unsized'],
            children: [
                    reference: 'innerElement',
                    className: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'list-pullrefresh'

    // @private
    initScrollable: function() {
        var me = this,
            list = me.getList(),
            scrollable = list.getScrollable(),

        if (!scrollable) {

        scroller = scrollable.getScroller();

        me.lastUpdated = new Date();

        list.insert(0, me);

            scroll: me.onScrollChange,
            scope: me


    // @private
    applyPullTpl: function(config) {
        if (config instanceof Ext.XTemplate) {
            return config
        } else {
            return new Ext.XTemplate(config);

    // @private
    updateList: function(newList, oldList) {
        var me = this;

        if (newList && newList != oldList) {
                order: 'after',
                scrollablechange: me.initScrollable,
                scope: me
        } else if (oldList) {
                order: 'after',
                scrollablechange: me.initScrollable,
                scope: me

    // @private
    getPullHeight: function() {
       return this.innerElement.getHeight();

     * @private
     * Attempts to load the newest posts via the attached List's Store's Proxy
    fetchLatest: function() {
        var store = this.getList().getStore(),
            proxy = store.getProxy(),

        operation = Ext.create('Ext.data.Operation', {
            page: 1,
            start: 0,
            model: store.getModel(),
            limit: store.getPageSize(),
            action: 'read',
            sorters: store.getSorters(),
            filters: store.getRemoteFilter() ? store.getFilters() : []

        proxy.read(operation, this.onLatestFetched, this);

     * @private
     * Called after fetchLatest has finished grabbing data. Matches any returned records against what is already in the
     * Store. If there is an overlap, updates the existing records with the new data and inserts the new items at the
     * front of the Store. If there is no overlap, insert the new records anyway and record that there's a break in the
     * timeline between the new and the old records.
    onLatestFetched: function(operation) {
        var store = this.getList().getStore(),
            oldRecords = store.getData(),
            newRecords = operation.getRecords(),
            length = newRecords.length,
            toInsert = [],
            newRecord, oldRecord, i;

        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            newRecord = newRecords[i];
            oldRecord = oldRecords.getByKey(newRecord.getId());

            if (oldRecord) {
            } else {

            oldRecord = undefined;

        store.insert(0, toInsert);
        this.fireEvent('latestfetched', this, toInsert);
        if (this.getAutoSnapBack()) {

     * Snaps the List back to the top after a pullrefresh is complete
     * @param {Boolean=} force Force the snapback to occur regardless of state {optional}
    snapBack: function(force) {
        if(this.getState() !== "loaded" && force !== true) return;

        var list = this.getList(),
            scroller = list.getScrollable().getScroller();

        scroller.minPosition.y = 0;

            scrollend: this.onSnapBackEnd,
            single: true,
            scope: this

        scroller.scrollTo(null, 0, {duration: this.getSnappingAnimationDuration()});

     * @private
     * Called when PullRefresh has been snapped back to the top
    onSnapBackEnd: function() {

     * @private
     * Called when the Scroller updates from the list
     * @param scroller
     * @param x
     * @param y
    onScrollChange: function(scroller, x, y) {
        if (y <= 0) {
            var pullHeight = this.getPullHeight(),
                isSnappingBack = this.getIsSnappingBack();

            if(this.getState() === "loaded" && !isSnappingBack) {

            if (this.getState() !== "loading" && this.getState() !=="loaded") {
                if (-y >= pullHeight + 10) {
                        dragend: 'onScrollerDragEnd',
                        single: true,
                        scope: this
                } else if ((this.getState() === "release") && (-y < pullHeight + 10)) {
                        dragend: 'onScrollerDragEnd',
                        single: true,
                        scope: this
            this.getTranslatable().translate(0, -y);

     * @private
     * Called when the user is done dragging, this listener is only added when the user has pulled far enough for a refresh
    onScrollerDragEnd: function() {
        if (this.getState() !== "loading") {
            var list = this.getList(),
                scroller = list.getScrollable().getScroller(),
                translateable = scroller.getTranslatable();

            translateable.setEasingY({duration: this.getOverpullSnapBackDuration()});
            scroller.minPosition.y = -this.getPullHeight();
                scrollend: 'fetchLatest',
                single: true,
                scope: this

     * @private
     * Updates the content based on the PullRefresh Template
    updateView: function() {
        var state = this.getState(),
            lastUpdatedText = this.getLastUpdatedText() + Ext.util.Format.date(this.lastUpdated, this.getLastUpdatedDateFormat()),
            templateConfig = {state: state, updated: lastUpdatedText},
            stateFn = state.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + state.slice(1).toLowerCase(),
            fn = "get" + stateFn + "Text";

        if (this[fn] && Ext.isFunction(this[fn])) {
            templateConfig.message = this[fn].call(this);

        this.innerElement.removeCls(["loaded", "loading", "release", "pull"], Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "list-pullrefresh");
        this.innerElement.addCls(this.getState(), Ext.baseCSSPrefix + "list-pullrefresh");
        this.getPullTpl().overwrite(this.innerElement, templateConfig);
}, function() {
    //<deprecated product=touch since=2.3>

     * Updates the PullRefreshText.
     * @method setPullRefreshText
     * @param {String} text
     * @deprecated 2.3.0 Please use {@link #setPullText} instead.
    Ext.deprecateClassMethod(this, 'setPullRefreshText', 'setPullText');

     * Updates the ReleaseRefreshText.
     * @method setReleaseRefreshText
     * @param {String} text
     * @deprecated 2.3.0 Please use {@link #setReleaseText} instead.
    Ext.deprecateClassMethod(this, 'setReleaseRefreshText', 'setReleaseText');

        constructor: function(config) {
            if (config) {
                 * @cfg {String} pullReleaseText
                 * Optional Text during the Release State.
                 * @deprecated 2.3.0 Please use {@link #releaseText} instead
                if (config.hasOwnProperty('pullReleaseText')) {
                    //<debug warn>
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate("'pullReleaseText' config is deprecated, please use 'releaseText' config instead", this);
                    config.releaseText = config.pullReleaseText;
                    delete config.pullReleaseText;

                 * @cfg {String} pullRefreshText
                 * Optional Text during the Pull State.
                 * @deprecated 2.3.0 Please use {@link #pullText} instead
                if (config.hasOwnProperty('pullRefreshText')) {
                    //<debug warn>
                    Ext.Logger.deprecate("'pullRefreshText' config is deprecated, please use 'pullText' config instead", this);
                    config.pullText = config.pullRefreshText;
                    delete config.pullRefreshText;
