/** * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.device.orientation.Sencha', { extend: 'Ext.device.orientation.Abstract', requires: [ 'Ext.device.Communicator' ], /** * From the native shell, the callback needs to be invoked infinitely using a timer, ideally 50 times per second. * The callback expects one event object argument, the format of which should looks like this: * * { * alpha: 0, * beta: 0, * gamma: 0 * } * * Refer to [Safari DeviceOrientationEvent Class Reference][1] for more details. * * [1]: http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/SafariDOMAdditions/Reference/DeviceOrientationEventClassRef/DeviceOrientationEvent/DeviceOrientationEvent.html */ constructor: function() { this.callSuper(arguments); Ext.device.Communicator.send({ command: 'Orientation#watch', callbacks: { callback: this.onDeviceOrientation }, scope: this }); } });