/** * @private */ Ext.define('Ext.slider.Toggle', { extend: 'Ext.slider.Slider', config: { /** * @cfg * @inheritdoc */ baseCls: 'x-toggle', /** * @cfg {String} minValueCls CSS class added to the field when toggled to its minValue * @accessor */ minValueCls: 'x-toggle-off', /** * @cfg {String} maxValueCls CSS class added to the field when toggled to its maxValue * @accessor */ maxValueCls: 'x-toggle-on' }, initialize: function() { this.callParent(); this.on({ change: 'onChange' }); }, applyMinValue: function() { return 0; }, applyMaxValue: function() { return 1; }, applyIncrement: function() { return 1; }, updateMinValueCls: function(newCls, oldCls) { var element = this.element; if (oldCls && element.hasCls(oldCls)) { element.replaceCls(oldCls, newCls); } }, updateMaxValueCls: function(newCls, oldCls) { var element = this.element; if (oldCls && element.hasCls(oldCls)) { element.replaceCls(oldCls, newCls); } }, setValue: function(newValue, oldValue) { this.callParent(arguments); this.onChange(this, this.getThumbs()[0], newValue, oldValue); }, setIndexValue: function(index, value, animation) { var oldValue = this.getValue()[index]; this.callParent(arguments); var thumb = this.getThumb(index), newValue = this.getValue()[index]; if (oldValue !== newValue) { this.fireEvent('change', this, thumb, newValue, oldValue); } }, onChange: function(me, thumb, newValue, oldValue) { var isOn = newValue > 0, onCls = me.getMaxValueCls(), offCls = me.getMinValueCls(), element = this.element; element.addCls(isOn ? onCls : offCls); element.removeCls(isOn ? offCls : onCls); }, toggle: function() { var value = this.getValue(); this.setValue((value == 1) ? 0 : 1); return this; }, onTap: function() { if (this.isDisabled() || this.getReadOnly()) { return; } var oldValue = this.getValue(), newValue = (oldValue == 1) ? 0 : 1, thumb = this.getThumb(0); this.setIndexValue(0, newValue, this.getAnimation()); this.refreshThumbConstraints(thumb); } });