//@tag foundation,core
//@define Ext.Version
//@require Ext

 * @author Jacky Nguyen <jacky@sencha.com>
 * @docauthor Jacky Nguyen <jacky@sencha.com>
 * @class Ext.Version
 * A utility class that wrap around a string version number and provide convenient
 * method to perform comparison. See also: {@link Ext.Version#compare compare}. Example:
 *     var version = new Ext.Version('1.0.2beta');
 *     console.log("Version is " + version); // Version is 1.0.2beta
 *     console.log(version.getMajor()); // 1
 *     console.log(version.getMinor()); // 0
 *     console.log(version.getPatch()); // 2
 *     console.log(version.getBuild()); // 0
 *     console.log(version.getRelease()); // beta
 *     console.log(version.isGreaterThan('1.0.1')); // true
 *     console.log(version.isGreaterThan('1.0.2alpha')); // true
 *     console.log(version.isGreaterThan('1.0.2RC')); // false
 *     console.log(version.isGreaterThan('1.0.2')); // false
 *     console.log(version.isLessThan('1.0.2')); // true
 *     console.log(version.match(1.0)); // true
 *     console.log(version.match('1.0.2')); // true
(function() {

// Current core version
var version = '4.1.0', Version;
    Ext.Version = Version = Ext.extend(Object, {

         * Creates new Version object.
         * @param {String/Number} version The version number in the follow standard format: major[.minor[.patch[.build[release]]]]
         * Examples: 1.0 or 1.2.3beta or
         * @return {Ext.Version} this
        constructor: function(version) {
            var toNumber = this.toNumber,
                parts, releaseStartIndex;

            if (version instanceof Version) {
                return version;

            this.version = this.shortVersion = String(version).toLowerCase().replace(/_/g, '.').replace(/[\-+]/g, '');

            releaseStartIndex = this.version.search(/([^\d\.])/);

            if (releaseStartIndex !== -1) {
                this.release = this.version.substr(releaseStartIndex, version.length);
                this.shortVersion = this.version.substr(0, releaseStartIndex);

            this.shortVersion = this.shortVersion.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');

            parts = this.version.split('.');

            this.major = toNumber(parts.shift());
            this.minor = toNumber(parts.shift());
            this.patch = toNumber(parts.shift());
            this.build = toNumber(parts.shift());

            return this;

         * @param {Number} value
         * @return {Number}
        toNumber: function(value) {
            value = parseInt(value || 0, 10);

            if (isNaN(value)) {
                value = 0;

            return value;

         * Override the native `toString()` method.
         * @private
         * @return {String} version
        toString: function() {
            return this.version;

         * Override the native `valueOf()` method.
         * @private
         * @return {String} version
        valueOf: function() {
            return this.version;

         * Returns the major component value.
         * @return {Number} major
        getMajor: function() {
            return this.major || 0;

         * Returns the minor component value.
         * @return {Number} minor
        getMinor: function() {
            return this.minor || 0;

         * Returns the patch component value.
         * @return {Number} patch
        getPatch: function() {
            return this.patch || 0;

         * Returns the build component value.
         * @return {Number} build
        getBuild: function() {
            return this.build || 0;

         * Returns the release component value.
         * @return {Number} release
        getRelease: function() {
            return this.release || '';

         * Returns whether this version if greater than the supplied argument.
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version if greater than the target, `false` otherwise.
        isGreaterThan: function(target) {
            return Version.compare(this.version, target) === 1;

         * Returns whether this version if greater than or equal to the supplied argument.
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version if greater than or equal to the target, `false` otherwise.
        isGreaterThanOrEqual: function(target) {
            return Version.compare(this.version, target) >= 0;

         * Returns whether this version if smaller than the supplied argument.
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version if smaller than the target, `false` otherwise.
        isLessThan: function(target) {
            return Version.compare(this.version, target) === -1;

         * Returns whether this version if less than or equal to the supplied argument.
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version if less than or equal to the target, `false` otherwise.
        isLessThanOrEqual: function(target) {
            return Version.compare(this.version, target) <= 0;

         * Returns whether this version equals to the supplied argument.
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version equals to the target, `false` otherwise.
        equals: function(target) {
            return Version.compare(this.version, target) === 0;

         * Returns whether this version matches the supplied argument. Example:
         *     var version = new Ext.Version('1.0.2beta');
         *     console.log(version.match(1)); // true
         *     console.log(version.match(1.0)); // true
         *     console.log(version.match('1.0.2')); // true
         *     console.log(version.match('1.0.2RC')); // false
         * @param {String/Number} target The version to compare with.
         * @return {Boolean} `true` if this version matches the target, `false` otherwise.
        match: function(target) {
            target = String(target);
            return this.version.substr(0, target.length) === target;

         * Returns this format: [major, minor, patch, build, release]. Useful for comparison.
         * @return {Number[]}
        toArray: function() {
            return [this.getMajor(), this.getMinor(), this.getPatch(), this.getBuild(), this.getRelease()];

         * Returns shortVersion version without dots and release.
         * @return {String}
        getShortVersion: function() {
            return this.shortVersion;

         * Convenient alias to {@link Ext.Version#isGreaterThan isGreaterThan}
         * @param {String/Number} target
         * @return {Boolean}
        gt: function() {
            return this.isGreaterThan.apply(this, arguments);

         * Convenient alias to {@link Ext.Version#isLessThan isLessThan}
         * @param {String/Number} target
         * @return {Boolean}
        lt: function() {
            return this.isLessThan.apply(this, arguments);

         * Convenient alias to {@link Ext.Version#isGreaterThanOrEqual isGreaterThanOrEqual}
         * @param {String/Number} target
         * @return {Boolean}
        gtEq: function() {
            return this.isGreaterThanOrEqual.apply(this, arguments);

         * Convenient alias to {@link Ext.Version#isLessThanOrEqual isLessThanOrEqual}
         * @param {String/Number} target
         * @return {Boolean}
        ltEq: function() {
            return this.isLessThanOrEqual.apply(this, arguments);

    Ext.apply(Version, {
        // @private
        releaseValueMap: {
            'dev': -6,
            'alpha': -5,
            'a': -5,
            'beta': -4,
            'b': -4,
            'rc': -3,
            '#': -2,
            'p': -1,
            'pl': -1

         * Converts a version component to a comparable value.
         * @static
         * @param {Object} value The value to convert
         * @return {Object}
        getComponentValue: function(value) {
            return !value ? 0 : (isNaN(value) ? this.releaseValueMap[value] || value : parseInt(value, 10));

         * Compare 2 specified versions, starting from left to right. If a part contains special version strings,
         * they are handled in the following order:
         * 'dev' < 'alpha' = 'a' < 'beta' = 'b' < 'RC' = 'rc' < '#' < 'pl' = 'p' < 'anything else'
         * @static
         * @param {String} current The current version to compare to.
         * @param {String} target The target version to compare to.
         * @return {Number} Returns -1 if the current version is smaller than the target version, 1 if greater, and 0 if they're equivalent.
        compare: function(current, target) {
            var currentValue, targetValue, i;

            current = new Version(current).toArray();
            target = new Version(target).toArray();

            for (i = 0; i < Math.max(current.length, target.length); i++) {
                currentValue = this.getComponentValue(current[i]);
                targetValue = this.getComponentValue(target[i]);

                if (currentValue < targetValue) {
                    return -1;
                } else if (currentValue > targetValue) {
                    return 1;

            return 0;

    Ext.apply(Ext, {
         * @private
        versions: {},

         * @private
        lastRegisteredVersion: null,

         * Set version number for the given package name.
         * @param {String} packageName The package name, for example: 'core', 'touch', 'extjs'.
         * @param {String/Ext.Version} version The version, for example: '1.2.3alpha', '2.4.0-dev'.
         * @return {Ext}
        setVersion: function(packageName, version) {
            Ext.versions[packageName] = new Version(version);
            Ext.lastRegisteredVersion = Ext.versions[packageName];

            return this;

         * Get the version number of the supplied package name; will return the last registered version
         * (last `Ext.setVersion()` call) if there's no package name given.
         * @param {String} packageName (Optional) The package name, for example: 'core', 'touch', 'extjs'.
         * @return {Ext.Version} The version.
        getVersion: function(packageName) {
            if (packageName === undefined) {
                return Ext.lastRegisteredVersion;

            return Ext.versions[packageName];

         * Create a closure for deprecated code.
         *     // This means Ext.oldMethod is only supported in 4.0.0beta and older.
         *     // If Ext.getVersion('extjs') returns a version that is later than '4.0.0beta', for example '4.0.0RC',
         *     // the closure will not be invoked
         *     Ext.deprecate('extjs', '4.0.0beta', function() {
         *         Ext.oldMethod = Ext.newMethod;
         *         // ...
         *     });
         * @param {String} packageName The package name.
         * @param {String} since The last version before it's deprecated.
         * @param {Function} closure The callback function to be executed with the specified version is less than the current version.
         * @param {Object} scope The execution scope (`this`) if the closure
        deprecate: function(packageName, since, closure, scope) {
            if (Version.compare(Ext.getVersion(packageName), since) < 1) {
    }); // End Versioning

    Ext.setVersion('core', version);
