 * @class Ext.Button

 * @var {measurement} $button-height Default height for buttons.
$button-height: 1.8em;

 * @var {measurement} $button-radius
 * Default border-radius for buttons. Please note, you can only use `em` as a value here.
$button-radius: .4em !default;

 * @var {measurement} $button-stroke-weight Default border width for buttons.
$button-stroke-weight: 1px !default;

 * @var {string} $button-gradient Default gradient for buttons.
$button-gradient: $base-gradient !default;

 * @var {string} $toolbar-icon-size Default size (width and height) for toolbar icons.
$toolbar-icon-size: 1.4em !default;

 * @var {boolean} $include-button-uis Optionally disable separate button UIs, including action, confirm, and decline.
$include-button-uis: $include-default-uis !default;

 * @var {boolean} $include-button-highlights Optionally disable special CSS3 effects on buttons including gradients, text-shadows, and box-shadows.
$include-button-highlights: $include-highlights !default;

 * @var {font-family} $button-font-family
 * The font-family to be used for the buttons.
$button-font-family: $font-family !default;

 * @var {measurement} $button-font-size
 * Size of the font used for the buttons.
$button-font-size: 1em !default;

 * @var {measurement} $button-line-height
 * Size of the lines for the text inside the buttons. Adjusts button height.
$button-line-height: 1.2em !default;