* @class Global_CSS
* Includes the default styles for toolbar buttons, mostly used as a helper function.
* @param {color} $bg-color Base color to be used for the button.
* @param {color} $type Gradient style for the button, will automatically use "recessed" when pressed.
@mixin toolbar-button($bg-color, $type: $button-gradient) {
.x-toolbar & {
border: 1px solid darken($bg-color, 20%);
border-top-color: darken($bg-color, 15%);
background-color: $bg-color;
@include color-by-background($bg-color);
&.x-button-forward:before {
background: darken($bg-color, 20%);
&.x-button-forward:after {
@include background-gradient($bg-color, $type);
&.x-button-pressing, &.x-button-pressed, &.x-button-active {
&, &:after {
@include background-gradient(darken($bg-color, 3%), 'recessed');
* Adds a small text shadow (or highlight) to give the impression of beveled text.
* @param {string} $type Either shadow or highlight, decides whether to apply a light shadow or dark.
@mixin bevel-text($type: 'shadow') {
@if $include-highlights {
@if $type == shadow {
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0 -.08em 0;
} @else {
text-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,.25) 0 .08em 0;
* Adds a small box shadow (or highlight) to give the impression of being beveled.
* @param {string} $type Either shadow or highlight, decides whether to apply a light shadow or dark.
@mixin bevel-box($type: 'light') {
@if $include-highlights {
@if $type == shadow {
@include st-box-shadow(rgba(#000, .5) 0 -.06em 0);
} @else {
@include st-box-shadow(rgba(#fff, .35) 0 .06em 0);
* Bevels the text based on its background.
* @param {color} $bg-color Background color of element.
* See {@link #bevel-text}.
@mixin bevel-by-background($bg-color) {
@if (lightness($bg-color) > 50) {
@include bevel-text(light);
} @else {
@include bevel-text;
* Creates a background gradient for masked elements, based on the lightness of their background.
* @param {color} $bg-color Background color of element.
* @param {percent} $percent Contrast of the new gradient to its background.
* @param {percent} $style Gradient style of the gradient.
* See background-gradient mixin.
@mixin mask-by-background($bg-color, $contrast: 100%, $style: $base-gradient) {
@if (lightness($bg-color) > 50) {
@include background-gradient(darken($bg-color, $contrast), $style);
} @else {
@include background-gradient(lighten($bg-color, $contrast), $style);