/** * @class Ext.picker.Picker */ /** * @var {measurement} $picker-row-height * The height of each picker item */ $picker-row-height: 2.5em !default; /** * @var {measurement} $picker-active-border-color * The height of each picker item */ $picker-active-border-color: $active-color !default; /** * @var {measurement} $picker-sheet-radius * The border radius size for the picker sheet */ $picker-sheet-radius: .4em !default; /** * @var {color} $picker-title-color * The color for picker titles */ $picker-title-color: darken(desaturate($base-color, 10%), 25%) !default; /** * @var {color} $picker-title-bg-color * The background color for picker titles */ $picker-title-bg-color: lighten(saturate($base-color, 10%), 5%) !default; /** * @var {string} $picker-title-bg-gradient * The gradient used for backgrounds on picker titles. */ $picker-title-bg-gradient: $base-gradient !default; /** * @var {string} $picker-bar-gradient * The gradient used on the selected bar on pickers. */ $picker-bar-gradient: $base-gradient !default; /** * @var {boolean} $include-picker-highlights * True to include gradients, text shadows and box shadows on the picker. */ $include-picker-highlights: $include-highlights !default;