

#include <libmilter/mfapi.h>
int smfi_setconn(
	char *oconn;
Set the socket through which this filter should communicate with sendmail.
Called When smfi_setconn must be called once before smfi_main.
Effects Sets the socket through which the filter communicates with sendmail.
oconn The address of the desired communication socket. The address should be a NULL-terminated string in "proto:address" format:
  • {unix|local}:/path/to/file -- A named pipe.
  • inet:port@{hostname|ip-address} -- An IPV4 socket.
  • inet6:port@{hostname|ip-address} -- An IPV6 socket.
RETURN VALUES smfi_setconn will not fail on an invalid address. The failure will only be detected in smfi_main. Nevertheless, smfi_setconn may fail for other reasons, e.g., due to a lack of memory.
  • If possible, filters should not run as root when communicating over unix/local domain sockets.
  • Unix/local sockets should have their permissions set to 0600 (read/write permission only for the socket's owner) or 0660 (read/write permission for the socket's owner and group) which is useful if the sendmail RunAsUser option is used. The permissions for a unix/local domain socket are determined as usual by umask, which should be set to 007 or 077. Note some operating systems (e.g, Solaris) don't use the permissions of the socket. On those systems, place the socket in a protected directory.

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