Python Module Index

six Python 2 and 3 compatibility
    six.moves Renamed modules and attributes compatibility
    six.moves.urllib.error Stuff from :mod:`py2:urllib` and :mod:`py2:urllib2` in Python 2 and :mod:`py3:urllib.error` in Python 3
    six.moves.urllib.parse Stuff from :mod:`py2:urlparse` and :mod:`py2:urllib` in Python 2 and :mod:`py3:urllib.parse` in Python 3
    six.moves.urllib.request Stuff from :mod:`py2:urllib` and :mod:`py2:urllib2` in Python 2 and :mod:`py3:urllib.request` in Python 3
    six.moves.urllib.response Stuff from :mod:`py2:urllib` in Python 2 and :mod:`py3:urllib.response` in Python 3