SPTexture Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | SPTexture.h |
A texture stores the information that represents an image. It cannot be displayed directly,
but has to be mapped onto a display object. In Sparrow, that display object is SPImage
Image formats
Sparrow supports different file formats for textures. The most common formats are PNG
, which
contains an alpha channel, and JPG
(without an alpha channel). You can also load files in
the PVR
format (compressed or uncompressed). That’s a special format of the graphics chip of
iOS devices that is very efficient.
HD textures
Furthermore, Sparrow supports development in multiple resolutions, i.e. creating a game
simultaneously for normal and retina displays. If HD texture support is activated (it is by default
if you start Sparrow with [SPViewController startWithRoot:]
) and you load a texture like this:
[[SPTexture alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:@"image.png"];
Sparrow will check if it finds the file image@2x.png
, and will load that instead (provided that
it is available and the application is running on a HD device). The texture object will then
return values for width and height that are the original number of pixels divided by 2
(by setting their scale-factor to 2.0
). That way, you will always work with the same values
for width and height - regardless of the device type.
It is also possible to switch textures depending on the device the app is executed on. The
convention is to add a device modifier (~ipad
or ~iphone
) to the image name, directly before
the file extension (and after the scale modifier, if there is one).
Drawing API
Sparrow lets you create custom graphics directly at run-time by using the Core Graphics
You access the drawing API with a special init-method of SPTexture, which takes a block
you can fill with your drawing code.
SPTexture *customTexture = [[SPTexture alloc] initWithWidth:200 height:100
draw:^(CGContextRef context)
// draw a string
CGContextSetGrayFillColor(context, 1.0f, 1.0f);
NSString *string = @"Hello Core Graphics";
[string drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(20.0f, 20.0f)
withFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial" size:25]];
Texture Frame
The frame property of a texture allows you to define the position where the texture will appear
within an SPImage
. The rectangle is specified in the coordinate system of the texture:
SPTexture *baseTexture = [SPTexture textureWithContentsOfFile:@"10x10.png"];
SPRectangle *frame = [SPRectangle rectangleWithX:-10 y:-10 width:30 height:30];
SPTexture *texture = [SPTexture textureWithRegion:nil frame:frame ofTexture:baseTexture];
SPImage *image = [SPImage imageWithTexture:texture];
This code would create an image with a size of 30x30, with the texture placed at x=10, y=10 within that image (assuming that the base texture has a width and height of 10 pixels, it would appear in the middle of the image). This is especially useful when a texture has transparent areas at its sides. It is then possible to crop the texture (removing the transparent edges) and make up for that by specifying a frame.
The texture class itself does not make any use of the frame data. It’s up to classes that use
to support that feature.
– initWithWidth:height:
Initializes an empty texture with a certain size (in points).
– initWithWidth:height:draw:
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage; no mipmaps will be created.
– initWithWidth:height:generateMipmaps:draw:
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage.
– initWithWidth:height:generateMipmaps:scale:draw:
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands.
– initWithContentsOfFile:
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr); no mip maps will be created. Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
– initWithContentsOfFile:generateMipmaps:
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr). Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
– initWithContentsOfImage:
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage; no mip maps will be created. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
– initWithContentsOfImage:generateMipmaps:
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
– initWithRegion:ofTexture:
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture. The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
– initWithRegion:frame:ofTexture:
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture, as well as a frame rectangle that makes up for trimmed parts (see class description). The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
+ textureWithContentsOfFile:
Factory method.
+ textureWithContentsOfFile:generateMipmaps:
Factory method.
+ textureWithRegion:ofTexture:
Factory method.
+ textureWithWidth:height:draw:
Factory method.
+ emptyTexture
Factory method. Creates an empty (transparent) texture.
– adjustVertexData:atIndex:numVertices:
Converts texture coordinates and vertex positions of raw vertex data into the format required for rendering.
– adjustTexCoords:numVertices:stride:
Converts texture coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. While the texture coordinates of an image always use the range [0, 1], the actual coordinates could be different: you might be working with a SubTexture. This method adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
– adjustPositions:numVertices:stride:
Moves the position coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. This happens for SubTextures that contain a ‘frame’.
Loading Textures asynchronously
+ loadFromFile:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished. No mip maps will be created; premultiplied alpha state is guessed by file type.
+ loadFromFile:generateMipmaps:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
+ loadFromURL:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; no mip maps are created. The scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
+ loadFromURL:generateMipmaps:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; the scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
+ loadFromURL:generateMipmaps:scale:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed (i.e. no scale factor suffix will be added).
+ loadFromSuffixedURL:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g.
). If that resource is not found, the method will fail. No mip maps are created. -
+ loadFromSuffixedURL:generateMipmaps:onComplete:
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g.
). If that resource is not found, the method will fail.
The width of the image in points.
property -
The height of the image in points.
property -
The width of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
property -
The height of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
property -
The SPGLTexture this texture is based on.
property -
The OpenGL texture identifier.
property -
Indicates if the alpha values are premultiplied into the RGB values.
property -
The scale factor, which influences
properties. -
The OpenGL texture format of this texture.
property -
Indicates if the texture contains mipmaps.
property -
The frame indicates how the texture should be displayed within an image. (Default:
) -
Indicates if the texture should repeat like a wallpaper or stretch the outermost pixels. Note: this makes sense only in textures with sidelengths that are powers of two and that are not loaded from a texture atlas (i.e. no subtextures). (Default:
) -
The smoothing type influences how the texture appears when it is scaled up or down. (Default:
The OpenGL texture format of this texture.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) SPTextureFormat format
The OpenGL texture format of this texture.
Declared In
The frame indicates how the texture should be displayed within an image. (Default: nil
@property (nonatomic, readonly) SPRectangle *frame
The frame indicates how the texture should be displayed within an image. (Default: nil
Declared In
The height of the image in points.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float height
The height of the image in points.
Declared In
Indicates if the texture contains mipmaps.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL mipmaps
Indicates if the texture contains mipmaps.
Declared In
The OpenGL texture identifier.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) uint name
The OpenGL texture identifier.
Declared In
The height of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float nativeHeight
The height of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
Declared In
The width of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float nativeWidth
The width of the texture in pixels (without scale adjustment).
Declared In
Indicates if the alpha values are premultiplied into the RGB values.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL premultipliedAlpha
Indicates if the alpha values are premultiplied into the RGB values.
Declared In
Indicates if the texture should repeat like a wallpaper or stretch the outermost pixels.
Note: this makes sense only in textures with sidelengths that are powers of two and that are
not loaded from a texture atlas (i.e. no subtextures). (Default: NO
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL repeat
Indicates if the texture should repeat like a wallpaper or stretch the outermost pixels.
Note: this makes sense only in textures with sidelengths that are powers of two and that are
not loaded from a texture atlas (i.e. no subtextures). (Default: NO
Declared In
The SPGLTexture this texture is based on.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) SPGLTexture *root
The SPGLTexture this texture is based on.
Declared In
The scale factor, which influences width
and height
@property (nonatomic, readonly) float scale
The scale factor, which influences width
and height
Declared In
The smoothing type influences how the texture appears when it is scaled up or down.
(Default: SPTextureSmoothingBilinear
@property (nonatomic, assign) SPTextureSmoothing smoothing
The smoothing type influences how the texture appears when it is scaled up or down.
(Default: SPTextureSmoothingBilinear
Declared In
Class Methods
Factory method. Creates an empty (transparent) texture.
+ (instancetype)emptyTexture
Factory method. Creates an empty (transparent) texture.
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
+ (void)loadFromFile:(NSString *)path generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished. No mip maps will be created; premultiplied alpha state is guessed by file type.
+ (void)loadFromFile:(NSString *)path onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from a local file and executes a callback block when it’s finished. No mip maps will be created; premultiplied alpha state is guessed by file type.
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g. @2x
). If that resource
is not found, the method will fail.
+ (void)loadFromSuffixedURL:(NSURL *)url generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g. @2x
). If that resource
is not found, the method will fail.
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g. @2x
). If that resource
is not found, the method will fail. No mip maps are created.
+ (void)loadFromSuffixedURL:(NSURL *)url onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished.
The method adds a suffix with the current scale factor to the url (e.g. @2x
). If that resource
is not found, the method will fail. No mip maps are created.
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; the scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
+ (void)loadFromURL:(NSURL *)url generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; the scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed (i.e. no scale factor suffix will be added).
+ (void)loadFromURL:(NSURL *)url generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps scale:(float)scale onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed (i.e. no scale factor suffix will be added).
Declared In
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; no mip maps are created. The scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
+ (void)loadFromURL:(NSURL *)url onComplete:(SPTextureLoadingBlock)callback
Loads a texture asynchronously from an URL and executes a callback block when it’s finished. The url will be used exactly as it is passed; no mip maps are created. The scale factor will be parsed from the file name (default: 1).
Declared In
Factory method.
+ (instancetype)textureWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path
Factory method.
Declared In
Factory method.
+ (instancetype)textureWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps
Factory method.
Declared In
Instance Methods
Moves the position coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. This happens for SubTextures that contain a ‘frame’.
- (void)adjustPositions:(void *)data numVertices:(int)count stride:(int)stride
- data
A pointer to the first coordinate pair (
given as floats).
- count
The number of coordinate pairs.
- stride
The byte offset between consecutive coordinate pairs. If
is 0, the coordinates are tightly packed.
Moves the position coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. This happens for SubTextures that contain a ‘frame’.
Declared In
Converts texture coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. While the texture coordinates of an image always use the range [0, 1], the actual coordinates could be different: you might be working with a SubTexture. This method adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
- (void)adjustTexCoords:(void *)data numVertices:(int)count stride:(int)stride
- data
A pointer to the first coordinate pair (
given as floats).
- count
The number of coordinate pairs.
- stride
The byte offset between consecutive coordinate pairs. If
is 0, the coordinates are tightly packed.
Converts texture coordinates stored at the given memory region into the format required for rendering. While the texture coordinates of an image always use the range [0, 1], the actual coordinates could be different: you might be working with a SubTexture. This method adjusts the coordinates accordingly.
Declared In
Converts texture coordinates and vertex positions of raw vertex data into the format required for rendering.
- (void)adjustVertexData:(SPVertexData *)vertexData atIndex:(int)index numVertices:(int)count
Converts texture coordinates and vertex positions of raw vertex data into the format required for rendering.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr); no mip maps will be created. Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr); no mip maps will be created. Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr). Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps
Initializes a texture with the contents of a file (supported formats: png, jpg, pvr). Sparrow will automatically pick the optimal file for the current system, using standard iOS naming conventions (“@2x”, “~ipad” etc). If the file name ends with “.gz”, the file will be uncompressed automatically.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage; no mip maps will be created. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfImage:(UIImage *)image
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage; no mip maps will be created. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfImage:(UIImage *)image generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps
Initializes a texture with the contents of a UIImage. The texture will have the same scale factor as the image.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture, as well as a frame rectangle that makes up for trimmed parts (see class description). The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
- (instancetype)initWithRegion:(SPRectangle *)region frame:(SPRectangle *)frame ofTexture:(SPTexture *)texture
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture, as well as a frame rectangle that makes up for trimmed parts (see class description). The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture. The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
- (instancetype)initWithRegion:(SPRectangle *)region ofTexture:(SPTexture *)texture
Initializes a texture with a region (in points) of another texture. The new texture will reference the base texture; no data is duplicated.
Declared In
Initializes an empty texture with a certain size (in points).
- (instancetype)initWithWidth:(float)width height:(float)height
Initializes an empty texture with a certain size (in points).
Declared In
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage; no mipmaps will be created.
- (instancetype)initWithWidth:(float)width height:(float)height draw:(SPTextureDrawingBlock)drawingBlock
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage; no mipmaps will be created.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage.
- (instancetype)initWithWidth:(float)width height:(float)height generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps draw:(SPTextureDrawingBlock)drawingBlock
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands. The texture will have the current scale factor of the stage.
Declared In
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands.
- (instancetype)initWithWidth:(float)width height:(float)height generateMipmaps:(BOOL)mipmaps scale:(float)scale draw:(SPTextureDrawingBlock)drawingBlock
Initializes a texture with a certain size (in points), as well as a block containing Core Graphics commands.
Declared In