func isUniquelyReferenced<T : NonObjectiveCBase>(inout: T) Returns true iff object is a non-@objc class instance with a single strong reference. Does not modify object; the use of inout is an implementation artifact.Weak references do not affect the result of this function. Useful for implementing the copy-on-write optimization for the deep storage of value types: mutating func modifyMe(arg: X) { if isUniquelyReferenced(&myStorage) { myStorage.modifyInPlace(arg) } else { myStorage = myStorage.createModified(arg) } } This function is safe to use for mutating functions in multithreaded code because a false positive would imply that there is already a user-level data race on the value being mutated. Declaration func isUniquelyReferenced<T : NonObjectiveCBase>(inout object: T) -> Bool