- LISTEN:���ȷ������Ҫ��һ��socket���м�����״̬ΪLISTEN. /* The
socket is listening for incoming connections.
��������Զ��TCP�˿ڵ��������� */
- SYN_SENT:�ͻ���ͨ��Ӧ�ó������connect����active
open.���ǿͻ���tcp����һ��SYN��������һ������.֮��״̬��ΪSYN_SENT. /*The
socket is actively attempting to establish a
connection. �ڷ������������ȴ�ƥ����������� */
- SYN_RECV:�����Ӧ����ACKȷ�Ͽͻ��˵�SYN,ͬʱ�Լ���ͻ��˷���һ��SYN.֮��״̬��ΪSYN_RECV
/* A connection request has been received from the
network. ���յ��ͷ���һ�����������ȴ������������ȷ�� */
- ESTABLISHED: ����һ�������ӣ�˫�����Խ��л��Ѿ������ݽ����ˡ�/* The
socket has an established connection.
����һ�������ӣ����ݿ��Դ����û� */
- FIN_WAIT1:�����ر�(active
The socket is closed, and the connection is shutting
down. �ȴ�Զ��TCP�������ж�������ǰ�������ж������ȷ�� */
- CLOSE_WAIT:�����ر�(passive
/* The remote end has shut down, waiting for the
socket to close. �ȴ��ӱ����û������������ж����� */
- FIN_WAIT2:�����رն˽ӵ�ACK�ͽ�����FIN-WAIT-2 ./*
Connection is closed, and the socket is waiting for
a shutdown from the remote end. ��Զ��TCP�ȴ������ж����� */
- LAST_ACK:�����رն�һ��ʱ����յ��ļ���������Ӧ�ó�����CLOSE�ر����ӡ��������TCPҲ����һ��
FIN,�ȴ��Է���ACK.�ͽ�����LAST-ACK . /* The remote end has
shut down, and the socket is closed. Waiting for
acknowledgement. �ȴ�ԭ������Զ��TCP�������ж������ȷ�� */
- TIME_WAIT:�������رն˽��յ�FIN��TCP�ͷ���ACK����������TIME-WAIT״̬��/*
The socket is waiting after close to handle packets
still in the network.�ȴ��㹻��ʱ����ȷ��Զ��TCP���յ������ж������ȷ�� */
- CLOSING: �Ƚ��ټ�./* Both sockets are shut down but
we still don't have all our data sent.
�ȴ�Զ��TCP�������жϵ�ȷ�� */
- CLOSED: �����رն��ڽ��ܵ�ACK���ͽ�����closed��״̬�����ӽ���./*
The socket is not being used. û���κ�����״̬ */