Source code for sympy.core.mod

from __future__ import print_function, division

from sympy.core.numbers import nan, Integer
from sympy.core.compatibility import integer_types
from .function import Function

[docs]class Mod(Function): """Represents a modulo operation on symbolic expressions. Receives two arguments, dividend p and divisor q. The convention used is the same as Python's: the remainder always has the same sign as the divisor. Examples ======== >>> from import x, y >>> x**2 % y Mod(x**2, y) >>> _.subs({x: 5, y: 6}) 1 """ @classmethod def eval(cls, p, q): from sympy.core.add import Add from sympy.core.mul import Mul from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.exprtools import gcd_terms from sympy.polys.polytools import gcd def doit(p, q): """Try to return p % q if both are numbers or +/-p is known to be less than or equal q. """ if q == S.Zero: raise ZeroDivisionError("Modulo by zero") if p.is_infinite or q.is_infinite or p is nan or q is nan: return nan if p == S.Zero or p == q or p == -q or (p.is_integer and q == 1): return S.Zero if q.is_Number: if p.is_Number: return p%q if q == 2: if p.is_even: return S.Zero elif p.is_odd: return S.One if hasattr(p, '_eval_Mod'): rv = getattr(p, '_eval_Mod')(q) if rv is not None: return rv # by ratio r = p/q try: d = int(r) except TypeError: pass else: if isinstance(d, integer_types): rv = p - d*q if (rv*q < 0) == True: rv += q return rv # by difference # -2|q| < p < 2|q| d = abs(p) for _ in range(2): d -= abs(q) if d.is_negative: if q.is_positive: if p.is_positive: return d + q elif p.is_negative: return -d elif q.is_negative: if p.is_positive: return d elif p.is_negative: return -d + q break rv = doit(p, q) if rv is not None: return rv # denest if isinstance(p, cls): qinner = p.args[1] if qinner % q == 0: return cls(p.args[0], q) elif (qinner*(q - qinner)).is_nonnegative: # |qinner| < |q| and have same sign return p elif isinstance(-p, cls): qinner = (-p).args[1] if qinner % q == 0: return cls(-(-p).args[0], q) elif (qinner*(q + qinner)).is_nonpositive: # |qinner| < |q| and have different sign return p elif isinstance(p, Add): # separating into modulus and non modulus both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], [] for arg in p.args: both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg) # if q same for all if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l): net = Add(*non_mod_l) + Add(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l]) return cls(net, q) elif isinstance(p, Mul): # separating into modulus and non modulus both_l = non_mod_l, mod_l = [], [] for arg in p.args: both_l[isinstance(arg, cls)].append(arg) if mod_l and all(inner.args[1] == q for inner in mod_l): # finding distributive term non_mod_l = [cls(x, q) for x in non_mod_l] mod = [] non_mod = [] for j in non_mod_l: if isinstance(j, cls): mod.append(j.args[0]) else: non_mod.append(j) prod_mod = Mul(*mod) prod_non_mod = Mul(*non_mod) prod_mod1 = Mul(*[i.args[0] for i in mod_l]) net = prod_mod1*prod_mod return prod_non_mod*cls(net, q) if q.is_Integer and q is not S.One: _ = [] for i in non_mod_l: if i.is_Integer and (i % q is not S.Zero): _.append(i%q) else: _.append(i) non_mod_l = _ p = Mul(*(non_mod_l + mod_l)) # XXX other possibilities? # extract gcd; any further simplification should be done by the user G = gcd(p, q) if G != 1: p, q = [ gcd_terms(i/G, clear=False, fraction=False) for i in (p, q)] pwas, qwas = p, q # simplify terms # (x + y + 2) % x -> Mod(y + 2, x) if p.is_Add: args = [] for i in p.args: a = cls(i, q) if a.count(cls) > i.count(cls): args.append(i) else: args.append(a) if args != list(p.args): p = Add(*args) else: # handle coefficients if they are not Rational # since those are not handled by factor_terms # e.g. Mod(.6*x, .3*y) -> 0.3*Mod(2*x, y) cp, p = p.as_coeff_Mul() cq, q = q.as_coeff_Mul() ok = False if not cp.is_Rational or not cq.is_Rational: r = cp % cq if r == 0: G *= cq p *= int(cp/cq) ok = True if not ok: p = cp*p q = cq*q # simple -1 extraction if p.could_extract_minus_sign() and q.could_extract_minus_sign(): G, p, q = [-i for i in (G, p, q)] # check again to see if p and q can now be handled as numbers rv = doit(p, q) if rv is not None: return rv*G # put 1.0 from G on inside if G.is_Float and G == 1: p *= G return cls(p, q, evaluate=False) elif G.is_Mul and G.args[0].is_Float and G.args[0] == 1: p = G.args[0]*p G = Mul._from_args(G.args[1:]) return G*cls(p, q, evaluate=(p, q) != (pwas, qwas)) def _eval_is_integer(self): from sympy.core.logic import fuzzy_and, fuzzy_not p, q = self.args if fuzzy_and([p.is_integer, q.is_integer, fuzzy_not(q.is_zero)]): return True def _eval_is_nonnegative(self): if self.args[1].is_positive: return True def _eval_is_nonpositive(self): if self.args[1].is_negative: return True