""" Integral Transforms """
from __future__ import print_function, division
from sympy.core import S
from sympy.core.compatibility import reduce, range, iterable
from sympy.core.function import Function
from sympy.core.relational import _canonical, Ge, Gt
from sympy.core.numbers import oo
from sympy.core.symbol import Dummy
from sympy.integrals import integrate, Integral
from sympy.integrals.meijerint import _dummy
from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_cnf, conjuncts, disjuncts, Or, And
from sympy.simplify import simplify
from sympy.utilities import default_sort_key
from sympy.matrices.matrices import MatrixBase
# Helpers / Utilities
class IntegralTransformError(NotImplementedError):
Exception raised in relation to problems computing transforms.
This class is mostly used internally; if integrals cannot be computed
objects representing unevaluated transforms are usually returned.
The hint ``needeval=True`` can be used to disable returning transform
objects, and instead raise this exception if an integral cannot be
def __init__(self, transform, function, msg):
super(IntegralTransformError, self).__init__(
"%s Transform could not be computed: %s." % (transform, msg))
self.function = function
class IntegralTransform(Function):
Base class for integral transforms.
This class represents unevaluated transforms.
To implement a concrete transform, derive from this class and implement
the _compute_transform(f, x, s, **hints) and _as_integral(f, x, s)
functions. If the transform cannot be computed, raise IntegralTransformError.
Also set cls._name.
Implement self._collapse_extra if your function returns more than just a
number and possibly a convergence condition.
def function(self):
""" The function to be transformed. """
return self.args[0]
def function_variable(self):
""" The dependent variable of the function to be transformed. """
return self.args[1]
def transform_variable(self):
""" The independent transform variable. """
return self.args[2]
def free_symbols(self):
This method returns the symbols that will exist when the transform
is evaluated.
return self.function.free_symbols.union({self.transform_variable}) \
- {self.function_variable}
def _compute_transform(self, f, x, s, **hints):
raise NotImplementedError
def _as_integral(self, f, x, s):
raise NotImplementedError
def _collapse_extra(self, extra):
cond = And(*extra)
if cond == False:
raise IntegralTransformError(self.__class__.name, None, '')
return cond
def doit(self, **hints):
Try to evaluate the transform in closed form.
This general function handles linearity, but apart from that leaves
pretty much everything to _compute_transform.
Standard hints are the following:
- ``simplify``: whether or not to simplify the result
- ``noconds``: if True, don't return convergence conditions
- ``needeval``: if True, raise IntegralTransformError instead of
returning IntegralTransform objects
The default values of these hints depend on the concrete transform,
usually the default is
``(simplify, noconds, needeval) = (True, False, False)``.
from sympy import Add, expand_mul, Mul
from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef
needeval = hints.pop('needeval', False)
try_directly = not any(func.has(self.function_variable)
for func in self.function.atoms(AppliedUndef))
if try_directly:
return self._compute_transform(self.function,
self.function_variable, self.transform_variable, **hints)
except IntegralTransformError:
fn = self.function
if not fn.is_Add:
fn = expand_mul(fn)
if fn.is_Add:
hints['needeval'] = needeval
res = [self.__class__(*([x] + list(self.args[1:]))).doit(**hints)
for x in fn.args]
extra = []
ress = []
for x in res:
if not isinstance(x, tuple):
x = [x]
if len(x) == 2:
# only a condition
elif len(x) > 2:
# some region parameters and a condition (Mellin, Laplace)
extra += [x[1:]]
res = Add(*ress)
if not extra:
return res
extra = self._collapse_extra(extra)
if iterable(extra):
return tuple([res]) + tuple(extra)
return (res, extra)
except IntegralTransformError:
if needeval:
raise IntegralTransformError(
self.__class__._name, self.function, 'needeval')
# TODO handle derivatives etc
# pull out constant coefficients
coeff, rest = fn.as_coeff_mul(self.function_variable)
return coeff*self.__class__(*([Mul(*rest)] + list(self.args[1:])))
def as_integral(self):
return self._as_integral(self.function, self.function_variable,
def _eval_rewrite_as_Integral(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.as_integral
from sympy.solvers.inequalities import _solve_inequality
def _simplify(expr, doit):
from sympy import powdenest, piecewise_fold
if doit:
return simplify(powdenest(piecewise_fold(expr), polar=True))
return expr
def _noconds_(default):
This is a decorator generator for dropping convergence conditions.
Suppose you define a function ``transform(*args)`` which returns a tuple of
the form ``(result, cond1, cond2, ...)``.
Decorating it ``@_noconds_(default)`` will add a new keyword argument
``noconds`` to it. If ``noconds=True``, the return value will be altered to
be only ``result``, whereas if ``noconds=False`` the return value will not
be altered.
The default value of the ``noconds`` keyword will be ``default`` (i.e. the
argument of this function).
def make_wrapper(func):
from sympy.core.decorators import wraps
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
noconds = kwargs.pop('noconds', default)
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
if noconds:
return res[0]
return res
return wrapper
return make_wrapper
_noconds = _noconds_(False)
# Mellin Transform
def _default_integrator(f, x):
return integrate(f, (x, 0, oo))
def _mellin_transform(f, x, s_, integrator=_default_integrator, simplify=True):
""" Backend function to compute Mellin transforms. """
from sympy import re, Max, Min, count_ops
# We use a fresh dummy, because assumptions on s might drop conditions on
# convergence of the integral.
s = _dummy('s', 'mellin-transform', f)
F = integrator(x**(s - 1) * f, x)
if not F.has(Integral):
return _simplify(F.subs(s, s_), simplify), (-oo, oo), S.true
if not F.is_Piecewise: # XXX can this work if integration gives continuous result now?
raise IntegralTransformError('Mellin', f, 'could not compute integral')
F, cond = F.args[0]
if F.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Mellin', f, 'integral in unexpected form')
def process_conds(cond):
Turn ``cond`` into a strip (a, b), and auxiliary conditions.
a = -oo
b = oo
aux = S.true
conds = conjuncts(to_cnf(cond))
t = Dummy('t', real=True)
for c in conds:
a_ = oo
b_ = -oo
aux_ = []
for d in disjuncts(c):
d_ = d.replace(
re, lambda x: x.as_real_imag()[0]).subs(re(s), t)
if not d.is_Relational or \
d.rel_op in ('==', '!=') \
or d_.has(s) or not d_.has(t):
aux_ += [d]
soln = _solve_inequality(d_, t)
if not soln.is_Relational or \
soln.rel_op in ('==', '!='):
aux_ += [d]
if soln.lts == t:
b_ = Max(soln.gts, b_)
a_ = Min(soln.lts, a_)
if a_ != oo and a_ != b:
a = Max(a_, a)
elif b_ != -oo and b_ != a:
b = Min(b_, b)
aux = And(aux, Or(*aux_))
return a, b, aux
conds = [process_conds(c) for c in disjuncts(cond)]
conds = [x for x in conds if x[2] != False]
conds.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0] - x[1], count_ops(x[2])))
if not conds:
raise IntegralTransformError('Mellin', f, 'no convergence found')
a, b, aux = conds[0]
return _simplify(F.subs(s, s_), simplify), (a, b), aux
class MellinTransform(IntegralTransform):
Class representing unevaluated Mellin transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute Mellin transforms, see the :func:`mellin_transform`
_name = 'Mellin'
def _compute_transform(self, f, x, s, **hints):
return _mellin_transform(f, x, s, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, f, x, s):
return Integral(f*x**(s - 1), (x, 0, oo))
def _collapse_extra(self, extra):
from sympy import Max, Min
a = []
b = []
cond = []
for (sa, sb), c in extra:
a += [sa]
b += [sb]
cond += [c]
res = (Max(*a), Min(*b)), And(*cond)
if (res[0][0] >= res[0][1]) == True or res[1] == False:
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Mellin', None, 'no combined convergence.')
return res
def _rewrite_sin(m_n, s, a, b):
Re-write the sine function ``sin(m*s + n)`` as gamma functions, compatible
with the strip (a, b).
Return ``(gamma1, gamma2, fac)`` so that ``f == fac/(gamma1 * gamma2)``.
>>> from sympy.integrals.transforms import _rewrite_sin
>>> from sympy import pi, S
>>> from sympy.abc import s
>>> _rewrite_sin((pi, 0), s, 0, 1)
(gamma(s), gamma(1 - s), pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((pi, 0), s, 1, 0)
(gamma(s - 1), gamma(2 - s), -pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((pi, 0), s, -1, 0)
(gamma(s + 1), gamma(-s), -pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((pi, pi/2), s, S(1)/2, S(3)/2)
(gamma(s - 1/2), gamma(3/2 - s), -pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((pi, pi), s, 0, 1)
(gamma(s), gamma(1 - s), -pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((2*pi, 0), s, 0, S(1)/2)
(gamma(2*s), gamma(1 - 2*s), pi)
>>> _rewrite_sin((2*pi, 0), s, S(1)/2, 1)
(gamma(2*s - 1), gamma(2 - 2*s), -pi)
# (This is a separate function because it is moderately complicated,
# and I want to doctest it.)
# We want to use pi/sin(pi*x) = gamma(x)*gamma(1-x).
# But there is one comlication: the gamma functions determine the
# inegration contour in the definition of the G-function. Usually
# it would not matter if this is slightly shifted, unless this way
# we create an undefined function!
# So we try to write this in such a way that the gammas are
# eminently on the right side of the strip.
from sympy import expand_mul, pi, ceiling, gamma
m, n = m_n
m = expand_mul(m/pi)
n = expand_mul(n/pi)
r = ceiling(-m*a - n.as_real_imag()[0]) # Don't use re(n), does not expand
return gamma(m*s + n + r), gamma(1 - n - r - m*s), (-1)**r*pi
class MellinTransformStripError(ValueError):
Exception raised by _rewrite_gamma. Mainly for internal use.
def _rewrite_gamma(f, s, a, b):
Try to rewrite the product f(s) as a product of gamma functions,
so that the inverse Mellin transform of f can be expressed as a meijer
G function.
Return (an, ap), (bm, bq), arg, exp, fac such that
G((an, ap), (bm, bq), arg/z**exp)*fac is the inverse Mellin transform of f(s).
Raises IntegralTransformError or MellinTransformStripError on failure.
It is asserted that f has no poles in the fundamental strip designated by
(a, b). One of a and b is allowed to be None. The fundamental strip is
important, because it determines the inversion contour.
This function can handle exponentials, linear factors, trigonometric
This is a helper function for inverse_mellin_transform that will not
attempt any transformations on f.
>>> from sympy.integrals.transforms import _rewrite_gamma
>>> from sympy.abc import s
>>> from sympy import oo
>>> _rewrite_gamma(s*(s+3)*(s-1), s, -oo, oo)
(([], [-3, 0, 1]), ([-2, 1, 2], []), 1, 1, -1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma((s-1)**2, s, -oo, oo)
(([], [1, 1]), ([2, 2], []), 1, 1, 1)
Importance of the fundamental strip:
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, 0, oo)
(([1], []), ([], [0]), 1, 1, 1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, None, oo)
(([1], []), ([], [0]), 1, 1, 1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, 0, None)
(([1], []), ([], [0]), 1, 1, 1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, -oo, 0)
(([], [1]), ([0], []), 1, 1, -1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, None, 0)
(([], [1]), ([0], []), 1, 1, -1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(1/s, s, -oo, None)
(([], [1]), ([0], []), 1, 1, -1)
>>> _rewrite_gamma(2**(-s+3), s, -oo, oo)
(([], []), ([], []), 1/2, 1, 8)
from itertools import repeat
from sympy import (Poly, gamma, Mul, re, CRootOf, exp as exp_, expand,
roots, ilcm, pi, sin, cos, tan, cot, igcd, exp_polar)
# Our strategy will be as follows:
# 1) Guess a constant c such that the inversion integral should be
# performed wrt s'=c*s (instead of plain s). Write s for s'.
# 2) Process all factors, rewrite them independently as gamma functions in
# argument s, or exponentials of s.
# 3) Try to transform all gamma functions s.t. they have argument
# a+s or a-s.
# 4) Check that the resulting G function parameters are valid.
# 5) Combine all the exponentials.
a_, b_ = S([a, b])
def left(c, is_numer):
Decide whether pole at c lies to the left of the fundamental strip.
# heuristically, this is the best chance for us to solve the inequalities
c = expand(re(c))
if a_ is None and b_ is oo:
return True
if a_ is None:
return c < b_
if b_ is None:
return c <= a_
if (c >= b_) == True:
return False
if (c <= a_) == True:
return True
if is_numer:
return None
if a_.free_symbols or b_.free_symbols or c.free_symbols:
return None # XXX
#raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Mellin', f,
# 'Could not determine position of singularity %s'
# ' relative to fundamental strip' % c)
raise MellinTransformStripError('Pole inside critical strip?')
# 1)
s_multipliers = []
for g in f.atoms(gamma):
if not g.has(s):
arg = g.args[0]
if arg.is_Add:
arg = arg.as_independent(s)[1]
coeff, _ = arg.as_coeff_mul(s)
s_multipliers += [coeff]
for g in f.atoms(sin, cos, tan, cot):
if not g.has(s):
arg = g.args[0]
if arg.is_Add:
arg = arg.as_independent(s)[1]
coeff, _ = arg.as_coeff_mul(s)
s_multipliers += [coeff/pi]
s_multipliers = [abs(x) if x.is_real else x for x in s_multipliers]
common_coefficient = S(1)
for x in s_multipliers:
if not x.is_Rational:
common_coefficient = x
s_multipliers = [x/common_coefficient for x in s_multipliers]
if (any(not x.is_Rational for x in s_multipliers) or
not common_coefficient.is_real):
raise IntegralTransformError("Gamma", None, "Nonrational multiplier")
s_multiplier = common_coefficient/reduce(ilcm, [S(x.q)
for x in s_multipliers], S(1))
if s_multiplier == common_coefficient:
if len(s_multipliers) == 0:
s_multiplier = common_coefficient
s_multiplier = common_coefficient \
*reduce(igcd, [S(x.p) for x in s_multipliers])
f = f.subs(s, s/s_multiplier)
fac = S(1)/s_multiplier
exponent = S(1)/s_multiplier
if a_ is not None:
a_ *= s_multiplier
if b_ is not None:
b_ *= s_multiplier
# 2)
numer, denom = f.as_numer_denom()
numer = Mul.make_args(numer)
denom = Mul.make_args(denom)
args = list(zip(numer, repeat(True))) + list(zip(denom, repeat(False)))
facs = []
dfacs = []
# *_gammas will contain pairs (a, c) representing Gamma(a*s + c)
numer_gammas = []
denom_gammas = []
# exponentials will contain bases for exponentials of s
exponentials = []
def exception(fact):
return IntegralTransformError("Inverse Mellin", f, "Unrecognised form '%s'." % fact)
while args:
fact, is_numer = args.pop()
if is_numer:
ugammas, lgammas = numer_gammas, denom_gammas
ufacs, lfacs = facs, dfacs
ugammas, lgammas = denom_gammas, numer_gammas
ufacs, lfacs = dfacs, facs
def linear_arg(arg):
""" Test if arg is of form a*s+b, raise exception if not. """
if not arg.is_polynomial(s):
raise exception(fact)
p = Poly(arg, s)
if p.degree() != 1:
raise exception(fact)
return p.all_coeffs()
# constants
if not fact.has(s):
ufacs += [fact]
# exponentials
elif fact.is_Pow or isinstance(fact, exp_):
if fact.is_Pow:
base = fact.base
exp = fact.exp
base = exp_polar(1)
exp = fact.args[0]
if exp.is_Integer:
cond = is_numer
if exp < 0:
cond = not cond
args += [(base, cond)]*abs(exp)
elif not base.has(s):
a, b = linear_arg(exp)
if not is_numer:
base = 1/base
exponentials += [base**a]
facs += [base**b]
raise exception(fact)
# linear factors
elif fact.is_polynomial(s):
p = Poly(fact, s)
if p.degree() != 1:
# We completely factor the poly. For this we need the roots.
# Now roots() only works in some cases (low degree), and CRootOf
# only works without parameters. So try both...
coeff = p.LT()[1]
rs = roots(p, s)
if len(rs) != p.degree():
rs = CRootOf.all_roots(p)
ufacs += [coeff]
args += [(s - c, is_numer) for c in rs]
a, c = p.all_coeffs()
ufacs += [a]
c /= -a
# Now need to convert s - c
if left(c, is_numer):
ugammas += [(S(1), -c + 1)]
lgammas += [(S(1), -c)]
ufacs += [-1]
ugammas += [(S(-1), c + 1)]
lgammas += [(S(-1), c)]
elif isinstance(fact, gamma):
a, b = linear_arg(fact.args[0])
if is_numer:
if (a > 0 and (left(-b/a, is_numer) == False)) or \
(a < 0 and (left(-b/a, is_numer) == True)):
raise NotImplementedError(
'Gammas partially over the strip.')
ugammas += [(a, b)]
elif isinstance(fact, sin):
# We try to re-write all trigs as gammas. This is not in
# general the best strategy, since sometimes this is impossible,
# but rewriting as exponentials would work. However trig functions
# in inverse mellin transforms usually all come from simplifying
# gamma terms, so this should work.
a = fact.args[0]
if is_numer:
# No problem with the poles.
gamma1, gamma2, fac_ = gamma(a/pi), gamma(1 - a/pi), pi
gamma1, gamma2, fac_ = _rewrite_sin(linear_arg(a), s, a_, b_)
args += [(gamma1, not is_numer), (gamma2, not is_numer)]
ufacs += [fac_]
elif isinstance(fact, tan):
a = fact.args[0]
args += [(sin(a, evaluate=False), is_numer),
(sin(pi/2 - a, evaluate=False), not is_numer)]
elif isinstance(fact, cos):
a = fact.args[0]
args += [(sin(pi/2 - a, evaluate=False), is_numer)]
elif isinstance(fact, cot):
a = fact.args[0]
args += [(sin(pi/2 - a, evaluate=False), is_numer),
(sin(a, evaluate=False), not is_numer)]
raise exception(fact)
fac *= Mul(*facs)/Mul(*dfacs)
# 3)
an, ap, bm, bq = [], [], [], []
for gammas, plus, minus, is_numer in [(numer_gammas, an, bm, True),
(denom_gammas, bq, ap, False)]:
while gammas:
a, c = gammas.pop()
if a != -1 and a != +1:
# We use the gamma function multiplication theorem.
p = abs(S(a))
newa = a/p
newc = c/p
if not a.is_Integer:
raise TypeError("a is not an integer")
for k in range(p):
gammas += [(newa, newc + k/p)]
if is_numer:
fac *= (2*pi)**((1 - p)/2) * p**(c - S(1)/2)
exponentials += [p**a]
fac /= (2*pi)**((1 - p)/2) * p**(c - S(1)/2)
exponentials += [p**(-a)]
if a == +1:
plus.append(1 - c)
# 4)
# 5)
arg = Mul(*exponentials)
# for testability, sort the arguments
return (an, ap), (bm, bq), arg, exponent, fac
def _inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, x_, strip, as_meijerg=False):
""" A helper for the real inverse_mellin_transform function, this one here
assumes x to be real and positive. """
from sympy import (expand, expand_mul, hyperexpand, meijerg,
arg, pi, re, factor, Heaviside, gamma, Add)
x = _dummy('t', 'inverse-mellin-transform', F, positive=True)
# Actually, we won't try integration at all. Instead we use the definition
# of the Meijer G function as a fairly general inverse mellin transform.
F = F.rewrite(gamma)
for g in [factor(F), expand_mul(F), expand(F)]:
if g.is_Add:
# do all terms separately
ress = [_inverse_mellin_transform(G, s, x, strip, as_meijerg,
for G in g.args]
conds = [p[1] for p in ress]
ress = [p[0] for p in ress]
res = Add(*ress)
if not as_meijerg:
res = factor(res, gens=res.atoms(Heaviside))
return res.subs(x, x_), And(*conds)
a, b, C, e, fac = _rewrite_gamma(g, s, strip[0], strip[1])
except IntegralTransformError:
G = meijerg(a, b, C/x**e)
if as_meijerg:
h = G
h = hyperexpand(G)
except NotImplementedError as detail:
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Inverse Mellin', F, 'Could not calculate integral')
if h.is_Piecewise and len(h.args) == 3:
# XXX we break modularity here!
h = Heaviside(x - abs(C))*h.args[0].args[0] \
+ Heaviside(abs(C) - x)*h.args[1].args[0]
# We must ensure that the integral along the line we want converges,
# and return that value.
# See [L], 5.2
cond = [abs(arg(G.argument)) < G.delta*pi]
# Note: we allow ">=" here, this corresponds to convergence if we let
# limits go to oo symmetrically. ">" corresponds to absolute convergence.
cond += [And(Or(len(G.ap) != len(G.bq), 0 >= re(G.nu) + 1),
abs(arg(G.argument)) == G.delta*pi)]
cond = Or(*cond)
if cond == False:
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Inverse Mellin', F, 'does not converge')
return (h*fac).subs(x, x_), cond
raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Mellin', F, '')
_allowed = None
class InverseMellinTransform(IntegralTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse Mellin transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse Mellin transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_mellin_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Mellin'
_none_sentinel = Dummy('None')
_c = Dummy('c')
def __new__(cls, F, s, x, a, b, **opts):
if a is None:
a = InverseMellinTransform._none_sentinel
if b is None:
b = InverseMellinTransform._none_sentinel
return IntegralTransform.__new__(cls, F, s, x, a, b, **opts)
def fundamental_strip(self):
a, b = self.args[3], self.args[4]
if a is InverseMellinTransform._none_sentinel:
a = None
if b is InverseMellinTransform._none_sentinel:
b = None
return a, b
def _compute_transform(self, F, s, x, **hints):
from sympy import postorder_traversal
global _allowed
if _allowed is None:
from sympy import (
exp, gamma, sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh,
coth, factorial, rf)
_allowed = set(
[exp, gamma, sin, cos, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth,
factorial, rf])
for f in postorder_traversal(F):
if f.is_Function and f.has(s) and f.func not in _allowed:
raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Mellin', F,
'Component %s not recognised.' % f)
strip = self.fundamental_strip
return _inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, x, strip, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, F, s, x):
from sympy import I
c = self.__class__._c
return Integral(F*x**(-s), (s, c - I*oo, c + I*oo))/(2*S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
# Laplace Transform
def _simplifyconds(expr, s, a):
Naively simplify some conditions occurring in ``expr``, given that `\operatorname{Re}(s) > a`.
>>> from sympy.integrals.transforms import _simplifyconds as simp
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> from sympy import sympify as S
>>> simp(abs(x**2) < 1, x, 1)
>>> simp(abs(x**2) < 1, x, 2)
>>> simp(abs(x**2) < 1, x, 0)
Abs(x**2) < 1
>>> simp(abs(1/x**2) < 1, x, 1)
>>> simp(S(1) < abs(x), x, 1)
>>> simp(S(1) < abs(1/x), x, 1)
>>> from sympy import Ne
>>> simp(Ne(1, x**3), x, 1)
>>> simp(Ne(1, x**3), x, 2)
>>> simp(Ne(1, x**3), x, 0)
Ne(1, x**3)
from sympy.core.relational import ( StrictGreaterThan, StrictLessThan,
Unequality )
from sympy import Abs
def power(ex):
if ex == s:
return 1
if ex.is_Pow and ex.base == s:
return ex.exp
return None
def bigger(ex1, ex2):
""" Return True only if |ex1| > |ex2|, False only if |ex1| < |ex2|.
Else return None. """
if ex1.has(s) and ex2.has(s):
return None
if isinstance(ex1, Abs):
ex1 = ex1.args[0]
if isinstance(ex2, Abs):
ex2 = ex2.args[0]
if ex1.has(s):
return bigger(1/ex2, 1/ex1)
n = power(ex2)
if n is None:
return None
if n > 0 and (abs(ex1) <= abs(a)**n) == True:
return False
if n < 0 and (abs(ex1) >= abs(a)**n) == True:
return True
except TypeError:
def replie(x, y):
""" simplify x < y """
if not (x.is_positive or isinstance(x, Abs)) \
or not (y.is_positive or isinstance(y, Abs)):
return (x < y)
r = bigger(x, y)
if r is not None:
return not r
return (x < y)
def replue(x, y):
b = bigger(x, y)
if b == True or b == False:
return True
return Unequality(x, y)
def repl(ex, *args):
if ex == True or ex == False:
return bool(ex)
return ex.replace(*args)
expr = repl(expr, StrictLessThan, replie)
expr = repl(expr, StrictGreaterThan, lambda x, y: replie(y, x))
expr = repl(expr, Unequality, replue)
return S(expr)
def _laplace_transform(f, t, s_, simplify=True):
""" The backend function for Laplace transforms. """
from sympy import (re, Max, exp, pi, Min, periodic_argument as arg_,
arg, cos, Wild, symbols, polar_lift)
s = Dummy('s')
F = integrate(exp(-s*t) * f, (t, 0, oo))
if not F.has(Integral):
return _simplify(F.subs(s, s_), simplify), -oo, S.true
if not F.is_Piecewise:
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Laplace', f, 'could not compute integral')
F, cond = F.args[0]
if F.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Laplace', f, 'integral in unexpected form')
def process_conds(conds):
""" Turn ``conds`` into a strip and auxiliary conditions. """
a = -oo
aux = S.true
conds = conjuncts(to_cnf(conds))
p, q, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 = symbols(
'p q w1 w2 w3 w4 w5', cls=Wild, exclude=[s])
patterns = (
p*abs(arg((s + w3)*q)) < w2,
p*abs(arg((s + w3)*q)) <= w2,
abs(arg_((s + w3)**p*q, w1)) < w2,
abs(arg_((s + w3)**p*q, w1)) <= w2,
abs(arg_((polar_lift(s + w3))**p*q, w1)) < w2,
abs(arg_((polar_lift(s + w3))**p*q, w1)) <= w2)
for c in conds:
a_ = oo
aux_ = []
for d in disjuncts(c):
if d.is_Relational and s in d.rhs.free_symbols:
d = d.reversed
if d.is_Relational and isinstance(d, (Ge, Gt)):
d = d.reversedsign
for pat in patterns:
m = d.match(pat)
if m:
if m:
if m[q].is_positive and m[w2]/m[p] == pi/2:
d = -re(s + m[w3]) < 0
m = d.match(p - cos(w1*abs(arg(s*w5))*w2)*abs(s**w3)**w4 < 0)
if not m:
m = d.match(
cos(p - abs(arg_(s**w1*w5, q))*w2)*abs(s**w3)**w4 < 0)
if not m:
m = d.match(
p - cos(abs(arg_(polar_lift(s)**w1*w5, q))*w2
)*abs(s**w3)**w4 < 0)
if m and all(m[wild].is_positive for wild in [w1, w2, w3, w4, w5]):
d = re(s) > m[p]
d_ = d.replace(
re, lambda x: x.expand().as_real_imag()[0]).subs(re(s), t)
if not d.is_Relational or \
d.rel_op in ('==', '!=') \
or d_.has(s) or not d_.has(t):
aux_ += [d]
soln = _solve_inequality(d_, t)
if not soln.is_Relational or \
soln.rel_op in ('==', '!='):
aux_ += [d]
if soln.lts == t:
raise IntegralTransformError('Laplace', f,
'convergence not in half-plane?')
a_ = Min(soln.lts, a_)
if a_ != oo:
a = Max(a_, a)
aux = And(aux, Or(*aux_))
return a, aux
conds = [process_conds(c) for c in disjuncts(cond)]
conds2 = [x for x in conds if x[1] != False and x[0] != -oo]
if not conds2:
conds2 = [x for x in conds if x[1] != False]
conds = conds2
def cnt(expr):
if expr == True or expr == False:
return 0
return expr.count_ops()
conds.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[0], cnt(x[1])))
if not conds:
raise IntegralTransformError('Laplace', f, 'no convergence found')
a, aux = conds[0]
def sbs(expr):
return expr.subs(s, s_)
if simplify:
F = _simplifyconds(F, s, a)
aux = _simplifyconds(aux, s, a)
return _simplify(F.subs(s, s_), simplify), sbs(a), _canonical(sbs(aux))
class LaplaceTransform(IntegralTransform):
Class representing unevaluated Laplace transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute Laplace transforms, see the :func:`laplace_transform`
_name = 'Laplace'
def _compute_transform(self, f, t, s, **hints):
return _laplace_transform(f, t, s, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, f, t, s):
from sympy import exp
return Integral(f*exp(-s*t), (t, 0, oo))
def _collapse_extra(self, extra):
from sympy import Max
conds = []
planes = []
for plane, cond in extra:
cond = And(*conds)
plane = Max(*planes)
if cond == False:
raise IntegralTransformError(
'Laplace', None, 'No combined convergence.')
return plane, cond
def _inverse_laplace_transform(F, s, t_, plane, simplify=True):
""" The backend function for inverse Laplace transforms. """
from sympy import exp, Heaviside, log, expand_complex, Integral, Piecewise
from sympy.integrals.meijerint import meijerint_inversion, _get_coeff_exp
# There are two strategies we can try:
# 1) Use inverse mellin transforms - related by a simple change of variables.
# 2) Use the inversion integral.
t = Dummy('t', real=True)
def pw_simp(*args):
""" Simplify a piecewise expression from hyperexpand. """
# XXX we break modularity here!
if len(args) != 3:
return Piecewise(*args)
arg = args[2].args[0].argument
coeff, exponent = _get_coeff_exp(arg, t)
e1 = args[0].args[0]
e2 = args[1].args[0]
return Heaviside(1/abs(coeff) - t**exponent)*e1 \
+ Heaviside(t**exponent - 1/abs(coeff))*e2
f, cond = inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, exp(-t), (None, oo),
needeval=True, noconds=False)
except IntegralTransformError:
f = None
if f is None:
f = meijerint_inversion(F, s, t)
if f is None:
raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Laplace', f, '')
if f.is_Piecewise:
f, cond = f.args[0]
if f.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError('Inverse Laplace', f,
'inversion integral of unrecognised form.')
cond = S.true
f = f.replace(Piecewise, pw_simp)
if f.is_Piecewise:
# many of the functions called below can't work with piecewise
# (b/c it has a bool in args)
return f.subs(t, t_), cond
u = Dummy('u')
def simp_heaviside(arg):
a = arg.subs(exp(-t), u)
if a.has(t):
return Heaviside(arg)
rel = _solve_inequality(a > 0, u)
if rel.lts == u:
k = log(rel.gts)
return Heaviside(t + k)
k = log(rel.lts)
return Heaviside(-(t + k))
f = f.replace(Heaviside, simp_heaviside)
def simp_exp(arg):
return expand_complex(exp(arg))
f = f.replace(exp, simp_exp)
# TODO it would be nice to fix cosh and sinh ... simplify messes these
# exponentials up
return _simplify(f.subs(t, t_), simplify), cond
class InverseLaplaceTransform(IntegralTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse Laplace transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse Laplace transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_laplace_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Laplace'
_none_sentinel = Dummy('None')
_c = Dummy('c')
def __new__(cls, F, s, x, plane, **opts):
if plane is None:
plane = InverseLaplaceTransform._none_sentinel
return IntegralTransform.__new__(cls, F, s, x, plane, **opts)
def fundamental_plane(self):
plane = self.args[3]
if plane is InverseLaplaceTransform._none_sentinel:
plane = None
return plane
def _compute_transform(self, F, s, t, **hints):
return _inverse_laplace_transform(F, s, t, self.fundamental_plane, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, F, s, t):
from sympy import I, exp
c = self.__class__._c
return Integral(exp(s*t)*F, (s, c - I*oo, c + I*oo))/(2*S.Pi*S.ImaginaryUnit)
# Fourier Transform
def _fourier_transform(f, x, k, a, b, name, simplify=True):
Compute a general Fourier-type transform
F(k) = a int_-oo^oo exp(b*I*x*k) f(x) dx.
For suitable choice of a and b, this reduces to the standard Fourier
and inverse Fourier transforms.
from sympy import exp, I
F = integrate(a*f*exp(b*I*x*k), (x, -oo, oo))
if not F.has(Integral):
return _simplify(F, simplify), S.true
integral_f = integrate(f, (x, -oo, oo))
if integral_f in (-oo, oo, S.NaN) or integral_f.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'function not integrable on real axis')
if not F.is_Piecewise:
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'could not compute integral')
F, cond = F.args[0]
if F.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'integral in unexpected form')
return _simplify(F, simplify), cond
class FourierTypeTransform(IntegralTransform):
""" Base class for Fourier transforms."""
def a(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class %s must implement a(self) but does not" % self.__class__)
def b(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class %s must implement b(self) but does not" % self.__class__)
def _compute_transform(self, f, x, k, **hints):
return _fourier_transform(f, x, k,
self.a(), self.b(),
self.__class__._name, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, f, x, k):
from sympy import exp, I
a = self.a()
b = self.b()
return Integral(a*f*exp(b*I*x*k), (x, -oo, oo))
class FourierTransform(FourierTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated Fourier transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute Fourier transforms, see the :func:`fourier_transform`
_name = 'Fourier'
def a(self):
return 1
def b(self):
return -2*S.Pi
class InverseFourierTransform(FourierTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse Fourier transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse Fourier transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_fourier_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Fourier'
def a(self):
return 1
def b(self):
return 2*S.Pi
# Fourier Sine and Cosine Transform
from sympy import sin, cos, sqrt, pi
def _sine_cosine_transform(f, x, k, a, b, K, name, simplify=True):
Compute a general sine or cosine-type transform
F(k) = a int_0^oo b*sin(x*k) f(x) dx.
F(k) = a int_0^oo b*cos(x*k) f(x) dx.
For suitable choice of a and b, this reduces to the standard sine/cosine
and inverse sine/cosine transforms.
F = integrate(a*f*K(b*x*k), (x, 0, oo))
if not F.has(Integral):
return _simplify(F, simplify), S.true
if not F.is_Piecewise:
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'could not compute integral')
F, cond = F.args[0]
if F.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'integral in unexpected form')
return _simplify(F, simplify), cond
class SineCosineTypeTransform(IntegralTransform):
Base class for sine and cosine transforms.
Specify cls._kern.
def a(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class %s must implement a(self) but does not" % self.__class__)
def b(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Class %s must implement b(self) but does not" % self.__class__)
def _compute_transform(self, f, x, k, **hints):
return _sine_cosine_transform(f, x, k,
self.a(), self.b(),
self.__class__._name, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, f, x, k):
a = self.a()
b = self.b()
K = self.__class__._kern
return Integral(a*f*K(b*x*k), (x, 0, oo))
class SineTransform(SineCosineTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated sine transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute sine transforms, see the :func:`sine_transform`
_name = 'Sine'
_kern = sin
def a(self):
return sqrt(2)/sqrt(pi)
def b(self):
return 1
class InverseSineTransform(SineCosineTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse sine transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse sine transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_sine_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Sine'
_kern = sin
def a(self):
return sqrt(2)/sqrt(pi)
def b(self):
return 1
class CosineTransform(SineCosineTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated cosine transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute cosine transforms, see the :func:`cosine_transform`
_name = 'Cosine'
_kern = cos
def a(self):
return sqrt(2)/sqrt(pi)
def b(self):
return 1
class InverseCosineTransform(SineCosineTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse cosine transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse cosine transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_cosine_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Cosine'
_kern = cos
def a(self):
return sqrt(2)/sqrt(pi)
def b(self):
return 1
# Hankel Transform
def _hankel_transform(f, r, k, nu, name, simplify=True):
Compute a general Hankel transform
.. math:: F_\nu(k) = \int_{0}^\infty f(r) J_\nu(k r) r \mathrm{d} r.
from sympy import besselj
F = integrate(f*besselj(nu, k*r)*r, (r, 0, oo))
if not F.has(Integral):
return _simplify(F, simplify), S.true
if not F.is_Piecewise:
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'could not compute integral')
F, cond = F.args[0]
if F.has(Integral):
raise IntegralTransformError(name, f, 'integral in unexpected form')
return _simplify(F, simplify), cond
class HankelTypeTransform(IntegralTransform):
Base class for Hankel transforms.
def doit(self, **hints):
return self._compute_transform(self.function,
def _compute_transform(self, f, r, k, nu, **hints):
return _hankel_transform(f, r, k, nu, self._name, **hints)
def _as_integral(self, f, r, k, nu):
from sympy import besselj
return Integral(f*besselj(nu, k*r)*r, (r, 0, oo))
def as_integral(self):
return self._as_integral(self.function,
class HankelTransform(HankelTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated Hankel transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute Hankel transforms, see the :func:`hankel_transform`
_name = 'Hankel'
class InverseHankelTransform(HankelTypeTransform):
Class representing unevaluated inverse Hankel transforms.
For usage of this class, see the :class:`IntegralTransform` docstring.
For how to compute inverse Hankel transforms, see the
:func:`inverse_hankel_transform` docstring.
_name = 'Inverse Hankel'