Source code for sympy.parsing.mathematica

from __future__ import print_function, division

from itertools import product
import re
from sympy import sympify

[docs]def mathematica(s, additional_translations=None): '''Users can add their own translation dictionary # Example In [1]: mathematica('Log3[9]', {'Log3[x]':'log(x,3)'}) Out[1]: 2 In [2]: mathematica('F[7,5,3]', {'F[*x]':'Max(*x)*Min(*x)'}) Out[2]: 21 variable-length argument needs '*' character ''' parser = MathematicaParser(additional_translations) return sympify(parser.parse(s))
def _deco(cls): cls._initialize_class() return cls @_deco class MathematicaParser(object): '''An instance of this class converts a string of a basic Mathematica expression to SymPy style. Output is string type.''' # left: Mathematica, right: SymPy CORRESPONDENCES = { 'Sqrt[x]': 'sqrt(x)', 'Exp[x]': 'exp(x)', 'Log[x]': 'log(x)', 'Log[x,y]': 'log(y,x)', 'Log2[x]': 'log(x,2)', 'Log10[x]': 'log(x,10)', 'Mod[x,y]': 'Mod(x,y)', 'Max[*x]': 'Max(*x)', 'Min[*x]': 'Min(*x)', } # trigonometric, e.t.c. for arc, tri, h in product(('', 'Arc'), ( 'Sin', 'Cos', 'Tan', 'Cot', 'Sec', 'Csc'), ('', 'h')): fm = arc + tri + h + '[x]' if arc: # arc func fs = 'a' + tri.lower() + h + '(x)' else: # non-arc func fs = tri.lower() + h + '(x)' CORRESPONDENCES.update({fm: fs}) REPLACEMENTS = { ' ': '', '^': '**', '{': '[', '}': ']', } RULES = { # a single whitespace to '*' 'whitespace': ( re.compile(r''' (?<=[a-zA-Z\d]) # a letter or a number \ # a whitespace (?=[a-zA-Z\d]) # a letter or a number ''', re.VERBOSE), '*'), # add omitted '*' character 'add*_1': ( re.compile(r''' (?<=[])\d]) # ], ) or a number # '' (?=[(a-zA-Z]) # ( or a single letter ''', re.VERBOSE), '*'), # add omitted '*' character (variable letter preceding) 'add*_2': ( re.compile(r''' (?<=[a-zA-Z]) # a letter \( # ( as a character (?=.) # any characters ''', re.VERBOSE), '*('), # convert 'Pi' to 'pi' 'Pi': ( re.compile(r''' (?: \A|(?<=[^a-zA-Z]) ) Pi # 'Pi' is 3.14159... in Mathematica (?=[^a-zA-Z]) ''', re.VERBOSE), 'pi'), } # Mathematica function name pattern FM_PATTERN = re.compile(r''' (?: \A|(?<=[^a-zA-Z]) # at the top or a non-letter ) [A-Z][a-zA-Z\d]* # Function (?=\[) # [ as a character ''', re.VERBOSE) # list or matrix pattern (for future usage) ARG_MTRX_PATTERN = re.compile(r''' \{.*\} ''', re.VERBOSE) # regex string for function argument pattern ARGS_PATTERN_TEMPLATE = r''' (?: \A|(?<=[^a-zA-Z]) ) {arguments} # model argument like x, y,... (?=[^a-zA-Z]) ''' # will contain transformed CORRESPONDENCES dictionary TRANSLATIONS = {} # cache for a raw users' translation dictionary cache_original = {} # cache for a compiled users' translation dictionary cache_compiled = {} @classmethod def _initialize_class(cls): # get a transformed CORRESPONDENCES dictionary d = cls._compile_dictionary(cls.CORRESPONDENCES) cls.TRANSLATIONS.update(d) def __init__(self, additional_translations=None): self.translations = {} # update with TRANSLATIONS (class constant) self.translations.update(self.TRANSLATIONS) if additional_translations is None: additional_translations = {} # check the latest added translations if self.__class__.cache_original != additional_translations: if not isinstance(additional_translations, dict): raise ValueError('The argument must be dict type') # get a transformed additional_translations dictionary d = self._compile_dictionary(additional_translations) # update cache self.__class__.cache_original = additional_translations self.__class__.cache_compiled = d # merge user's own translations self.translations.update(self.__class__.cache_compiled) @classmethod def _compile_dictionary(cls, dic): # for return d = {} for fm, fs in dic.items(): # check function form cls._check_input(fm) cls._check_input(fs) # uncover '*' hiding behind a whitespace fm = cls._apply_rules(fm, 'whitespace') fs = cls._apply_rules(fs, 'whitespace') # remove whitespace(s) fm = cls._replace(fm, ' ') fs = cls._replace(fs, ' ') # search Mathematica function name m = # if no-hit if m is None: err = "'{f}' function form is invalid.".format(f=fm) raise ValueError(err) # get Mathematica function name like 'Log' fm_name = # get arguments of Mathematica function args, end = cls._get_args(m) # function side check. (e.g.) '2*Func[x]' is invalid. if m.start() != 0 or end != len(fm): err = "'{f}' function form is invalid.".format(f=fm) raise ValueError(err) # check the last argument's 1st character if args[-1][0] == '*': key_arg = '*' else: key_arg = len(args) key = (fm_name, key_arg) # convert '*x' to '\\*x' for regex re_args = [x if x[0] != '*' else '\\' + x for x in args] # for regex. Example: (?:(x|y|z)) xyz = '(?:(' + '|'.join(re_args) + '))' # string for regex compile patStr = cls.ARGS_PATTERN_TEMPLATE.format(arguments=xyz) pat = re.compile(patStr, re.VERBOSE) # update dictionary d[key] = {} d[key]['fs'] = fs # SymPy function template d[key]['args'] = args # args are ['x', 'y'] for example d[key]['pat'] = pat return d def _convert_function(self, s): '''Parse Mathematica function to SymPy one''' # compiled regex object pat = self.FM_PATTERN scanned = '' # converted string cur = 0 # position cursor while True: m = if m is None: # append the rest of string scanned += s break # get Mathematica function name fm = # get arguments, and the end position of fm function args, end = self._get_args(m) # the start position of fm function bgn = m.start() # convert Mathematica function to SymPy one s = self._convert_one_function(s, fm, args, bgn, end) # update cursor cur = bgn # append converted part scanned += s[:cur] # shrink s s = s[cur:] return scanned def _convert_one_function(self, s, fm, args, bgn, end): # no variable-length argument if (fm, len(args)) in self.translations: key = (fm, len(args)) # x, y,... model arguments x_args = self.translations[key]['args'] # make CORRESPONDENCES between model arguments and actual ones d = {k: v for k, v in zip(x_args, args)} # with variable-length argument elif (fm, '*') in self.translations: key = (fm, '*') # x, y,..*args (model arguments) x_args = self.translations[key]['args'] # make CORRESPONDENCES between model arguments and actual ones d = {} for i, x in enumerate(x_args): if x[0] == '*': d[x] = ','.join(args[i:]) break d[x] = args[i] # out of self.translations else: err = "'{f}' is out of the whitelist.".format(f=fm) raise ValueError(err) # template string of converted function template = self.translations[key]['fs'] # regex pattern for x_args pat = self.translations[key]['pat'] scanned = '' cur = 0 while True: m = if m is None: scanned += template break # get model argument x = # get a start position of the model argument xbgn = m.start() # add the corresponding actual argument scanned += template[:xbgn] + d[x] # update cursor to the end of the model argument cur = m.end() # shrink template template = template[cur:] # update to swapped string s = s[:bgn] + scanned + s[end:] return s @classmethod def _get_args(cls, m): '''Get arguments of a Mathematica function''' s = m.string # whole string anc = m.end() + 1 # pointing the first letter of arguments square, curly = [], [] # stack for brakets args = [] # current cursor cur = anc for i, c in enumerate(s[anc:], anc): # extract one argument if c == ',' and (not square) and (not curly): args.append(s[cur:i]) # add an argument cur = i + 1 # move cursor # handle list or matrix (for future usage) if c == '{': curly.append(c) elif c == '}': curly.pop() # seek corresponding ']' with skipping irrevant ones if c == '[': square.append(c) elif c == ']': if square: square.pop() else: # empty stack args.append(s[cur:i]) break # the next position to ']' bracket (the function end) func_end = i + 1 return args, func_end @classmethod def _replace(cls, s, bef): aft = cls.REPLACEMENTS[bef] s = s.replace(bef, aft) return s @classmethod def _apply_rules(cls, s, bef): pat, aft = cls.RULES[bef] return pat.sub(aft, s) @classmethod def _check_input(cls, s): for bracket in (('[', ']'), ('{', '}'), ('(', ')')): if s.count(bracket[0]) != s.count(bracket[1]): err = "'{f}' function form is invalid.".format(f=s) raise ValueError(err) if '{' in s: err = "Currently list is not supported.".format(f=s) raise ValueError(err) def parse(self, s): # input check self._check_input(s) # uncover '*' hiding behind a whitespace s = self._apply_rules(s, 'whitespace') # remove whitespace(s) s = self._replace(s, ' ') # add omitted '*' character s = self._apply_rules(s, 'add*_1') s = self._apply_rules(s, 'add*_2') # translate function s = self._convert_function(s) # '^' to '**' s = self._replace(s, '^') # 'Pi' to 'pi' s = self._apply_rules(s, 'Pi') # '{', '}' to '[', ']', respectively # s = cls._replace(s, '{') # currently list is not taken into account # s = cls._replace(s, '}') return s