Stats =========== .. automodule:: sympy.stats Random Variable Types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Finite Types --------------- .. autofunction:: DiscreteUniform .. autofunction:: Die .. autofunction:: Bernoulli .. autofunction:: Coin .. autofunction:: Binomial .. autofunction:: Hypergeometric .. autofunction:: FiniteRV .. autofunction:: Rademacher Discrete Types ----------------- .. autofunction:: Geometric .. autofunction:: Poisson .. autofunction:: Logarithmic .. autofunction:: NegativeBinomial .. autofunction:: YuleSimon .. autofunction:: Zeta Continuous Types ------------------- .. autofunction:: Arcsin .. autofunction:: Benini .. autofunction:: Beta .. autofunction:: BetaPrime .. autofunction:: Cauchy .. autofunction:: Chi .. autofunction:: ChiNoncentral .. autofunction:: ChiSquared .. autofunction:: Dagum .. autofunction:: Erlang .. autofunction:: Exponential .. autofunction:: FDistribution .. autofunction:: FisherZ .. autofunction:: Frechet .. autofunction:: Gamma .. autofunction:: GammaInverse .. autofunction:: Kumaraswamy .. autofunction:: Laplace .. autofunction:: Logistic .. autofunction:: LogNormal .. autofunction:: Maxwell .. autofunction:: Nakagami .. autofunction:: Normal .. autofunction:: Pareto .. autofunction:: QuadraticU .. autofunction:: RaisedCosine .. autofunction:: Rayleigh .. autofunction:: StudentT .. autofunction:: Triangular .. autofunction:: Uniform .. autofunction:: UniformSum .. autofunction:: VonMises .. autofunction:: Weibull .. autofunction:: WignerSemicircle .. autofunction:: ContinuousRV Interface ^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: P .. autoclass:: Probability .. autofunction:: E .. autoclass:: Expectation .. autofunction:: density .. autofunction:: given .. autofunction:: where .. autofunction:: variance .. autoclass:: Variance .. autofunction:: covariance .. autoclass:: Covariance .. autofunction:: std .. autofunction:: sample .. autofunction:: sample_iter Mechanics ^^^^^^^^^ .. module:: sympy.stats.rv SymPy Stats employs a relatively complex class hierarchy. ``RandomDomain``\s are a mapping of variables to possible values. For example, we might say that the symbol ``Symbol('x')`` can take on the values `\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}`. .. class:: RandomDomain A ``PSpace``, or Probability Space, combines a ``RandomDomain`` with a density to provide probabilistic information. For example the above domain could be enhanced by a finite density ``{1:1/6, 2:1/6, 3:1/6, 4:1/6, 5:1/6, 6:1/6}`` to fully define the roll of a fair die named ``x``. .. class:: PSpace A RandomSymbol represents the PSpace's symbol 'x' inside of SymPy expressions. .. class:: RandomSymbol The RandomDomain and PSpace classes are almost never directly instantiated. Instead they are subclassed for a variety of situations. RandomDomains and PSpaces must be sufficiently general to represent domains and spaces of several variables with arbitrarily complex densities. This generality is often unnecessary. Instead we often build SingleDomains and SinglePSpaces to represent single, univariate events and processes such as a single die or a single normal variable. .. class:: SinglePSpace .. class:: SingleDomain Another common case is to collect together a set of such univariate random variables. A collection of independent SinglePSpaces or SingleDomains can be brought together to form a ProductDomain or ProductPSpace. These objects would be useful in representing three dice rolled together for example. .. class:: ProductDomain .. class:: ProductPSpace The Conditional adjective is added whenever we add a global condition to a RandomDomain or PSpace. A common example would be three independent dice where we know their sum to be greater than 12. .. class:: ConditionalDomain We specialize further into Finite and Continuous versions of these classes to represent finite (such as dice) and continuous (such as normals) random variables. .. module:: sympy.stats.frv .. class:: FiniteDomain .. class:: FinitePSpace .. module:: sympy.stats.crv .. class:: ContinuousDomain .. class:: ContinuousPSpace Additionally there are a few specialized classes that implement certain common random variable types. There is for example a DiePSpace that implements SingleFinitePSpace and a NormalPSpace that implements SingleContinuousPSpace. .. module:: sympy.stats.frv_types .. class:: DiePSpace .. module:: sympy.stats.crv_types .. class:: NormalPSpace RandomVariables can be extracted from these objects using the PSpace.values method. As previously mentioned SymPy Stats employs a relatively complex class structure. Inheritance is widely used in the implementation of end-level classes. This tactic was chosen to balance between the need to allow SymPy to represent arbitrarily defined random variables and optimizing for common cases. This complicates the code but is structured to only be important to those working on extending SymPy Stats to other random variable types. Users will not use this class structure. Instead these mechanics are exposed through variable creation functions Die, Coin, FiniteRV, Normal, Exponential, etc.... These build the appropriate SinglePSpaces and return the corresponding RandomVariable. Conditional and Product spaces are formed in the natural construction of SymPy expressions and the use of interface functions E, Given, Density, etc.... .. function:: sympy.stats.Die .. function:: sympy.stats.Normal There are some additional functions that may be useful. They are largely used internally. .. autofunction:: sympy.stats.rv.random_symbols .. autofunction:: sympy.stats.rv.pspace .. autofunction:: sympy.stats.rv.rs_swap