TYPO3  7.6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 namespace TYPO3\CMS\Backend;
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
61 {
68  public $type = 'perm';
75  public $prefix = '';
82  public $storeList = array();
89  public $storedSettings = array();
96  public $msg = '';
103  public $formName = 'storeControl';
110  public $writeDevLog = false;
112  /********************************
113  *
114  * Init / setup
115  *
116  ********************************/
121  public function __construct()
122  {
123  GeneralUtility::deprecationLog('Class ModuleSettings is deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 7 and will be removed with TYPO3 CMS 8');
124  }
133  public function init($prefix = '', $storeList = '')
134  {
135  $this->prefix = $prefix;
136  $this->setStoreList($storeList);
137  $this->type = 'perm';
138  // Enable dev logging if set
139  if (!empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_modSettings.php']['writeDevLog'])) {
140  $this->writeDevLog = true;
141  }
142  if (TYPO3_DLOG) {
143  $this->writeDevLog = true;
144  }
145  }
153  public function setSessionType($type = 'ses')
154  {
155  $this->type = $type;
156  }
158  /********************************
159  *
160  * Store list - which values should be stored
161  *
162  ********************************/
169  public function setStoreList($storeList)
170  {
171  $this->storeList = array();
172  $this->addToStoreList($storeList);
173  }
181  public function addToStoreList($storeList)
182  {
184  $this->storeList = array_merge($this->storeList, $storeList);
185  if ($this->writeDevLog) {
186  GeneralUtility::devLog('Store list:' . implode(',', $this->storeList), __CLASS__, 0);
187  }
188  }
196  public function addToStoreListFromPrefix($prefix = '')
197  {
199  $prefix = preg_quote($prefix, '/');
200  foreach ($this->getModule()->MOD_SETTINGS as $key => $value) {
201  if (preg_match('/^' . $prefix . '/', $key)) {
202  $this->storeList[$key] = $key;
203  }
204  }
205  unset($this->storeList[$this->prefix . '_storedSettings']);
206  if ($this->writeDevLog) {
207  GeneralUtility::devLog('Store list:' . implode(',', $this->storeList), __CLASS__, 0);
208  }
209  }
211  /********************************
212  *
213  * Process storage array
214  *
215  ********************************/
221  public function initStorage()
222  {
223  $storedSettings = unserialize($this->getModule()->MOD_SETTINGS[$this->prefix . '_storedSettings']);
224  $this->storedSettings = $this->cleanupStorageArray($storedSettings);
225  }
234  {
235  $storedSettings = is_array($storedSettings) ? $storedSettings : array();
236  // Clean up the array
237  foreach ($storedSettings as $id => $sdArr) {
238  if (!is_array($sdArr)) {
239  unset($storedSettings[$id]);
240  } elseif (!is_array($sdArr['data'])) {
241  unset($storedSettings[$id]);
242  } elseif (!trim($sdArr['title'])) {
243  $storedSettings[$id]['title'] = '[no title]';
244  }
245  }
246  return $storedSettings;
247  }
256  public function compileEntry($data)
257  {
258  $storageData = array();
259  foreach ($this->storeList as $MS_key) {
260  $storageData[$MS_key] = $this->getModule()->MOD_SETTINGS[$MS_key];
261  }
262  $storageArr = array(
263  'title' => $data['title'],
264  'desc' => (string)$data['desc'],
265  'data' => $storageData,
266  'user' => null,
267  'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']
268  );
269  $storageArr = $this->processEntry($storageArr);
270  return $storageArr;
271  }
280  public function getStoredData($storeIndex, $writeArray = array())
281  {
282  if ($this->storedSettings[$storeIndex]) {
283  foreach ($this->storeList as $k) {
284  $writeArray[$k] = $this->storedSettings[$storeIndex]['data'][$k];
285  }
286  }
287  return $writeArray;
288  }
296  public function processStoreControl($mconfName = '')
297  {
298  $this->initStorage();
299  $storeControl = GeneralUtility::_GP('storeControl');
300  $storeIndex = $storeControl['STORE'];
301  $msg = '';
302  $saveSettings = false;
303  $writeArray = array();
304  if (is_array($storeControl)) {
305  if ($this->writeDevLog) {
306  GeneralUtility::devLog('Store command: ' . GeneralUtility::arrayToLogString($storeControl), __CLASS__, 0);
307  }
308  // Processing LOAD
309  if ($storeControl['LOAD'] && $storeIndex) {
310  $writeArray = $this->getStoredData($storeIndex, $writeArray);
311  $saveSettings = true;
312  $msg = '\'' . $this->storedSettings[$storeIndex]['title'] . '\' preset loaded!';
313  } elseif ($storeControl['SAVE']) {
314  if (trim($storeControl['title'])) {
315  // Get the data to store
316  $newEntry = $this->compileEntry($storeControl);
317  // Create an index for the storage array
318  if (!$storeIndex) {
319  $storeIndex = GeneralUtility::shortMD5($newEntry['title']);
320  }
321  // Add data to the storage array
322  $this->storedSettings[$storeIndex] = $newEntry;
323  $saveSettings = true;
324  $msg = '\'' . $newEntry['title'] . '\' preset saved!';
325  } else {
326  $msg = 'Please enter a name for the preset!';
327  }
328  } elseif ($storeControl['REMOVE'] and $storeIndex) {
329  // Removing entry
330  $msg = '\'' . $this->storedSettings[$storeIndex]['title'] . '\' preset entry removed!';
331  unset($this->storedSettings[$storeIndex]);
332  $saveSettings = true;
333  }
334  $this->msg = $msg;
335  if ($saveSettings) {
336  $this->writeStoredSetting($writeArray, $mconfName);
337  }
338  }
339  return $this->msg;
340  }
349  public function writeStoredSetting($writeArray = array(), $mconfName = '')
350  {
351  // Making sure, index 0 is not set
352  unset($this->storedSettings[0]);
353  $this->storedSettings = $this->cleanupStorageArray($this->storedSettings);
354  $writeArray[$this->prefix . '_storedSettings'] = serialize($this->storedSettings);
355  $this->getModule()->MOD_SETTINGS = Utility\BackendUtility::getModuleData(
356  $this->getModule()->MOD_MENU,
357  $writeArray,
358  $mconfName ?: $this->getModule()->MCONF['name'],
359  $this->type
360  );
361  if ($this->writeDevLog) {
362  GeneralUtility::devLog('Settings stored:' . $this->msg, __CLASS__, 0);
363  }
364  }
366  /********************************
367  *
368  * GUI
369  *
370  ********************************/
378  public function getStoreControl($showElements = 'load,remove,save', $useOwnForm = true)
379  {
380  $showElements = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $showElements, true);
381  $this->initStorage();
382  // Preset selector
383  $opt = array();
384  $opt[] = '<option value="0"> </option>';
385  foreach ($this->storedSettings as $id => $v) {
386  $opt[] = '<option value="' . $id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($v['title']) . '</option>';
387  }
388  $storedEntries = count($opt) > 1;
389  $codeTD = array();
390  $code = '';
391  // LOAD, REMOVE, but also show selector so you can overwrite an entry with SAVE
392  if ($storedEntries && !empty($showElements)) {
393  // Selector box
394  $onChange = 'document.forms[' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->formName) . '][\'storeControl[title]\'].value= this.options[this.selectedIndex].value!=0 ? this.options[this.selectedIndex].text : \'\';';
395  $code = '
396  <select name="storeControl[STORE]" onChange="' . htmlspecialchars($onChange) . '">
397  ' . implode('
398  ', $opt) . '
399  </select>';
400  // Load button
401  if (in_array('load', $showElements)) {
402  $code .= '
403  <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="storeControl[LOAD]" value="Load" /> ';
404  }
405  // Remove button
406  if (in_array('remove', $showElements)) {
407  $code .= '
408  <input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="storeControl[REMOVE]" value="Remove" /> ';
409  }
410  $codeTD[] = '<td width="1%">Preset:</td>';
411  $codeTD[] = '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $code . '&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>';
412  }
413  // SAVE
414  if (in_array('save', $showElements)) {
415  $onClick = !$storedEntries ? '' : 'if (document.forms[' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->formName) . '][\'storeControl[STORE]\'].options[document.forms[' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->formName) . '][\'storeControl[STORE]\'].selectedIndex].value<0) return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing entry?\');';
416  $code = '<input name="storeControl[title]" value="" type="text" max="80" width="25"> ';
417  $code .= '<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="storeControl[SAVE]" value="Save" onClick="' . htmlspecialchars($onClick) . '" />';
418  $codeTD[] = '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $code . '</td>';
419  }
420  $codeTD = implode('
421  ', $codeTD);
422  if (trim($code)) {
423  $code = '
424  <!--
425  Store control
426  -->
427  <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
428  <tr class="bgColor4">
429  ' . $codeTD . '
430  </tr>
431  </table>
432  ';
433  }
434  if ($this->msg) {
435  $code .= '
436  <div><strong>' . htmlspecialchars($this->msg) . '</strong></div>';
437  }
438  if ($useOwnForm && trim($code)) {
439  $code = '
440  <form action="' . GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_NAME') . '" method="post" name="' . $this->formName . '" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . $code . '</form>';
441  }
442  return $code;
443  }
445  /********************************
446  *
447  * Misc
448  *
449  ********************************/
457  public function processEntry($storageArr)
458  {
459  return $storageArr;
460  }
465  protected function getModule()
466  {
467  return $GLOBALS['SOBE'];
468  }
469 }