TYPO3  7.6
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 namespace TYPO3\CMS\Rtehtmlarea;
4 /*
5  * This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
6  *
7  * It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
9  * of the License, or any later version.
10  *
11  * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
12  * LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
13  *
14  * The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!
15  */
28 use TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\Browser\ElementBrowser;
33 class SelectImage extends ElementBrowser
34 {
40  const PLAIN_MODE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png';
45  public $extKey = 'rtehtmlarea';
50  public $content;
55  public $allowedItems;
60  public $allowedFileTypes = array();
65  protected $defaultClass;
72  protected $plainMaxWidth;
79  protected $plainMaxHeight;
84  protected $imgPath;
89  public $editorNo;
99  public $buttonConfig;
109  protected $hookName = 'ext/rtehtmlarea/mod4/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_select_image.php';
116  public function init()
117  {
118  $this->initVariables();
120  $this->initHookObjects();
121  $this->allowedItems = $this->getAllowedItems('magic,plain,image');
122  // Insert the image and exit
123  $this->insertImage();
124  // or render dialogue
125  $this->initDocumentTemplate();
126  }
133  public function initVariables()
134  {
135  parent::initVariables();
137  // Get "act"
138  $this->act = GeneralUtility::_GP('act');
139  if (!$this->act) {
140  $this->act = false;
141  }
142  $this->addModifyTab = (bool)GeneralUtility::_GP('addModifyTab');
143  // Process bparams
144  $pArr = explode('|', $this->bparams);
145  $pRteArr = explode(':', $pArr[1]);
146  $this->editorNo = $pRteArr[0];
147  $this->sys_language_content = $pRteArr[1];
148  $this->RTEtsConfigParams = $pArr[2];
149  if (!$this->editorNo) {
150  $this->editorNo = GeneralUtility::_GP('editorNo');
151  $this->sys_language_content = GeneralUtility::_GP('sys_language_content');
152  $this->RTEtsConfigParams = GeneralUtility::_GP('RTEtsConfigParams');
153  }
154  $pArr[1] = implode(':', array($this->editorNo, $this->sys_language_content));
155  $pArr[2] = $this->RTEtsConfigParams;
156  if ($this->act === 'dragdrop' || $this->act === 'plain') {
157  $this->allowedFileTypes = explode(',', self::PLAIN_MODE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS);
158  }
159  $pArr[3] = implode(',', $this->allowedFileTypes);
160  $this->bparams = implode('|', $pArr);
162  $this->buttonConfig = $this->getButtonConfig();
163  $this->imgPath = $this->getImgPath();
164  $this->defaultClass = $this->getDefaultClass();
166  }
173  protected function initDocumentTemplate()
174  {
175  parent::initDocumentTemplate();
177  $this->doc->bodyTagAdditions = 'onload="SelectImage.initEventListeners();"';
179  $pageRenderer = $this->getPageRenderer();
180  $pageRenderer->addCssFile(ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('t3skin') . 'rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css');
181  $pageRenderer->loadRequireJsModule('TYPO3/CMS/Backend/LegacyTree', 'function(Tree) {
182  Tree.ajaxID = "sc_alt_file_navframe_expandtoggle";
183  }');
184  $pageRenderer->loadRequireJsModule('TYPO3/CMS/Rtehtmlarea/Modules/SelectImage', 'function(SelectImage) {
185  SelectImage.editorNo = ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->editorNo) . ';
186  SelectImage.act = ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->act ?: reset($this->allowedItems)) . ';
187  SelectImage.sys_language_content = ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->sys_language_content) . ';
188  SelectImage.RTEtsConfigParams = ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue(rawurlencode($this->RTEtsConfigParams)) . ';
189  SelectImage.bparams = ' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->bparams) . ';
190  }');
191  }
198  protected function insertImage()
199  {
200  $uidList = (string)GeneralUtility::_GP('uidList');
201  if (!GeneralUtility::_GP('insertImage') || !$uidList) {
202  return;
203  }
204  $uids = explode('|', $uidList);
205  $insertJsStatements = array();
206  foreach ($uids as $uid) {
208  $fileObject = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFileObject((int)$uid);
209  // Get default values for alt and title attributes from file properties
210  $altText = $fileObject->getProperty('alternative');
211  $titleText = $fileObject->getProperty('title');
212  switch ($this->act) {
213  case 'magic':
214  $insertJsStatements[] = $this->insertMagicImage($fileObject, $altText, $titleText, 'data-htmlarea-file-uid="' . $uid . '"');
215  break;
216  case 'plain':
217  $insertJsStatements[] = $this->insertPlainImage($fileObject, $altText, $titleText, 'data-htmlarea-file-uid="' . $uid . '"');
218  break;
219  default:
220  // Call hook
221  foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
222  if (method_exists($hookObject, 'insertElement')) {
223  $hookObject->insertElement($this->act);
224  }
225  }
226  }
227  }
228  $this->insertImages($insertJsStatements);
229  die;
230  }
241  public function insertMagicImage(File $fileObject, $altText = '', $titleText = '', $additionalParams = '')
242  {
243  // Create the magic image service
245  $magicImageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(MagicImageService::class);
246  $magicImageService->setMagicImageMaximumDimensions($this->RTEProperties['default.']);
247  // Create the magic image
248  $imageConfiguration = array(
249  'width' => GeneralUtility::_GP('cWidth'),
250  'height' => GeneralUtility::_GP('cHeight')
251  );
252  $magicImage = $magicImageService->createMagicImage($fileObject, $imageConfiguration);
253  $imageUrl = $magicImage->getPublicUrl();
254  // If file is local, make the url absolute
255  if (substr($imageUrl, 0, 4) !== 'http') {
256  $imageUrl = $this->siteURL . $imageUrl;
257  }
258  // Insert the magic image
259  return $this->imageInsertJsStatement($imageUrl, $magicImage->getProperty('width'), $magicImage->getProperty('height'), $altText, $titleText, $additionalParams);
260  }
271  public function insertPlainImage(File $fileObject, $altText = '', $titleText = '', $additionalParams = '')
272  {
273  $width = $fileObject->getProperty('width');
274  $height = $fileObject->getProperty('height');
275  if (!$width || !$height) {
276  $filePath = $fileObject->getForLocalProcessing(false);
277  $imageInfo = @getimagesize($filePath);
278  $width = $imageInfo[0];
279  $height = $imageInfo[1];
280  }
281  $imageUrl = $fileObject->getPublicUrl();
282  // If file is local, make the url absolute
283  if (substr($imageUrl, 0, 4) !== 'http') {
284  $imageUrl = $this->siteURL . $imageUrl;
285  }
286  return $this->imageInsertJsStatement($imageUrl, $width, $height, $altText, $titleText, $additionalParams);
287  }
300  protected function imageInsertJsStatement($url, $width, $height, $altText = '', $titleText = '', $additionalParams = '')
301  {
302  return 'insertImage(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($url) . ',' . $width . ',' . $height . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($altText)
303  . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($titleText) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($additionalParams) . ');';
304  }
312  protected function insertImages($insertJsStatements)
313  {
314  echo '
315 <!DOCTYPE html>
316 <html>
317 <head>
318  <title>Untitled</title>
319  <script type="text/javascript">
320  var plugin = window.parent.RTEarea[' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->editorNo) . '].editor.getPlugin("TYPO3Image");
321  var imageTags = [];
322  function insertImage(file,width,height,alt,title,additionalParams) {
323  imageTags.push(\'<img src="\'+file+\'" width="\'+parseInt(width)+\'" height="\'+parseInt(height)+\'"\''
324  . ($this->defaultClass ? '+\' class="' . $this->defaultClass . '"\'' : '')
325  . '+ (alt ? \' alt="\' + alt + \'"\' : \'\') + (title ? \' title="\' + title + \'"\' : \'\') + (additionalParams ? \' \' + additionalParams : \'\') +\' />\');
326  }
327  </script>
328 </head>
329 <body>
330 <script type="text/javascript">
331 ' . implode(LF, $insertJsStatements) . '
332 plugin.insertImage(imageTags.join(\' \'));
333 </script>
334 </body>
335 </html>';
336  }
346  public function getJSCode($act, $editorNo, $sys_language_content)
347  {
348  return '
349  function insertElement(table, uid, type, fileName, filePath, fileExt, fileIcon, action, close) {
350  return SelectImage.jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + "insertImage=1&uidList=" + uid);
351  }
352  function insertMultiple(table, uidList) {
353  var uids = uidList.join("|");
354  return SelectImage.jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + "insertImage=1&uidList=" + uids);
355  }
356  function jumpToUrl(URL,anchor) {
357  SelectImage.jumpToUrl(URL, anchor);
358  };';
359  }
368  public function processSessionData($data)
369  {
370  $store = false;
371  if ($this->act !== 'image') {
372  if ($this->act) {
373  $data['act'] = $this->act;
374  $store = true;
375  } else {
376  $this->act = $data['act'];
377  }
378  }
379  if (isset($this->expandFolder)) {
380  $data['expandFolder'] = $this->expandFolder;
381  $store = true;
382  } else {
383  $this->expandFolder = $data['expandFolder'];
384  }
385  return array($data, $store);
386  }
395  protected function main_rte($wiz = false)
396  {
397  // Starting content:
398  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
399  $this->content = $this->doc->startPage($lang->getLL('Insert Image', true));
401  $this->content .= $this->doc->getTabMenuRaw($this->buildMenuArray($wiz, $this->allowedItems));
402  switch ($this->act) {
403  case 'image':
404  $classesImage = $this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']['allowedClasses'] || $this->RTEProperties['default.']['classesImage'] ? 'true' : 'false';
405  $removedProperties = array();
406  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['properties.'])) {
407  if ($this->buttonConfig['properties.']['removeItems']) {
408  $removedProperties = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->buttonConfig['properties.']['removeItems'], true);
409  }
410  }
411  $classesImageJSOptions = '';
412  if ($this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']['allowedClasses']) {
413  $classesImageArray = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']['allowedClasses'], true);
414  $classesImageJSOptions = '<option value=""></option>';
415  foreach ($classesImageArray as $class) {
416  $classesImageJSOptions .= '<option value="' . $class . '">' . $class . '</option>';
417  }
418  }
419  $lockPlainWidth = 'false';
420  $lockPlainHeight = 'false';
421  if (is_array($this->RTEProperties['default.']['proc.']) && $this->RTEProperties['default.']['proc.']['plainImageMode']) {
422  $plainImageMode = $this->RTEProperties['default.']['proc.']['plainImageMode'];
423  $lockPlainWidth = $plainImageMode == 'lockDimensions' ? 'true' : 'false';
424  $lockPlainHeight = $lockPlainWidth || $plainImageMode == 'lockRatio' || $plainImageMode == 'lockRatioWhenSmaller' ? 'true' : 'false';
425  }
426  $labels = array('notSet','nonFloating','right','left','class','width','height','border','float','padding_top','padding_left','padding_bottom','padding_right','title','alt','update');
427  foreach ($labels as $label) {
428  $localizedLabels[$label] = $lang->getLL($label);
429  }
430  $localizedLabels['image_zoom'] = $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_ttc.xlf:image_zoom', true);
431  $JScode = '
432  require(["TYPO3/CMS/Rtehtmlarea/Modules/SelectImage"], function(SelectImage) {
433  SelectImage.editorNo = "' . $this->editorNo . '";
434  SelectImage.act = "' . $this->act . '";
435  SelectImage.sys_language_content = "' . $this->sys_language_content . '";
436  SelectImage.RTEtsConfigParams = "' . rawurlencode($this->RTEtsConfigParams) . '";
437  SelectImage.bparams = "' . $this->bparams . '";
438  SelectImage.classesImage = ' . $classesImage . ';
439  SelectImage.labels = ' . json_encode($localizedLabels) . ';
440  SelectImage.Form.build(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($classesImageJSOptions) . ', ' . json_encode($removedProperties) . ', ' . $lockPlainWidth . ', ' . $lockPlainHeight . ');
441  SelectImage.Form.insertImageProperties();
442  });';
443  $this->content .= '<br />' . $this->doc->wrapScriptTags($JScode);
444  break;
445  case 'plain':
446  case 'magic':
447  // Create folder tree:
448  $foldertree = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FolderTree::class);
449  $foldertree->thisScript = $this->thisScript;
450  $tree = $foldertree->getBrowsableTree();
451  // Get currently selected folder
452  if ($this->curUrlInfo['value'] && $this->curUrlInfo['act'] === $this->act) {
453  $cmpPath = $this->curUrlInfo['value'];
454  if (!isset($this->expandFolder)) {
455  $this->expandFolder = $cmpPath;
456  }
457  }
458  // Get the selected folder
459  $selectedFolder = false;
460  if ($this->expandFolder) {
461  $fileOrFolderObject = null;
462  try {
463  $fileOrFolderObject = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->retrieveFileOrFolderObject($this->expandFolder);
464  } catch (\Exception $e) {
465  // No path is selected
466  }
467  if ($fileOrFolderObject instanceof Folder) {
468  // it's a folder
469  $selectedFolder = $fileOrFolderObject;
470  } elseif ($fileOrFolderObject instanceof FileInterface) {
471  // it's a file
472  try {
473  $selectedFolder = $fileOrFolderObject->getParentFolder();
474  } catch (\Exception $e) {
475  // Accessing the parent folder failed for some reason. e.g. permissions
476  }
477  }
478  }
479  // If no folder is selected, get the user's default upload folder
480  $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
481  if (!$selectedFolder) {
482  try {
483  $selectedFolder = $backendUser->getDefaultUploadFolder();
484  } catch (\Exception $e) {
485  // The configured default user folder does not exist
486  }
487  }
488  // Build the file upload and folder creation form
489  $uploadForm = '';
490  $createFolder = '';
491  if ($selectedFolder) {
492  $uploadForm = $this->uploadForm($selectedFolder);
493  $createFolder = $this->createFolder($selectedFolder);
494  }
495  // Insert the upload form on top, if so configured
496  if ($backendUser->getTSConfigVal('options.uploadFieldsInTopOfEB')) {
497  $this->content .= $uploadForm;
498  }
499  // Render the filelist if there is a folder selected
500  $files = '';
501  if ($selectedFolder) {
502  $files = $this->TBE_expandFolder(
503  $selectedFolder,
504  $this->act === 'plain' ? self::PLAIN_MODE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS : $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['imagefile_ext'],
505  $backendUser->getTSConfigVal('options.noThumbsInRTEimageSelect')
506  );
507  }
508  // Setup filelist indexed elements:
509  $this->doc->JScode .= $this->doc->wrapScriptTags('
510  require(["TYPO3/CMS/Recordlist/BrowseFiles"], function(BrowseFiles) {
511  BrowseFiles.addElements(' . json_encode($this->elements) . ');
512  });');
513  // Wrap tree
514  $this->content .= '
516  <!--
517  Wrapper table for folder tree / file/folder list:
518  -->
519  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="typo3-linkFiles">
520  <tr>
521  <td class="c-wCell" valign="top">' . $this->barheader(($lang->getLL('folderTree') . ':')) . $tree . '</td>
522  <td class="c-wCell" valign="top">' . $files . '</td>
523  </tr>
524  </table>
525  ';
526  // Add help message
527  $helpMessage = $this->getHelpMessage($this->act);
528  if ($helpMessage) {
529  $this->content .= GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, $helpMessage, '', FlashMessage::INFO)
530  ->render();
531  }
532  // Adding create folder + upload form if applicable
533  if (!$backendUser->getTSConfigVal('options.uploadFieldsInTopOfEB')) {
534  $this->content .= $uploadForm;
535  }
536  $this->content .= $createFolder;
537  $this->content .= '<br />';
538  break;
539  case 'dragdrop':
540  $foldertree = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ElementBrowserFolderTreeView::class);
541  $foldertree->setLinkParameterProvider($this);
542  $foldertree->thisScript = $this->thisScript;
543  $foldertree->ext_noTempRecyclerDirs = true;
544  $tree = $foldertree->getBrowsableTree();
545  // Get currently selected folder
546  if ($this->curUrlInfo['value'] && $this->curUrlInfo['act'] === $this->act) {
547  $cmpPath = $this->curUrlInfo['value'];
548  if (!isset($this->expandFolder)) {
549  $this->expandFolder = $cmpPath;
550  }
551  }
552  $selectedFolder = false;
553  if ($this->expandFolder) {
554  try {
555  $selectedFolder = ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFolderObjectFromCombinedIdentifier($this->expandFolder);
556  } catch (\Exception $e) {
557  }
558  }
559  // Render the filelist if there is a folder selected
560  $files = '';
561  if ($selectedFolder) {
562  $files = $this->TBE_dragNDrop($selectedFolder, implode(',', $this->allowedFileTypes));
563  }
564  // Wrap tree
565  $this->content .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
566  <tr>
567  <td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $this->barheader(($lang->getLL('folderTree') . ':')) . $tree . '</td>
568  <td>&nbsp;</td>
569  <td style="vertical-align: top;">' . $files . '</td>
570  </tr>
571  </table>';
572  break;
573  default:
574  // Call hook
575  foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
576  $this->content .= $hookObject->getTab($this->act);
577  }
578  }
579  $this->content .= $this->doc->endPage();
580  $this->doc->JScodeArray['rtehtmlarea'] = $this->getJSCode($this->act, $this->editorNo, $this->sys_language_content);
581  $this->content = $this->doc->insertStylesAndJS($this->content);
582  return $this->content;
583  }
592  protected function buildMenuArray($wiz, $allowedItems)
593  {
594  $menuDef = array();
595  $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
596  if (in_array('image', $this->allowedItems) && ($this->act === 'image' || $this->addModifyTab)) {
597  $menuDef['image']['isActive'] = false;
598  $menuDef['image']['label'] = $lang->getLL('currentImage', true);
599  $menuDef['image']['url'] = '#';
600  $menuDef['image']['addParams'] = 'onclick="jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + \'act=image\');return false;"';
601  }
602  if (in_array('magic', $this->allowedItems)) {
603  $menuDef['magic']['isActive'] = false;
604  $menuDef['magic']['label'] = $lang->getLL('magicImage', true);
605  $menuDef['magic']['url'] = '#';
606  $menuDef['magic']['addParams'] = 'onclick="jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + \'act=magic\');return false;"';
607  }
608  if (in_array('plain', $this->allowedItems)) {
609  $menuDef['plain']['isActive'] = false;
610  $menuDef['plain']['label'] = $lang->getLL('plainImage', true);
611  $menuDef['plain']['url'] = '#';
612  $menuDef['plain']['addParams'] = 'onclick="jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + \'act=plain\');return false;"';
613  }
614  if (in_array('dragdrop', $this->allowedItems)) {
615  $menuDef['dragdrop']['isActive'] = false;
616  $menuDef['dragdrop']['label'] = $lang->getLL('dragDropImage', true);
617  $menuDef['dragdrop']['url'] = '#';
618  $menuDef['dragdrop']['addParams'] = 'onclick="jumpToUrl(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($this->getThisScript()) . ' + \'act=dragdrop\');return false;"';
619  }
620  // Call hook for extra options
621  foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
622  $menuDef = $hookObject->modifyMenuDefinition($menuDef);
623  }
624  // Order the menu items as specified in Page TSconfig
625  $menuDef = $this->orderMenuDefinition($menuDef);
626  // Set active menu item
627  reset($menuDef);
628  if ($this->act === false || !in_array($this->act, $this->allowedItems)) {
629  $this->act = key($menuDef);
630  }
631  $menuDef[$this->act]['isActive'] = true;
632  return $menuDef;
633  }
640  protected function getImgPath()
641  {
642  $RTEtsConfigParts = explode(':', $this->RTEtsConfigParams);
643  return $RTEtsConfigParts[6];
644  }
651  protected function getButtonConfig()
652  {
653  return isset($this->RTEProperties['default.']['buttons.']['image.'])
654  ? $this->RTEProperties['default.']['buttons.']['image.']
655  : array();
656  }
664  public function getAllowedItems($items)
665  {
666  $allowedItems = explode(',', $items);
667  $clientInfo = GeneralUtility::clientInfo();
668  if ($clientInfo['BROWSER'] !== 'opera') {
669  $allowedItems[] = 'dragdrop';
670  }
671  // Call hook for extra options
672  foreach ($this->hookObjects as $hookObject) {
673  $allowedItems = $hookObject->addAllowedItems($allowedItems);
674  }
675  // Remove tab "image" if there is no current image
676  if ($this->act !== 'image' && !$this->addModifyTab) {
677  $allowedItems = array_diff($allowedItems, array('image'));
678  }
679  // Remove options according to RTE configuration
680  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['options.']) && $this->buttonConfig['options.']['removeItems']) {
681  $allowedItems = array_diff($allowedItems, GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->buttonConfig['options.']['removeItems'], true));
682  }
684  reset($allowedItems);
685  if (!in_array($this->act, $allowedItems)) {
686  $this->act = current($allowedItems);
687  }
688  return $allowedItems;
689  }
697  public function orderMenuDefinition($menuDefinition)
698  {
699  $orderedMenuDefinition = array();
700  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['options.']) && $this->buttonConfig['options.']['orderItems']) {
701  $orderItems = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $this->buttonConfig['options.']['orderItems'], true);
702  $orderItems = array_intersect($orderItems, $this->allowedItems);
703  foreach ($orderItems as $item) {
704  $orderedMenuDefinition[$item] = $menuDefinition[$item];
705  }
706  } else {
707  $orderedMenuDefinition = $menuDefinition;
708  }
709  return $orderedMenuDefinition;
710  }
717  protected function getDefaultClass()
718  {
719  $defaultClass = '';
720  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['properties.'])) {
721  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']) && trim($this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']['default'])) {
722  $defaultClass = trim($this->buttonConfig['properties.']['class.']['default']);
723  }
724  }
725  return $defaultClass;
726  }
733  protected function setMaximumPlainImageDimensions()
734  {
735  if (is_array($this->buttonConfig['options.']) && is_array($this->buttonConfig['options.']['plain.'])) {
736  if ($this->buttonConfig['options.']['plain.']['maxWidth']) {
737  $this->plainMaxWidth = $this->buttonConfig['options.']['plain.']['maxWidth'];
738  }
739  if ($this->buttonConfig['options.']['plain.']['maxHeight']) {
740  $this->plainMaxHeight = $this->buttonConfig['options.']['plain.']['maxHeight'];
741  }
742  }
743  if (!$this->plainMaxWidth) {
744  $this->plainMaxWidth = 640;
745  }
746  if (!$this->plainMaxHeight) {
747  $this->plainMaxHeight = 680;
748  }
749  }
757  public function getHelpMessage($act)
758  {
759  switch ($act) {
760  case 'plain':
761  return sprintf($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('plainImage_msg'), $this->plainMaxWidth, $this->plainMaxHeight);
762  break;
763  case 'magic':
764  return sprintf($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('magicImage_msg'));
765  break;
766  default:
767  return '';
768  }
769  }
780  protected function fileIsSelectableInFileList(FileInterface $file, array $imgInfo)
781  {
782  return (
783  $this->act !== 'plain'
784  || (
785  GeneralUtility::inList(self::PLAIN_MODE_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, strtolower($file->getExtension()))
786  && $imgInfo[0] <= $this->plainMaxWidth
787  && $imgInfo[1] <= $this->plainMaxHeight
788  )
789  );
790  }
795  protected function getLanguageService()
796  {
797  return $GLOBALS['LANG'];
798  }
803  protected function getBackendUser()
804  {
805  return $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
806  }
807 }