
    delimiter=' ',

Defined in tensorflow/python/ops/

Split elements of source based on delimiter into a SparseTensor.

Let N be the size of source (typically N will be the batch size). Split each element of source based on delimiter and return a SparseTensor containing the split tokens. Empty tokens are ignored.

If delimiter is an empty string, each element of the source is split into individual strings, each containing one byte. (This includes splitting multibyte sequences of UTF-8.) If delimiter contains multiple bytes, it is treated as a set of delimiters with each considered a potential split point.

For example: N = 2, source[0] is 'hello world' and source[1] is 'a b c', then the output will be

st.indices = [0, 0; 0, 1; 1, 0; 1, 1; 1, 2] st.shape = [2, 3] st.values = ['hello', 'world', 'a', 'b', 'c']


  • source: 1-D string Tensor, the strings to split.
  • delimiter: 0-D string Tensor, the delimiter character, the string should be length 0 or 1.
  • skip_empty: A bool. If True, skip the empty strings from the result.


  • ValueError: If delimiter is not a string.


A SparseTensor of rank 2, the strings split according to the delimiter. The first column of the indices corresponds to the row in source and the second column corresponds to the index of the split component in this row.