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Creates a dynamic version of bidirectional recurrent neural network. (deprecated)

    cell_fw, cell_bw, inputs, sequence_length=None, initial_state_fw=None,
    initial_state_bw=None, dtype=None, parallel_iterations=None, swap_memory=False,
    time_major=False, scope=None

Warning: THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed in a future version. Instructions for updating: Please use keras.layers.Bidirectional(keras.layers.RNN(cell)), which is equivalent to this API

Takes input and builds independent forward and backward RNNs. The input_size of forward and backward cell must match. The initial state for both directions is zero by default (but can be set optionally) and no intermediate states are ever returned -- the network is fully unrolled for the given (passed in) length(s) of the sequence(s) or completely unrolled if length(s) is not given.



A tuple (outputs, output_states) where: outputs: A tuple (output_fw, output_bw) containing the forward and the backward rnn output Tensor. If time_major == False (default), output_fw will be a Tensor shaped: [batch_size, max_time, cell_fw.output_size] and output_bw will be a Tensor shaped: [batch_size, max_time, cell_bw.output_size]. If time_major == True, output_fw will be a Tensor shaped: [max_time, batch_size, cell_fw.output_size] and output_bw will be a Tensor shaped: [max_time, batch_size, cell_bw.output_size]. It returns a tuple instead of a single concatenated Tensor, unlike in the bidirectional_rnn. If the concatenated one is preferred, the forward and backward outputs can be concatenated as tf.concat(outputs, 2). output_states: A tuple (output_state_fw, output_state_bw) containing the forward and the backward final states of bidirectional rnn.
