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Adds sparse updates to the variable referenced by resource.

    ref, indices, updates, use_locking=False, name=None

This operation computes

# Scalar indices
    ref[indices, ...] += updates[...]

    # Vector indices (for each i)
    ref[indices[i], ...] += updates[i, ...]

    # High rank indices (for each i, ..., j)
    ref[indices[i, ..., j], ...] += updates[i, ..., j, ...]

This operation outputs ref after the update is done. This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the updated value. Duplicate entries are handled correctly: if multiple indices reference the same location, their contributions add.

Requires updates.shape = indices.shape + ref.shape[1:].



Same as ref. Returned as a convenience for operations that want to use the updated values after the update is done.