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Solves tridiagonal systems of equations.

    diagonals, rhs, diagonals_format='compact', transpose_rhs=False,
    conjugate_rhs=False, name=None, partial_pivoting=True

The input can be supplied in various formats: matrix, sequence and compact, specified by the diagonals_format arg.

In matrix format, diagonals must be a tensor of shape [..., M, M], with two inner-most dimensions representing the square tridiagonal matrices. Elements outside of the three diagonals will be ignored.

In sequence format, diagonals are supplied as a tuple or list of three tensors of shapes [..., N], [..., M], [..., N] representing superdiagonals, diagonals, and subdiagonals, respectively. N can be either M-1 or M; in the latter case, the last element of superdiagonal and the first element of subdiagonal will be ignored.

In compact format the three diagonals are brought together into one tensor of shape [..., 3, M], with last two dimensions containing superdiagonals, diagonals, and subdiagonals, in order. Similarly to sequence format, elements diagonals[..., 0, M-1] and diagonals[..., 2, 0] are ignored.

The compact format is recommended as the one with best performance. In case you need to cast a tensor into a compact format manually, use tf.gather_nd. An example for a tensor of shape [m, m]:

rhs = tf.constant([...])
matrix = tf.constant([[...]])
m = matrix.shape[0]
dummy_idx = [0, 0]  # An arbitrary element to use as a dummy
indices = [[[i, i + 1] for i in range(m - 1)] + [dummy_idx],  # Superdiagonal
         [[i, i] for i in range(m)],                          # Diagonal
         [dummy_idx] + [[i + 1, i] for i in range(m - 1)]]    # Subdiagonal
diagonals=tf.gather_nd(matrix, indices)
x = tf.linalg.tridiagonal_solve(diagonals, rhs)

Regardless of the diagonals_format, rhs is a tensor of shape [..., M] or [..., M, K]. The latter allows to simultaneously solve K systems with the same left-hand sides and K different right-hand sides. If transpose_rhs is set to True the expected shape is [..., M] or [..., K, M].

The batch dimensions, denoted as ..., must be the same in diagonals and rhs.

The output is a tensor of the same shape as rhs: either [..., M] or [..., M, K].

The op isn't guaranteed to raise an error if the input matrix is not invertible. tf.debugging.check_numerics can be applied to the output to detect invertibility problems.

Note: with large batch sizes, the computation on the GPU may be slow, if either partial_pivoting=True or there are multiple right-hand sides (K > 1). If this issue arises, consider if it's possible to disable pivoting and have K = 1, or, alternatively, consider using CPU.

On CPU, solution is computed via Gaussian elimination with or without partial pivoting, depending on partial_pivoting parameter. On GPU, Nvidia's cuSPARSE library is used:



A Tensor of shape [..., M] or [..., M, K] containing the solutions.


[1] Nicholas J. Higham (2002). Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms: Second Edition. SIAM. p. 175. ISBN 978-0-89871-802-7.