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Returns a flat list from a given nested structure.

    structure, expand_composites=False

If nest is not a sequence, tuple (or a namedtuple), dict, or an attrs class, then returns a single-element list: [nest].

In the case of dict instances, the sequence consists of the values, sorted by key to ensure deterministic behavior. This is true also for OrderedDict instances: their sequence order is ignored, the sorting order of keys is used instead. The same convention is followed in pack_sequence_as. This correctly repacks dicts and OrderedDicts after they have been flattened, and also allows flattening an OrderedDict and then repacking it back using a corresponding plain dict, or vice-versa. Dictionaries with non-sortable keys cannot be flattened.

Users must not modify any collections used in nest while this function is running.



A Python list, the flattened version of the input.
