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Lookup embedding results, accounting for invalid IDs and empty features.

    embedding_weights, sparse_ids, sparse_weights=None, combiner='mean',
    default_id=None, max_norm=None, name=None

The partitioned embedding in embedding_weights must all be the same shape except for the first dimension. The first dimension is allowed to vary as the vocabulary size is not necessarily a multiple of P. embedding_weights may be a PartitionedVariable as returned by using tf.compat.v1.get_variable() with a partitioner.

Invalid IDs (< 0) are pruned from input IDs and weights, as well as any IDs with non-positive weight. For an entry with no features, the embedding vector for default_id is returned, or the 0-vector if default_id is not supplied.

The ids and weights may be multi-dimensional. Embeddings are always aggregated along the last dimension.

Note: when doing embedding lookup on embedding_weights, "div" partition strategy will be used. Support for other partition strategy will be added later.



Dense Tensor of shape [d_0, d_1, ..., d_{n-1}, e_1, ..., e_m].
