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Samples a set of classes from a distribution learned during training.

    true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None

This operation randomly samples a tensor of sampled classes (sampled_candidates) from the range of integers [0, range_max).

The elements of sampled_candidates are drawn without replacement (if unique=True) or with replacement (if unique=False) from the base distribution.

The base distribution for this operation is constructed on the fly during training. It is a unigram distribution over the target classes seen so far during training. Every integer in [0, range_max) begins with a weight of 1, and is incremented by 1 each time it is seen as a target class. The base distribution is not saved to checkpoints, so it is reset when the model is reloaded.

In addition, this operation returns tensors true_expected_count and sampled_expected_count representing the number of times each of the target classes (true_classes) and the sampled classes (sampled_candidates) is expected to occur in an average tensor of sampled classes. These values correspond to Q(y|x) defined in this document. If unique=True, then these are post-rejection probabilities and we compute them approximately.

