» alicloud_route_entries

This data source provides a list of Route Entries owned by an Alibaba Cloud account.

» Example Usage

data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
    "available_resource_creation"= "VSwitch"
data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
    availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
    cpu_core_count = 1
    memory_size = 2
data "alicloud_images" "default" {
        name_regex = "^ubuntu_14.*_64"
    most_recent = true
    owners = "system"

variable "name" {
    default = "tf-testAccRouteEntryConfig"
resource "alicloud_vpc" "foo" {
    name = "${var.name}"
    cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "foo" {
    vpc_id = "${alicloud_vpc.foo.id}"
    cidr_block = ""
    availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
    name = "${var.name}"

resource "alicloud_route_entry" "foo" {
    route_table_id = "${alicloud_vpc.foo.route_table_id}"
    destination_cidrblock = ""
    nexthop_type = "Instance"
    nexthop_id = "${alicloud_instance.foo.id}"

resource "alicloud_security_group" "tf_test_foo" {
    name = "${var.name}"
    description = "foo"
    vpc_id = "${alicloud_vpc.foo.id}"

resource "alicloud_security_group_rule" "ingress" {
    type = "ingress"
    ip_protocol = "tcp"
    nic_type = "intranet"
    policy = "accept"
    port_range = "22/22"
    priority = 1
    security_group_id = "${alicloud_security_group.tf_test_foo.id}"
    cidr_ip = ""

resource "alicloud_instance" "foo" {
    # cn-beijing
    security_groups = ["${alicloud_security_group.tf_test_foo.id}"]

    vswitch_id = "${alicloud_vswitch.foo.id}"
    allocate_public_ip = true

    # series III
    instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
    instance_type = "${data.alicloud_instance_types.default.instance_types.0.id}"
    internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 5

    system_disk_category = "cloud_efficiency"
    image_id = "${data.alicloud_images.default.images.0.id}"
    instance_name = "${var.name}"

data "alicloud_route_entries" "foo" {
  route_table_id = "${alicloud_route_entry.foo.route_table_id}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • route_table_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the router table to which the route entry belongs.
  • instance_id - (Optional) The instance ID of the next hop.
  • type - (Optional) The type of the route entry.
  • cidr_block - (Optional) The destination CIDR block of the route entry.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • entries - A list of Route Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • type - The type of the route entry.
    • next_hop_type - The type of the next hop.
    • status - The status of the route entry.
    • instance_id - The instance ID of the next hop.
    • route_table_id - The ID of the router table to which the route entry belongs.
    • cidr_block - The destination CIDR block of the route entry.