» alicloud_actiontrail
Provides a new resource to manage Action Trail.
NOTE: Available in 1.35.0+
» Example Usage
# Create a new action trail.
resource "alicloud_actiontrail" "foo" {
name = "action-trail"
event_rw = "Write-test"
oss_bucket_name = "${alicloud_oss_bucket.bucket.id}"
role_name = "${alicloud_ram_role_policy_attachment.attach.role_name}"
oss_key_prefix = "at-product-account-audit-B"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required, ForceNew) The name of the trail to be created, which must be unique for an account. -
- (Optional) Indicates whether the event is a read or a write event. Valid values: Read, Write, and All. Default value: Write. -
- (Required) The OSS bucket to which the trail delivers logs. Ensure that this is an existing OSS bucket. -
- (Required) The RAM role in ActionTrail permitted by the user. -
- (Optional) The prefix of the specified OSS bucket name. This parameter can be left empty. -
- (Optional) The unique ARN of the Log Service project. -
- (Optional) The unique ARN of the Log Service role.
NOTE: sls_project_arn
and sls_write_role_arn
should be set or not set at the same time when actiontrail delivers logs.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The action trail id. The value is same as its name.
» Import
Action trail can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_actiontrail.foo abc12345678