» alicloud_cen_instance_grant

Provides a CEN child instance grant resource, which allow you to authorize a VPC or VBR to a CEN of a different account.

For more information about how to use it, see Attach a network in a different account.

» Example Usage

Basic Usage

# Create a new instance-grant and use it to grant one child instance of account1 to a new CEN of account 2
    provider "alicloud" {
        access_key = "access123"
        secret_key = "secret123"
        alias = "account1"

    provider "alicloud" {
        access_key = "access456"
        secret_key = "secret456"
        alias = "account2"

    variable "name" {
        default = "tf-testAccCenInstanceGrantBasic"

    resource "alicloud_cen_instance" "cen" {
        provider = "alicloud.account2"
        name = "${var.name}"

    resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {
        provider = "alicloud.account1"
        name = "${var.name}"
        cidr_block = ""

    resource "alicloud_cen_instance_grant" "example" {
        provider = "alicloud.account1"
        cen_id = "${alicloud_cen_instance.cen.id}"
        child_instance_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.id}"
        cen_owner_id = "%s"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cen_id - (Required) The ID of the CEN.
  • child_instance_id - (Required) The ID of the child instance to grant.
  • cen_owner_id - (Required) The owner UID of the CEN which the child instance granted to.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the resource, formatted as <cen_id>:<child_instance_id>:<cen_owner_id>.

» Import

CEN instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cen_instance_grant.example cen-abc123456:vpc-abc123456:uid123456