» alicloud_cen_route_entry

Provides a CEN route entry resource. Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) supports publishing and withdrawing route entries of attached networks. You can publish a route entry of an attached VPC or VBR to a CEN instance, then other attached networks can learn the route if there is no route conflict. You can withdraw a published route entry when CEN does not need it any more.

For information about CEN route entries publishment and how to use it, see Manage network routes.

» Example Usage

Basic Usage

# Create a cen_route_entry resource and use it to publish a route entry pointing to an ECS.

provider "alicloud" {
    alias = "hz"
    region = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "name" {
    default = "tf-testAccCenRouteEntryConfig"

data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    available_disk_category = "cloud_efficiency"
    available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
    cpu_core_count = 1
    memory_size = 2

data "alicloud_images" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    name_regex = "^ubuntu_14.*_64"
    most_recent = true
    owners = "system"

resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    name = "${var.name}"
    cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    vpc_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.id}"
    cidr_block = ""
    availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id}"
    name = "${var.name}"

resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    name = "${var.name}"
    description = "foo"
    vpc_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.id}"

resource "alicloud_instance" "default" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    vswitch_id = "${alicloud_vswitch.default.id}"
    image_id = "${data.alicloud_images.default.images.0.id}"
    instance_type = "${data.alicloud_instance_types.default.instance_types.0.id}"
    system_disk_category = "cloud_efficiency"
    internet_charge_type = "PayByTraffic"
    internet_max_bandwidth_out = 5
    security_groups = ["${alicloud_security_group.default.id}"]
    instance_name = "${var.name}"

resource "alicloud_cen_instance" "cen" {
    name = "${var.name}"

resource "alicloud_cen_instance_attachment" "attach" {
    instance_id = "${alicloud_cen_instance.cen.id}"
    child_instance_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.id}"
    child_instance_region_id = "cn-hangzhou"
    depends_on = [

resource "alicloud_route_entry" "route" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    route_table_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.route_table_id}"
    destination_cidrblock = ""
    nexthop_type = "Instance"
    nexthop_id = "${alicloud_instance.default.id}"

resource "alicloud_cen_route_entry" "foo" {
    provider = "alicloud.hz"
    instance_id = "${alicloud_cen_instance.cen.id}"
    route_table_id = "${alicloud_vpc.vpc.route_table_id}"
    cidr_block = "${alicloud_route_entry.route.destination_cidrblock}"
    depends_on = [

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the CEN.
  • route_table_id - (Required, ForceNew) The route table of the attached VBR or VPC.
  • cidr_block - (Required, ForceNew) The destination CIDR block of the route entry to publish.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - ID of the resource, formatted as <instance_id>:<route_table_id>:<cidr_block>.

» Import

CEN instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cen_route_entry.example cen-abc123456:vtb-abc123: