» alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes

This resource will help you to manager a Managed Kubernetes Cluster. The cluster is same as container service created by web console.

» Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
    default = "my-first-k8s"
data "alicloud_zones" main {
  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
    availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.main.zones.0.id}"
    cpu_core_count = 1
    memory_size = 2

resource "alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes" "k8s" {
  name = "${var.name}"
  availability_zone = "${data.alicloud_zones.main.zones.0.id}"
  new_nat_gateway = true
  worker_instance_types = ["${data.alicloud_instance_types.default.instance_types.0.id}"]
  worker_numbers = [2]
  password = "Yourpassword1234"
  pod_cidr = ""
  service_cidr = ""
  install_cloud_monitor = true
  slb_internet_enabled = true
  worker_disk_category  = "cloud_efficiency"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - The kubernetes cluster's name. It is the only in one Alicloud account.
  • name_prefix - The kubernetes cluster name's prefix. It is conflict with name. If it is specified, terraform will using it to build the only cluster name. Default to "Terraform-Creation".
  • availability_zone - (ForceNew) The Zone where new kubernetes cluster will be located. If it is not be specified, the value will be vswitch's zone.
  • vswitch_ids - (ForceNew) The vswitch where new kubernetes cluster will be located. Specify one vswitch's id, if it is not specified, a new VPC and VSwicth will be built. It must be in the zone which availability_zone specified.
  • new_nat_gateway - (Optional) Whether to create a new nat gateway while creating kubernetes cluster. Default to true.
  • password - (Required, ForceNew) The password of ssh login cluster node. You have to specify one of password and key_name fields.
  • key_name - (Required, ForceNew) The keypair of ssh login cluster node, you have to create it first.
  • pod_cidr - (Required, ForceNew) The CIDR block for the pod network. It will be allocated automatically when vswitch_ids is not specified. It cannot be duplicated with the VPC CIDR and CIDR used by Kubernetes cluster in VPC, cannot be modified after creation. Maximum number of hosts allowed in the cluster: 256. Refer to Plan Kubernetes CIDR blocks under VPC.
  • service_cidr - (Required, ForceNew) The CIDR block for the service network. It will be allocated automatically when vswitch_id is not specified. It cannot be duplicated with the VPC CIDR and CIDR used by Kubernetes cluster in VPC, cannot be modified after creation.
  • slb_internet_enabled - (ForceNew) Whether to create internet load balancer for API Server. Default to false.
  • install_cloud_monitor - (ForceNew) Whether to install cloud monitor for the kubernetes' node.
  • worker_disk_size - (ForceNew) The system disk size of worker node. Its valid value range [20~32768] in GB. Default to 20.
  • worker_disk_category - (ForceNew) The system disk category of worker node. Its valid value are cloud_ssd and cloud_efficiency. Default to cloud_efficiency.
  • worker_data_disk_size - (ForceNew) The data disk size of worker node. Its valid value range [20~32768] in GB. When worker_data_disk_category is presented, it defaults to 40.
  • worker_data_disk_category - (ForceNew) The data disk category of worker node. Its valid value are cloud_ssd and cloud_efficiency, if not set, data disk will not be created.
  • worker_numbers - The worker node number of the kubernetes cluster. Default to [3]. It is limited up to 50 and if you want to enlarge it, please apply white list or contact with us.
  • worker_instance_types - (Required, ForceNew) The instance type of worker node. Specify one type for single AZ Cluster, three types for MultiAZ Cluster. You can get the available kubetnetes master node instance types by datasource instance_types
  • worker_instance_charge_type - (Optional, ForceNew) Worker payment type. PrePaid or PostPaid, defaults to PostPaid.
  • worker_period_unit - (Optional) Worker payment period unit. Month or Week, defaults to Month.
  • worker_period - (Optional) Worker payment period. When period unit is Month, it can be one of { “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “12”, “24”, “36”,”48”,”60”}. When period unit is Week, it can be one of {“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”}.
  • worker_auto_renew - (Optional) Enable worker payment auto-renew, defaults to false.
  • worker_auto_renew_period - (Optional) Worker payment auto-renew period. When period unit is Month, it can be one of {“1”, “2”, “3”, “6”, “12”}. When period unit is Week, it can be one of {“1”, “2”, “3”}.
  • cluster_network_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The network that cluster uses, use flannel or terway.
  • kube_config - (Optional) The path of kube config, like ~/.kube/config.
  • client_cert - (Optional) The path of client certificate, like ~/.kube/client-cert.pem.
  • client_key - (Optional) The path of client key, like ~/.kube/client-key.pem.
  • cluster_ca_cert - (Optional) The path of cluster ca certificate, like ~/.kube/cluster-ca-cert.pem

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» Block Nodes

  • id - ID of the node.
  • name - Node name.
  • private_ip - The private IP address of node.

» Import

Managed Kubernetes cluster can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes.main ce4273f9156874b46bb