» alicloud_logtail_attachment
The Logtail access service is a log collection agent provided by Log Service. You can use Logtail to collect logs from servers such as Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in real time in the Log Service console. Refer to details
This resource amis to attach one logtail configure to a machine group.
NOTE: One logtail configure can be attached to multiple machine groups and one machine group can attach several logtail configures.
» Example Usage
Basic Usage
resource "alicloud_log_project" "test"{
name = "test-tf2"
description = "create by terraform"
resource "alicloud_log_store" "test"{
project = "${alicloud_log_project.test.name}"
name = "tf-test-logstore"
retention_period = 3650
shard_count = 3
auto_split = true
max_split_shard_count = 60
append_meta = true
resource "alicloud_log_machine_group" "test" {
project = "${alicloud_log_project.test.name}"
name = "tf-log-machine-group"
topic = "terraform"
identify_list = ["", "", ""]
resource "alicloud_logtail_config" "test"{
project = "${alicloud_log_project.test.name}"
logstore = "${alicloud_log_store.test.name}"
input_type = "file"
log_sample = "test"
name = "tf-log-config"
output_type = "LogService"
input_detail = <<DEFINITION
"logPath": "/logPath",
"filePattern": "access.log",
"logType": "json_log",
"topicFormat": "default",
"discardUnmatch": false,
"enableRawLog": true,
"fileEncoding": "gbk",
"maxDepth": 10
resource "alicloud_logtail_attachment" "test" {
project = "${alicloud_log_project.test.name}"
logtail_config_name = "${alicloud_logtail_config.test.name}"
machine_group_name = "${alicloud_log_machine_group.test.name}"
» Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required, ForceNew) The project name to the log store belongs. -
- (Required, ForceNew) The Logtail configuration name, which is unique in the same project. -
- (Required, ForceNew) The machine group name, which is unique in the same project.
» Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The ID of the logtail to machine group. It formats of<project>:<logtail_config_name>:<machine_group_name>
» Import
Logtial to machine group can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_logtail_to_machine_group.example tf-log:tf-log-config:tf-log-machine-group