» alicloud_slb_listener

Provides an Application Load Balancer Listener resource.

For information about slb and how to use it, see What is Server Load Balancer.

For information about listener and how to use it, to see the following:

» Example Usage

# Create a new load balancer and listeners
resource "alicloud_slb" "instance" {
  name                 = "test-slb-tf"
  internet             = true
  internet_charge_type = "paybybandwidth"
  bandwidth            = 25

resource "alicloud_slb_acl" "acl" {
  name = "tf-testAccSlbAcl"
  ip_version = "ipv4"
  entry_list = [

resource "alicloud_slb_listener" "http" {
  load_balancer_id = "${alicloud_slb.instance.id}"
  backend_port = 80
  frontend_port = 80
  bandwidth = 10
  protocol = "http"
  sticky_session = "on"
  sticky_session_type = "insert"
  cookie = "testslblistenercookie"
  cookie_timeout = 86400
  acl_status                = "off"
  acl_type                  = "white"
  acl_id                    = "${alicloud_slb_acl.acl.id}"
resource "alicloud_slb_listener" "tcp" {
  load_balancer_id = "${alicloud_slb.instance.id}"
  backend_port = "22"
  frontend_port = "22"
  protocol = "tcp"
  bandwidth = "10"
  health_check_type = "tcp"
  acl_status                = "on"
  acl_type                  = "black"
  acl_id                    = "${alicloud_slb_acl.acl.id}"
  established_timeout       = 600

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • load_balancer_id - (Required, ForceNew) The Load Balancer ID which is used to launch a new listener.
  • frontend_port - (Required, ForceNew) Port used by the Server Load Balancer instance frontend. Valid value range: [1-65535].
  • backend_port - (Optional, ForceNew) Port used by the Server Load Balancer instance backend. Valid value range: [1-65535].
  • protocol - (Required, ForceNew) The protocol to listen on. Valid values are [http, https, tcp, udp].
  • bandwidth - (Optional) Bandwidth peak of Listener. For the public network instance charged per traffic consumed, the Bandwidth on Listener can be set to -1, indicating the bandwidth peak is unlimited. Valid values are [-1, 1-1000] in Mbps.
  • scheduler - (Optional) Scheduling algorithm, Valid values are wrr, rr and wlc. Default to "wrr".
  • sticky_session - (Optional) Whether to enable session persistence, Valid values are on and off. Default to off.
  • sticky_session_type - (Optional) Mode for handling the cookie. If sticky_session is "on", it is mandatory. Otherwise, it will be ignored. Valid values are insert and server. insert means it is inserted from Server Load Balancer; server means the Server Load Balancer learns from the backend server.
  • cookie_timeout - (Optional) Cookie timeout. It is mandatory when sticky_session is "on" and sticky_session_type is "insert". Otherwise, it will be ignored. Valid value range: [1-86400] in seconds.
  • cookie - (Optional) The cookie configured on the server. It is mandatory when sticky_session is "on" and sticky_session_type is "server". Otherwise, it will be ignored. Valid value:String in line with RFC 2965, with length being 1- 200. It only contains characters such as ASCII codes, English letters and digits instead of the comma, semicolon or spacing, and it cannot start with $.
  • persistence_timeout - (Optional) Timeout of connection persistence. Valid value range: [0-3600] in seconds. Default to 0 and means closing it.
  • health_check - (Optional) Whether to enable health check. Valid values areon and off. TCP and UDP listener's HealthCheck is always on, so it will be ignore when launching TCP or UDP listener.
  • health_check_type - (Optional) Type of health check. Valid values are: tcp and http. Default to tcp . TCP supports TCP and HTTP health check mode, you can select the particular mode depending on your application.
  • health_check_domain - (Optional) Domain name used for health check. When it used to launch TCP listener, health_check_type must be "http". Its length is limited to 1-80 and only characters such as letters, digits, ‘-‘ and ‘.’ are allowed. When it is not set or empty, Server Load Balancer uses the private network IP address of each backend server as Domain used for health check.
  • health_check_uri - (Optional) URI used for health check. When it used to launch TCP listener, health_check_type must be "http". Its length is limited to 1-80 and it must start with /. Only characters such as letters, digits, ‘-’, ‘/’, ‘.’, ‘%’, ‘?’, #’ and ‘&’ are allowed.
  • health_check_connect_port - (Optional) Port used for health check. Valid value range: [1-65535]. Default to "None" means the backend server port is used.
  • healthy_threshold - (Optional) Threshold determining the result of the health check is success. It is required when health_check is on. Valid value range: [1-10] in seconds. Default to 3.
  • unhealthy_threshold - (Optional) Threshold determining the result of the health check is fail. It is required when health_check is on. Valid value range: [1-10] in seconds. Default to 3.
  • health_check_timeout - (Optional) Maximum timeout of each health check response. It is required when health_check is on. Valid value range: [1-300] in seconds. Default to 5. Note: If health_check_timeout < health_check_interval, its will be replaced by health_check_interval.
  • health_check_interval - (Optional) Time interval of health checks. It is required when health_check is on. Valid value range: [1-50] in seconds. Default to 2.
  • health_check_http_code - (Optional) Regular health check HTTP status code. Multiple codes are segmented by “,”. It is required when health_check is on. Default to http_2xx. Valid values are: http_2xx, http_3xx, http_4xx and http_5xx.
  • ssl_certificate_id - (Optional) Security certificate ID. It is required when protocol is https.
  • gzip - (Optional) Whether to enable "Gzip Compression". If enabled, files of specific file types will be compressed, otherwise, no files will be compressed. Default to true. Available in v1.13.0+.
  • x_forwarded_for - (Optional) Whether to set additional HTTP Header field "X-Forwarded-For" (documented below). Available in v1.13.0+.
  • acl_status - (Optional) Whether to enable "acl(access control list)", the acl is specified by acl_id. Valid values are on and off. Default to off.
  • acl_type - (Optional) Mode for handling the acl specified by acl_id. If acl_status is "on", it is mandatory. Otherwise, it will be ignored. Valid values are white and black. white means the Listener can only be accessed by client ip belongs to the acl; black means the Listener can not be accessed by client ip belongs to the acl.
  • acl_id - (Optional) the id of access control list to be apply on the listener, is the id of resource alicloud_slb_acl. If acl_status is "on", it is mandatory. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
  • established_timeout - (Optional) Timeout of tcp listener established connection idle timeout. Valid value range: [10-900] in seconds. Default to 900.
  • idle_timeout - (Optional) Timeout of http or https listener established connection idle timeout. Valid value range: [1-60] in seconds. Default to 15.
  • request_timeout - (Optional) Timeout of http or https listener request (which does not get response from backend) timeout. Valid value range: [1-180] in seconds. Default to 60.
  • enable_http2 - (Optional) Whether to enable https listener support http2 or not. Valid values are on and off. Default to on.
  • tls_cipher_policy - (Optional) Https listener TLS cipher policy. Valid values are tls_cipher_policy_1_0, tls_cipher_policy_1_1, tls_cipher_policy_1_2, tls_cipher_policy_1_2_strict. Default to tls_cipher_policy_1_0. Currently the tls_cipher_policy can not be updated when load balancer instance is "Shared-Performance".
  • server_group_id - (Optional) the id of server group to be apply on the listener, is the id of resource alicloud_slb_server_group.
  • listener_forward - (Optional, Available in 1.40.0+) Whether to enable http redirect to https, Valid values are on and off. Default to off.
  • forward_port - (Optional, Available in 1.40.0+) The port that http redirect to https.

» Block x_forwarded_for

The x_forwarded_for mapping supports the following:

  • retrive_slb_ip - (Optional) Whether to use the XForwardedFor_SLBIP header to obtain the public IP address of the SLB instance. Default to false.
  • retrive_slb_id - (Optional) Whether to use the XForwardedFor header to obtain the ID of the SLB instance. Default to false.
  • retrive_slb_proto - (Optional) Whether to use the XForwardedFor_proto header to obtain the protocol used by the listener. Default to true.

» Listener fields and protocol mapping

load balance support 4 protocal to listen on, they are http,https,tcp,udp, the every listener support which portocal following:

listener parameter support protocol value range
backend_port http & https & tcp & udp 1-65535
frontend_port http & https & tcp & udp 1-65535
protocol http & https & tcp & udp
bandwidth http & https & tcp & udp -1 / 1-1000
scheduler http & https & tcp & udp wrr rr or wlc
sticky_session http & https on or off
sticky_session_type http & https insert or server
cookie_timeout http & https 1-86400
cookie http & https
persistence_timeout tcp & udp 0-3600
health_check http & https on or off
health_check_type tcp tcp or http
health_check_domain http & https & tcp
health_check_uri http & https & tcp
health_check_connect_port http & https & tcp & udp 1-65535 or -520
healthy_threshold http & https & tcp & udp 1-10
unhealthy_threshold http & https & tcp & udp 1-10
health_check_timeout http & https & tcp & udp 1-300
health_check_interval http & https & tcp & udp 1-50
health_check_http_code http & https & tcp http_2xx,http_3xx,http_4xx,http_5xx
ssl_certificate_id https
gzip http & https true or false
x_forwarded_for http & https
acl_status http & https & tcp & udp on or off
acl_type http & https & tcp & udp white or black
acl_id http & https & tcp & udp the id of resource alicloud_slb_acl
established_timeout tcp 10-900
idle_timeout http & https 1-60
request_timeout http & https 1-180
enable_http2 https on or off
tls_cipher_policy https tls_cipher_policy_1_0, tls_cipher_policy_1_1, tls_cipher_policy_1_2, tls_cipher_policy_1_2_strict
server_group_id http & https & tcp & udp the id of resource alicloud_slb_server_group

The listener mapping supports the following:

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» Import

Load balancer listener can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_slb_listener.example "lb-abc123456:22"