» alicloud_vpn_connection

Provides a VPN connection resource.

» Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "alicloud_vpn_gateway" "foo" {
    name = "testAccVpnConfig_create"
    vpc_id = "vpc-fake-id"
    bandwidth = "10"
    enable_ssl = true
    instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
    description = "test_create_description"

resource "alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway" "foo" {
    name = "testAccVpnCgwName"
    ip_address = ""
    description = "testAccVpnCgwDesc"

resource "alicloud_vpn_connection" "foo" {
    name = "tf-vco_test1"
    vpn_gateway_id = "${alicloud_vpn_gateway.foo.id}"
    customer_gateway_id = "${alicloud_vpn_customer_gateway.foo.id}"
    local_subnet = ["", ""]
    remote_subnet = ["", ""]
    effect_immediately = true
    ike_config = [{
        ike_auth_alg = "md5"
        ike_enc_alg = "des"
        ike_version = "ikev1"
        ike_mode = "main"
        ike_lifetime = 86400
        psk = "tf-testvpn2"
        ike_pfs = "group1"
        ike_remote_id = "testbob2"
        ike_local_id = "testalice2"
    ipsec_config = [{
        ipsec_pfs = "group5"
        ipsec_enc_alg = "des"
        ipsec_auth_alg = "md5"
        ipsec_lifetime = 8640

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Optional) The name of the IPsec connection.
  • vpn_gateway_id - (Required ForceNew) The ID of the VPN gateway.
  • customer_gateway_id - (Required) The ID of the customer gateway.
  • local_subnet - (Required, Type:Set) The CIDR block of the VPC to be connected with the local data center. This parameter is used for phase-two negotiation.
  • remote_subnet - (Required, Type:Set) The CIDR block of the local data center. This parameter is used for phase-two negotiation.
  • effect_immediately - (Optional) Whether to delete a successfully negotiated IPsec tunnel and initiate a negotiation again. Valid value:true,false.
  • ike_config - (Optional) The configurations of phase-one negotiation.
  • ipsec_config - (Optional) The configurations of phase-two negotiation.

» Block ike_config

The ike_config mapping supports the following:

  • psk - (Optional) Used for authentication between the IPsec VPN gateway and the customer gateway.
  • ike_version - (Optional) The version of the IKE protocol. Valid value: ikev1 | ikev2. Default value: ikev1
  • ike_mode - (Optional) The negotiation mode of IKE V1. Valid value: main (main mode) | aggressive (aggressive mode). Default value: main
  • ike_enc_alg - (Optional) The encryption algorithm of phase-one negotiation. Valid value: aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des. Default Valid value: aes
  • ike_auth_alg - (Optional) The authentication algorithm of phase-one negotiation. Valid value: md5 | sha1. Default value: sha1
  • ike_pfs - (Optional) The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm used by phase-one negotiation. Valid value: group1 | group2 | group5 | group14 | group24. Default value: group2
  • ike_lifetime - (Optional) The SA lifecycle as the result of phase-one negotiation. The valid value of n is [0, 86400], the unit is second and the default value is 86400.
  • ike_local_id - (Optional) The identification of the VPN gateway.
  • ike_remote_id - (Optional) The identification of the customer gateway.

» Block ipsec_config

The ipsec_config mapping supports the following:

  • ipsec_enc_alg - (Optional) The encryption algorithm of phase-two negotiation. Valid value: aes | aes192 | aes256 | des | 3des. Default value: aes
  • ipsec_auth_alg - (Optional) The authentication algorithm of phase-two negotiation. Valid value: md5 | sha1. Default value: sha1
  • ipsec_pfs - (Optional) The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm used by phase-two negotiation. Valid value: group1 | group2 | group5 | group14 | group24. Default value: group2
  • ipsec_lifetime - (Optional) The SA lifecycle as the result of phase-two negotiation. The valid value is [0, 86400], the unit is second and the default value is 86400.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the VPN connection id.
  • status - The status of VPN connection.

» Import

VPN connection can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_vpn_connection.example vco-abc123456