» arukas_container

Provides container resource. This allows container to be created, updated and deleted.

For additional details please refer to API documentation.

» Example Usage

Create a new container using the "NGINX" image.

resource "arukas_container" "foobar" {
  name      = "terraform_for_arukas_test_foobar"
  image     = "nginx:latest"
  instances = 1
  plan      = "free"

  ports {
    protocol = "tcp"
    number   = "80"

  environments {
    key   = "key1"
    value = "value1"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required, string) The name of the container.
  • image - (Required, string) The ID of the image to back this container.It must be a public image on DockerHub.
  • instances - (Optional, int) The count of the instance. It must be between 1 and 10.
  • plan - (Optional, string) The plan of the Arukas. It must be free or hobby or standard-1 or standard-2.
  • endpoint - (Optional,string) The subdomain part of the endpoint assigned by Arukas. If it is not set, Arukas will do automatic assignment.
  • ports - (Required , block) See Ports below for details.
  • environments - (Required , block) See Environments below for details.
  • cmd - (Optional , string) The command of the container.

» Ports

ports is a block within the configuration that can be repeated to specify the port mappings of the container. Each ports block supports the following:

  • protocol - (Optional, string) Protocol that can be used over this port, defaults to tcp,It must be tcp or udp.
  • number - (Optional, int) Port within the container,defaults to 80, It must be between 1 to 65535.

» Environments

environments is a block within the configuration that can be repeated to specify the environment variables. Each environments block supports the following:

  • key - (Required, string) Key of environment variable.
  • value - (Required, string) Value of environment variable.

» Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

» PortMappings

port_mappings is a block within the configuration that the port mappings of the container. Each port_mappings block supports the following:

  • host - The name of the host actually running the container.
  • ipaddress - The IP address of the host actually running the container.
  • container_port - Port within the container.
  • service_port - The actual port mapped to the port in the container.