» Data Source: aws_glue_script

Use this data source to generate a Glue script from a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

» Example Usage

» Generate Python Script

data "aws_glue_script" "example" {
  language = "PYTHON"

  dag_edge {
    source = "datasource0"
    target = "applymapping1"

  dag_edge {
    source = "applymapping1"
    target = "selectfields2"

  dag_edge {
    source = "selectfields2"
    target = "resolvechoice3"

  dag_edge {
    source = "resolvechoice3"
    target = "datasink4"

  dag_node {
    id        = "datasource0"
    node_type = "DataSource"

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.source.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.source.name}\""

  dag_node {
    id        = "applymapping1"
    node_type = "ApplyMapping"

    args {
      name  = "mapping"
      value = "[(\"column1\", \"string\", \"column1\", \"string\")]"

  dag_node {
    id        = "selectfields2"
    node_type = "SelectFields"

    args {
      name  = "paths"
      value = "[\"column1\"]"

  dag_node {
    id        = "resolvechoice3"
    node_type = "ResolveChoice"

    args {
      name  = "choice"
      value = "\"MATCH_CATALOG\""

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.destination.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.destination.name}\""

  dag_node {
    id        = "datasink4"
    node_type = "DataSink"

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.destination.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.destination.name}\""

output "python_script" {
  value = "${data.aws_glue_script.example.python_script}"

» Generate Scala Code

data "aws_glue_script" "example" {
  language = "SCALA"

  dag_edge {
    source = "datasource0"
    target = "applymapping1"

  dag_edge {
    source = "applymapping1"
    target = "selectfields2"

  dag_edge {
    source = "selectfields2"
    target = "resolvechoice3"

  dag_edge {
    source = "resolvechoice3"
    target = "datasink4"

  dag_node {
    id        = "datasource0"
    node_type = "DataSource"

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.source.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.source.name}\""

  dag_node {
    id        = "applymapping1"
    node_type = "ApplyMapping"

    args {
      name  = "mappings"
      value = "[(\"column1\", \"string\", \"column1\", \"string\")]"

  dag_node {
    id        = "selectfields2"
    node_type = "SelectFields"

    args {
      name  = "paths"
      value = "[\"column1\"]"

  dag_node {
    id        = "resolvechoice3"
    node_type = "ResolveChoice"

    args {
      name  = "choice"
      value = "\"MATCH_CATALOG\""

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.destination.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.destination.name}\""

  dag_node {
    id        = "datasink4"
    node_type = "DataSink"

    args {
      name  = "database"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_database.destination.name}\""

    args {
      name  = "table_name"
      value = "\"${aws_glue_catalog_table.destination.name}\""

output "scala_code" {
  value = "${data.aws_glue_script.example.scala_code}"

» Argument Reference

  • dag_edge - (Required) A list of the edges in the DAG. Defined below.
  • dag_node - (Required) A list of the nodes in the DAG. Defined below.
  • language - (Optional) The programming language of the resulting code from the DAG. Defaults to PYTHON. Valid values are PYTHON and SCALA.

» dag_edge Argument Reference

  • source - (Required) The ID of the node at which the edge starts.
  • target - (Required) The ID of the node at which the edge ends.
  • target_parameter - (Optional) The target of the edge.

» dag_node Argument Reference

  • args - (Required) Nested configuration an argument or property of a node. Defined below.
  • id - (Required) A node identifier that is unique within the node's graph.
  • node_type - (Required) The type of node this is.
  • line_number - (Optional) The line number of the node.

» args Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) The name of the argument or property.
  • value - (Required) The value of the argument or property.
  • param - (Optional) Boolean if the value is used as a parameter. Defaults to false.

» Attributes Reference

  • python_script - The Python script generated from the DAG when the language argument is set to PYTHON.
  • scala_code - The Scala code generated from the DAG when the language argument is set to SCALA.