» Resource: aws_api_gateway_method_response

Provides an HTTP Method Response for an API Gateway Resource.

» Example Usage

resource "aws_api_gateway_rest_api" "MyDemoAPI" {
  name        = "MyDemoAPI"
  description = "This is my API for demonstration purposes"

resource "aws_api_gateway_resource" "MyDemoResource" {
  rest_api_id = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.MyDemoAPI.id}"
  parent_id   = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.MyDemoAPI.root_resource_id}"
  path_part   = "mydemoresource"

resource "aws_api_gateway_method" "MyDemoMethod" {
  rest_api_id   = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.MyDemoAPI.id}"
  resource_id   = "${aws_api_gateway_resource.MyDemoResource.id}"
  http_method   = "GET"
  authorization = "NONE"

resource "aws_api_gateway_integration" "MyDemoIntegration" {
  rest_api_id = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.MyDemoAPI.id}"
  resource_id = "${aws_api_gateway_resource.MyDemoResource.id}"
  http_method = "${aws_api_gateway_method.MyDemoMethod.http_method}"
  type        = "MOCK"

resource "aws_api_gateway_method_response" "200" {
  rest_api_id = "${aws_api_gateway_rest_api.MyDemoAPI.id}"
  resource_id = "${aws_api_gateway_resource.MyDemoResource.id}"
  http_method = "${aws_api_gateway_method.MyDemoMethod.http_method}"
  status_code = "200"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • rest_api_id - (Required) The ID of the associated REST API
  • resource_id - (Required) The API resource ID
  • http_method - (Required) The HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, ANY)
  • status_code - (Required) The HTTP status code
  • response_models - (Optional) A map of the API models used for the response's content type
  • response_parameters - (Optional) A map of response parameters that can be sent to the caller. For example: response_parameters = { "method.response.header.X-Some-Header" = true } would define that the header X-Some-Header can be provided on the response.

» Import

aws_api_gateway_method_response can be imported using REST-API-ID/RESOURCE-ID/HTTP-METHOD/STATUS-CODE, e.g.

$ terraform import aws_api_gateway_method_response.example 12345abcde/67890fghij/GET/200