» Resource: aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance

Manages a CloudFormation Stack Set Instance. Instances are managed in the account and region of the Stack Set after the target account permissions have been configured. Additional information about Stack Sets can be found in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.

» Example Usage

resource "aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance" "example" {
  account_id     = "123456789012"
  region         = "us-east-1"
  stack_set_name = "${aws_cloudformation_stack_set.example.name}"

» Example IAM Setup in Target Account

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole_assume_role_policy" {
  statement {
    actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
    effect  = "Allow"

    principals {
      identifiers = ["${aws_iam_role.AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole.arn}"]
      type        = "AWS"

resource "aws_iam_role" "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole" {
  assume_role_policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole_assume_role_policy.json}"
  name               = "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole"

# Documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/stacksets-prereqs.html
# Additional IAM permissions necessary depend on the resources defined in the Stack Set template
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole_MinimumExecutionPolicy" {
  statement {
    actions   = [
    effect    = "Allow"
    resources = ["*"]

resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole_MinimumExecutionPolicy" {
  name   = "MinimumExecutionPolicy"
  policy = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole_MinimumExecutionPolicy.json}"
  role   = "${aws_iam_role.AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole.name}"

» Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • stack_set_name - (Required) Name of the Stack Set.
  • account_id - (Optional) Target AWS Account ID to create a Stack based on the Stack Set. Defaults to current account.
  • parameter_overrides - (Optional) Key-value map of input parameters to override from the Stack Set for this Instance.
  • region - (Optional) Target AWS Region to create a Stack based on the Stack Set. Defaults to current region.
  • retain_stack - (Optional) During Terraform resource destroy, remove Instance from Stack Set while keeping the Stack and its associated resources. Must be enabled in Terraform state before destroy operation to take effect. You cannot reassociate a retained Stack or add an existing, saved Stack to a new Stack Set. Defaults to false.

» Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - Stack Set name, target AWS account ID, and target AWS region separated by commas (,)
  • stack_id - Stack identifier

» Timeouts

aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - (Default 30m) How long to wait for a Stack to be created.
  • update - (Default 30m) How long to wait for a Stack to be updated.
  • delete - (Default 30m) How long to wait for a Stack to be deleted.

» Import

CloudFormation Stack Set Instances can be imported using the Stack Set name, target AWS account ID, and target AWS region separated by commas (,) e.g.

$ terraform import aws_cloudformation_stack_set_instance.example example,123456789012,us-east-1